GM CanyonR |

You have each received, through a parent or trusted mentor, the following letter.
Greetings and Well Met,
I am Ronard of the house Rousseau, Magnate of Taldor.I find myself in need of assistance and understand that your particular talents may prove useful. I request that you meet with me so we may discuss the situation further.
I have charted passage for you on the ship Golmera's Wings, sailing from the City of Almas on the 27th of Pharast. When you arrive, identify yourself by presenting the enclosed token. The ship will bring you to Cassomir where we will meet.
You will find my residence three Blocks to the north and one block to the East of Pharasma's Pulpit in Old Cassomir. It is the second House on the North side of the street. You will know it by my crest above the door.
Please keep the nature of your journey discreet and may Desna see you safely on your way.
Accompanying the letter was a wooden marker, about the size of a playing card, with a crest colorfully emblazoned on one side. The crest shows a Tiger, sitting on its haunches, holding a sword by the blade in its paws. This sits on a shield of purple and red. Atop the shield is a great helm with red and purple plumes.
This letter reaches you with just enough time to undertake the journey to Almas and meet the ship. The person whom the letter reached you through strongly encourages you to follow it’s instructions. You gather what belongings you have and any additional supplies you may need and begin your trip to Almas.