
Campbell Dorn Wravend's page

1 post. Organized Play character for Calel101.


Liberty's Edge

Hello Eagle Knights,
My name is Campbell Dorn Wravend. I recently switched from Silver Crusade to Andoran after disagreement while searching for the sea witch of Absalom (Song of the Sea Witch). I have been a squire for a while now (3 levels of herald squire archetype Cavalier) and wish to put in my knight candidacy as an Eagle Knight [url=http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/achievement-feats/eagle-knight-candidate-achievement]. I require 4 knightly recommendations and a town mayor. I have performed the following quests and next to each I will put possible recommendations next to them.
Song of the Sea Witch (Venture Captain Ollysta[Knight])
Among the Gods
Midnight Mauler
The Night March of Kalkamedes (Kalkamedes[Knight])
Sewer Dragons of Absalom
Citadel of Flame
The God's Market Gamble
Severing Ties
Tides of Twilight
The Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment
The Cyphermage Dilemma
The Frostfur Captives
Can anyone think of anyone I encountered on these quests that would count toward this feat or would anyone be willing to give me recommendation?