Born and raised in Larrad, a Dwarven holy city of temples and necropolises, Cale was raised by his Grandfather, Durlag Stoneweaver, an ancient and bitter dwarf.
"The Stoneweavers built Koldukar. We shaped with with hammer and chisel from the very mountain. Impregnable, we made it. But still it fell. Our name, a mark of honor and pride, reward for our work by the lords of Koldukar is now our shame. Others trust us to do little else but tend to the dead now..."
"Your father and mother, my brothers, my father, even I have all sought a way to reclaim our home, and we have all failed. This burden is yours as well, young Cale."
When word came of his parent's death, felled by the orcs of Belzken, Cale, barely a bearded adult, fled into the depths of Larrad. He cried and screamed and tore at his hair, cursing his parents' foolish zeal, cursing his family's legacy, and cursing the orcs of Belzken.
And they answered his curses. They offered their experience and knowledge, their fury and anger. When Cale emerged after many days, he learned that his grandfather had succumbed to old age and grief.
The burden now his alone, Cale set off west and north to Vigil, in hopes of finding a way to reclaim Koldukar and remove the tarnish from his name.