Cruel Instructor

Calloran's page

78 posts. Alias of Tenro.


HP 9/10

Special Abilities

Rooted Entangler Sphere; Armored Decoy Module


600xp fast track

Strength 12
Dexterity 17
Constitution 12
Intelligence 20
Wisdom 13
Charisma 8

About Calloran

HP: 10
AC: 15 =10 + 2 DEX + 3 ARMOR
Init: +3
Speed: 30

F: 1 = 0 base + 1 CON
R: 3 = 0 base + 3 DEX
W: 3 = 2 base + 1 WIS

Rocbar, +1 melee, 1d10, crit x3, B (trip, reach)

Thundershot, +4 Ranged, 1d10+1, crit x4, 60ft, P


not calculated (conditional):
Firepower 1d8
Different Ammunition

BAB: +0
CMB: +0
CMD: +2

Racial Traits:

  • Ability Score Racial Traits: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
  • Size: Humans are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Base Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
  • Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
  • Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
  • Skills: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.

  • Hero Points: 3 remaining
  • Favored Class: +1/6 additional invention AND +1 HP

Class Abilities:

  • Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A steamwright is proficient with all simple weapons and firearms. She also gains proficiency with any weapon with the steamwright trait (the auger, gearspanner, and rocbar all possess this trait and are introduced elsewhere in this book). The steamwright is proficient with all siege weapons and vehicle weapons. She is also proficient with light armor and shields (except tower shields).

  • Invention (Ex): The steamwright is a master inventor, dabbling at the very bleeding edge of Aden’s advanced technology. As a result of her advanced skill, she is capable of building and maintaining a number of extremely potent high-tech inventions. Unfortunately, these prototypes are inherently unstable and personalized to a particular user. As a result, a steamwright’s inventions do not function in the hands of anyone else, not even another steamwright.

    A steamwright can only maintain a certain number of active inventions at one time, indicated by her maximum number of invention slots on [Table: The Steamwright]. These inventions are selected from the steamwright inventions list later in this section.

    A steamwright may build any inventions for which she currently meets the level requirement, up to her maximum allotment. A steamwright may build multiple versions of the same invention, but these count as separate inventions and must be modified separately. Lost or destroyed inventions do not count toward the steamwright’s maximum (though any lost inventions immediately cease to function if the steamwright creates new ones). If the steamwright does not spend at least an hour each day maintaining her inventions, they become inert and useless. During a maintenance period, the steamwright may disassemble any of her current inventions and assemble new ones so long as her total collection of active inventions does not exceed her maximum allotment. This process requires one hour and a relatively quiet place where she can work uninterrupted. She requires an engineer’s kit and some tools (the toolkit incorporated into any steamwright weapon will do) to perform maintenance or assembly. Any parts and materials used to create and maintain the steamwright’s inventions are drawn from the engineer’s kit, cannibalized from other inventions, or simply improvised from random mundane items of little to no value.

    Any saving throws against invention-related effects are made against a Difficulty Class equal to 10 + ½ the steamwright’s level + the steamwright’s Intelligence modifier.

    The steamwright can build three types of inventions – primary inventions, secondary inventions, and mods.

    Primary Inventions: These inventions are a steamwright’s personal specialty. A primary invention slot can only ever be used to create a specific invention, chosen by the steamwright when she first gains that slot. If disassembled, a steamwright can only refill that invention slot with the same invention (though she may make other choices in its assembly, such as a Belcher that inflicts cold damage instead of fire damage). A steamwright may dedicate multiple slots to the same invention if she wants to carry more than one. A primary invention can be fitted with any number of mods, and these mods can be added, removed, or changed when the steamwright maintains her inventions each day. It is highly recommended that a steamwright’s first primary invention be a weaponized invention, so that the steamwright can take advantage of his firepower class ability.

    Secondary Inventions: These inventions are improvised lesser works, though they are extremely impressive by Aden’s normal technological standards. A secondary invention can only be fitted with one mod. A steamwright can use his secondary invention slots to create whatever inventions he likes, so long as he meets their prerequisites, changing his arsenal of gadgets daily to suit his current needs.

    Mods: These inventions are actually customized modifications to primary or secondary inventions. A steamwright may divide her allotment of mods between her current inventions any way she likes (though secondary inventions may only have one mod). An invention’s applicable mods are listed in its description, though a handful of general mods applicable to many inventions are also included later in this section. Mods with the (primary) descriptor can only be applied to primary inventions.

  • Engineering (Ex): A steamwright’s mastery of technology extends not only to her personal inventions, but to all manner of lesser creations as well. She adds ½ her class level to all Knowledge (Engineering) skill checks, and to Disable Device skill checks.

  • Firepower: A number of steamwright inventions can inflict additional damage dice when used. These dice increase relative to the steamwright’s level. These dice are referred to as “firepower.” Firepower begins at 1d8 and increases by 1d8 every three levels. The steamwright can apply these damage dice when using one of her inventions to inflict damage in combat. She need not apply all of her firepower dice at once; she may distribute them between inventions within the same round. Any unspent firepower dice at the end of the round are wasted. Firepower damage is always the same type of damage inflicted by the invention.

    The steamwright must declare her intention to add firepower dice before the invention is used or the attack roll is made (so with a missed attack, the firepower dice are wasted). If using an invention with an area attack, these damage dice may be applied to a single target or divided among targets within the area as the steamwright chooses. The steamwright may even apply these firepower dice to remotely operated inventions (such as the turret or decoy module) so long as she can see the invention’s target. The steamwright may only apply firepower dice once per round, unless an invention mod states otherwise. Firepower damage dice are not multiplied by a critical hit or feats such as Vital Strike.


1 Primary
2 Secondary
4 Mods

Thundershot: (Primary Invention) 3+INT/day
(Mod: Elemental Shot) Half weapon damage is fire.
(Mod: Quick Reload) Free action reload

Mass Reallocation Unit: (Secondary Invention)
(Mod: Expanded) 500lb capacity plus 250lb capacity base
Move action to store/retrieve. Weighs 5lb, can store up to 750 lb.

Grappleshot: (Secondary Invention) 3+INT/day
(Mod: Steel Cable) Cable has hardness 10
1-handed, Standard ranged attack to fire vs AC 5, move to winch. Range 60ft.

Manite Implants:

Manite Threshold: 6 = 2 CON + 2 Racial + 2 Trait

Installed Implants:
Internal Toolkit (Ex)(Engineering): A masterwork tool is incorporated into the golemoid’s body. Such devices could be thieves’ tools that pop out of the wrist, an arm that transforms into a smith’s hammer, an anvil that retracts from the knee with a miniature forge in the torso, or any number of similar items. This tool is completely retractable as a swift action, grants everything needed to practice the associated skill in the field, and, if desired, is undetectable when not in use.

Feats and Traits:

  • Tinkerer: You can create an additional primary invention, an additional secondary invention and one additional mod, or two additional mods. Once chosen, the additional invention slot is permanent.
  • Fast Learner


  • Implanted: You performed a great favor for one of Aden’s noble lords. In return, his mechamages rewarded you with a manite implant. Select one minor implant. You receive this implant free of cost, as per the usual rules for gaining manite implants.
  • Mechanized: You were grievously injured in battle, but were granted a manite prosthetic by a quick-thinking mechamage. Select one limb or an eye – that body part has been replaced by a manite prosthetic. The grueling procedure has toughened you against the Wasting, granting you +2 bonus to your Manite Threshold.
  • Ship's Surgeon: +1 Craft Carpentry and Heal, Heal becomes a class skill.

  • Skills:

    Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier +1 Race

    Appraise +9=1+3 +5 INT
    Bluff -1= +cc -1 CHA
    Climb +1= + +1 STR
    Craft Carpentry +6=+ +5 INT +1T
    Craft Machine +9=1+3 +5 INT
    Craft Metal +9=1+3 +5 INT
    Disable Device +8=1+3 +3 DEX +1C
    Fly +3= + +3 DEX
    Heal +2= + +1 WIS +1T
    Know Arcana +9=1+3 +5 INT
    Know Dungeon +5= + +5 INT
    Know Engineer +10=1+3 +5 INT +1C
    Know Geography +5= + +5 INT
    Know History +5= + +5 INT
    Know Local +5= + +5 INT
    Know Nature +5= + +5 INT
    Know Nobility +5= + +5 INT
    Know Planes +9=1+3 +5 INT
    Know Religion +5= + +5 INT
    Linguistics +5= + +5 INT
    Perception +5=1+3 +1 WIS
    Profession +1= + +1 WIS
    Sense Motive +1= +cc +1 WIS
    Sleight of Hand +7=1+3 +3 DEX
    Stealth +3= +cc +3 DEX


    180 gp

    3gp 150 standard bullets (+1 damage bonus)
    20gp Rocbar (standard action to extend/retract)(plus has crafting tools for Craft: Metal)
    25gp Studded Leather armor
    5gp Ready Harness (encumbrance as if STR was 2 higher)
    10gp Utility Belt (swift action to retrieve stowed items)
    1gp Artisan's outfit
    1gp Cot
    20gp Heatstone
    4gp Waterskin x4
    15gp Trail Rations, 30
    2gp 100ft rope
    1gp Bedroll, blanket, 3 sacks, 500ft string/twine
    10gp small tent
    18gp 60 sniper rounds (-2 to hit in 1st range increment, +1 per increment up to +5, then normal -2 per increment after 5th increment)
    15gp 30 AP Rounds (ignore 2 AC, deal 1d6 dmg instead of 1d8)

    5gp left

    0gp Cold Weather outfit (free at character creation)

    Player Notes:

    5'9" tall
    28 years old