Calthropstu Darlazian's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Calthropstu.

Aside from Artifacts and ghost salts, what ways are there in the rules to interact with a ghost being protected by a permanent anti-magic field from either direction (ghost interacting with others or others interacting with ghost)

A person suffers from possession (demonic, ghost etc) and is then polymorphed into a rock. What happens to the possessor? Obviously, a rock is not a valid target for possession. Are they forcibly booted, or can they remain in possession of the person rock?

I have done a cursory search and no consensus seems to have been reached.
Air walk is specifically not flying. An air walker is obviously vulnerable to trip. But what happens when he is tripped? Does he fall? Or does he simply lay prone in the air?

Proposed scenario: there is a ghost with an anti magic field.
Would spells like snowball and acid spray work on it against both the amf AND its incorporeality? There was some debate on this.

So I have browsed the issue and it looks like this has been argued a few times. I am currently arguing this on another forum and I think it's time for a serious ruling.

Rules as Written:
"A fly skill check requires no action, as it is generally part of another or a reaction."

Previous to stating this it has the following:
"Flying maneuvers:
Fly less than half your movement rate: DC 10
Hover: 15..."

The Fly spell states "Flying is no more difficult than walking" and then refers you back to the fly skill.

Analyzing every bit of everything that mentions flying it looks like we get the following:

Flying ALWAYS requires an action. The act of flying is an action "no more difficult than walking."

Hover is part of the flying action. If you can't take actions, you can't fly... therefore you can't hover.

Any condition that denies you actions, RAW, denies you flight causing you to fall.

Because flying is always a move action, you can never take a full attack action from the air unless you charge and have pounce (or similar).

This is how it looks going over every inch of the rules as written.

If this is NOT rules as intended, or if I am misinterpreting things, please let me know.

I am in a psion campaign, and picked up the ability psychic reformation.
I am in the process of building an army in the campaign and was looking into ways to provide for healing and I want to confirm my theory.

If 2 Oracles were to to pick lifelink, and both were to lifelink to eachother, and they both had the fast healer feat, it looks as though they could provide infinite healing to eachother.
Which in turn means they could provide infinite healing for others as well.

Is this assertion correct?

I am currently playing in The Jade Regent and a question has come up.

What is the standing army of the country Amieko is trying to reclaim?

For all intents and purposes, it looks as though the person who sits on the throne of the Jade Empire controls an area similar to china. A friend of mine claimed that there was little to no standing army in ancient China, and for a period of time, he would be correct. A large amount of forces were done via conscription. Conscription, however, fell into disuse in the 6th century.

Does the country Ameiko is trying to reclaim use conscription, or does it have a standing army? And if it has a standing army would it have a standing army similar to that of 7th-13th century China?