Calibretto1's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Grand Lodge

Reading this thread has made me sick, ive never had the misfortune of gaming with these misanthropes you have found. If even half of this is true (it is the internet after all) you should definitely ditch this group and find a group that will let you play and not gm, at least for a little while. You'll never win fighting fire with fire against those people. After playing with a group you like, bulking up on your rules and regaining your confidence, then see about gm'ing for them (the new group) as they'll actually be nice and helpful. I actually wish I could come out in person and help you but since thats not really feasible (and you probably dont want to meet some random internet persona) you'll have to settle for my best wishes. GMs and players work together they dont dictate to each other except in the rarest of circumstances. I hope to see some good, non self-deprecating posts from you soon, being nice isnt a flaw, you just cant be nice all the time.

Grand Lodge

Our group just ran through the Godsmouth Heresy with no healers. My wand of cure light wounds and the groups healing potions were our only healing. It was dicey at a couple points but we made it with no deaths. Our group was:

Alchemist (lvl 1)
Sorcerer/Barbarian (lvl 2)
Paladin (lvl 1)
Summoner (lvl 1)
Magus (lvl 1)

So it certainly seems doable. And hey, we had no trapfinder either.

Grand Lodge

Well it became pretty clear that the Kensai was the best choice, even with magic, so thats what I made him. I'll just have to reflavor the magic to some special sword technique or something. The vital strike line is of some interest but I cant tell if that single attack also eliminates my spellstrike or just the iterative attacks. Thanks to everyone who made a suggestion, I appreciate it!

Grand Lodge

Hello all,

I fairly recently started playing in the PFS (first real exposure to Pathfinder) and have been enjoying myself but ive come up with a character concept I don’t feel I have the experience to execute as well as I would like so I come to you. I want to create a romanticized iaijutsu master. For anyone who doesn’t know that is the Japanese art of sword drawing or essentially dueling. The idea is that they can draw, strike a fatal blow, and resheathe their blade in the space of a heartbeat. Obviously one strike kills aren’t the most feasible thing in Pathfinder but id still like to include that as much as possible. So what im looking for is a character who:

1. Ideally gets full BAB though I might be convinced to try a ¾ if I really like the idea
2. Has lightning fast reaction spd/etc-could be done a number of ways
3. Get as close to one strike kill potential as possible without goofy combo’s. It doesn’t have to be every hit (id really prefer it wasn’t actually) or even every fight but I would like the potential.
4. Wears light armor (no armor would actually be preferable but that seems unlikely)
5. I don’t need to wield the actual katana from the books but if I would be reskinning my weapon I would prefer it at least be a sword.

Ive looked at the fighter for the BAB and copious amount of feats but sadly none of the archtypes really seemed to fit what I wanted (I certainly could have missed something though). I really liked the Magus Kensai archtype, especially for his ability to max his damage but I don’t really want to go the magic route and that drops me to a ¾ BAB. Any help, ideas, feats, etc that you think fit the concept are appreciated. Thanks!