Vane Oreld

Capricio Durey's page

161 posts. Organized Play character for Fiasko.

Full Name

Capricio Durey


| HP 16/16 | AC 16 | Class DC 17 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +9 | Perc: +7


| Speed 25ft | Ranged: Crossbow +4 1d6 Melee: Star Knife +4 1d4+0 Active conditions: None


CG Human Varisian Wanderer and Cleric of Desna

About Capricio Durey

This dark haired Varisian wanderer has a thick mustache and deep set brown eyes. His leather armor and cloak are the color of the night sky and adorned with stars and moons. He carries a lavender, wooden lute on his back, decorated with butterflies.
It was the beauty of the night sky that brought Capricio to Desna. The stars, the moon, the comets. All things traveling in sublime harmony. The metaphor was easy for the free-spirited Varisian wanderer to see, let alone relate to.

Capricio Durey Cloistered Cleric of Desna

Varisian Wanderer:
You have spent your youth wandering the lands of Varisia and beyond among the brightly painted wagons of a Varisian caravan. You have heard endless tales of your people’s history and lore, and have learned many songs and stories from the disparate people you have met.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost.

You're trained in the Performance skill and the Circus Lore skill. You gain the Fascinating Performance skill feat.

PerceptionT +7
Languages: Common, Varisian
Skills: AcrobaticsT +4, MedicineT +8, , LoreT (Circus) +3, PerformT +6, ReligionT +7, SurvivalT +7

Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 16.
Items: Adventurer’s pack2, Clothing (Explorer's), Grappling HookL, Writing SetL, Healer’s tools, Lute, Studded Leather Armor
Carrying: 4 +4L (10 max)
AC: 16; FortT +4, RefT +4, WillE +9
HP: 16
Speed: 25
Melee: Starknife +4 P(Agile, Finesse, Thrown 20, Deadly d6, Versatile S) Damage 1D4
Ranged: Crossbow +4 Damage 1D8


The night didn’t know beauty until Desna came into existence. While the other gods toiled away to create the world, she set her sights on the heavens, placing each star in the sky. After surveying her artistry, she hung the brightest star high in the north and made it her home. Her first gift to mortals was this beacon of hope, a twinkling sign in the dark sky that they could turn to when lost or unsure of themselves. Desna provides safe passage through the darkness to all, should they choose to follow.

Edicts: Aid fellow travelers, explore new places, express yourself through art and song, find what life has to offer
Anathema: Cause fear or despair, cast nightmare or use similar magic to corrupt dreams, engage in bigoted behavior
Areas of Concern: Dreams, luck, stars, and travelers
Follower Alignments NG, CG, CN
Cleric Spells 1st: sleep, 4th: fly, 5th: dreaming potential

Domains: Moon, Luck
Domain Spells: Moonbeam, Bit of Luck

Spells per day:

Cantrips: 5
1st Level: 2
Divine Font: Heal 1+CHA per day


Class: Domain Initiate: Moon
Ancestry: Versatile Human: Armor Training, Natural Ambition: Domain Initiate: Luck Domain

Fascinating Performance:
When you Perform, compare your result to the Will DC of one observer. If you succeed, the target is fascinated by you for 1 round. If the observer is in a situation that demands immediate attention, such as combat, you must critically succeed to fascinate it and the Perform action gains the incapacitation trait. You must choose which creature you’re trying to fascinate before you roll your check, and the target is then temporarily immune for 1 hour. If you’re an expert in Performance, you can fascinate up to four observers; if you’re a master, you can fascinate up to 10 observers; and if you’re legendary, you can fascinate any number of observers at the same time.

Short cuts:
[dice=Divine Lance]1d20+7[/dice]
[Dice=Good Damage]1d4+4[/dice]