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Cao Guojiu's page

3 posts. Alias of HeteromorphPuhlayer.

Full Name

Cao Guojiu


Stellar Vampire


Destruction Zealot 5th / Spirit Guide Oracle 5th

HP: 75/75 | AC:30 FF:24 T:22 | Fort: +18 Ref: +18 Will:+16
Special Abilities:
Spell Resistance 16 | DR 10/Magic | Fast Healing 5 | PP:27/27





About Cao Guojiu

Noble Drow Stellar Vampire

Destruction Zealot 5 / Spirit Guide Oracle 5

Hitpoints: 75

AC: 30
FF: 24
Touch: 22
Saves: Fort +18 / Ref +18 / Will +16

Str: 28 (22 + 4 + 2)
Dex: 29 (19 + 6 + 4)
Con: - (Undead)
Int: 16 (12 + 2 + 2)
Wis: 20 (14 + 4 + 2)
Cha: 26 (21 + 2 + 2 + 1)

Maneuvers readied:
Hunting Party (1st)
Piercing Strike (1st)
Warning Roar (2nd)
Call to Action (2nd)
Steel Flurry Strike (3rd)

1st- Power Attack

9x5 = 45 ranks
Acrobatics* (Dex; ACP) 14 = 9 Dex + 5 ranks
Appraise (Int) 5 = 5 Int
Bluff (Cha)* 19 = 5 ranks + 3 class + 8 Cha
Climb* (Dex) 9 = 9 Dex
Craft* (Int) 13 = 5 Int + 5 ranks + 3 class
Diplomacy* 16 = 5 Ranks + 3 class + 8 Cha
Disable Device = 8 Dex
Disguise 14 = 11 Cha + 3 (Ghost)
Escape Artist* 8 = 8 Dex
Heal* (Wis) 8 = 5 Wis + 3 class
Intimidate* (Cha) 24 = 8 Cha + 5 ranks + 3 class + 8 (Vampire)
Knowledge (arcana) (Int; Trained Only) 5 = 3 ranks + 5 Int
Knowledge (geography)* (Int; Trained Only) 5 = 3 class + 6 Int
Knowledge (local)* (Int; Trained Only) 5 = 3 class + 6 Int
Knowledge (dungeoneering)* (Int; Trained Only) 8 = 3 class + 5 Int
Knowledge (engineering)* (Int; Trained Only) 8 = 3 class + 5 Int
Knowledge (martial)* (Int; Trained Only) 8 = 5 + 3 class
Knowledge (history)* (Int; Trained Only) 8 = 3 class + 6 Int
Knowledge (nature)* (Int; Trained Only) 8 = 3 class + 6 Int
Knowledge (nobility)* (Int; Trained Only) 8 = 3 class + 6 Int
Knowledge (planes)* (Int; Trained Only) 8 = 3 class + 3 ranks + 5 int
Knowledge (religion)* (Int; Trained Only) 11 = 3 ranks + 3 class + 5 Int
Perception* (Wis) 21 = 5 Ranks + 3 class + 5 Wis + 8 (Vampire)
Perform* (Cha) 13 = 11 Cha + 2 (musetouched)
Profession* (Wis; Trained Only) 8 = 5 Wis + 3 (class)
Ride* (Dex) 11 = 8 + 3 class
Sense Motive* (Wis) 15 = 7 Ranks + 3 class + 5 Wis
Sleight of Hand (Dex; ACP; Trained Only) 11 = 8 Dex + 3 Ranks
Spellcraft* (Int; Trained Only) 15 = 5 Int + 7 Ranks + 3 Class
Stealth* (Dex) 21 = 5 Ranks + 8 Dex + 8 (Vampire)
Survival (Wis) 9 = 5 Wis + 3 (Class)
Swim* (Dex; ACP) 8 Dex