Faidaeva Vonnarc

Calcera Valoran's page

No posts. Alias of GambitXD.

Full Name

Calcera Arodi Valoran




Magus (Black Blade) 1








Chaotic Good




Kenabres, Mendev


Common, Abyssal, Infernal, Elvish, Hallit


Mercenary Crusader

Strength 12
Dexterity 17
Constitution 12
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 12
Charisma 10

About Calcera Valoran

Calcera Arodi Valoran

Calcera is a young Tiefling standing about 5 and a half feet tall with almost fiendish beauty and grace to herself. She has long, stark-white hair with bangs, gorgeous red eyes, and shiny black skin like polished obsidian. She has short, stone-like horns seemingly made from shards of obsidian, which she has engraved with runic designs, and she has shorter but wider spikes of the same design sticking out of her shoulders and elbow blades. She also has a long, thick fiendish tail that's the same color as her skin, Her ears are short, pointed and elf-like, like those of a half-elf, and she has sharper canine teeth and fingernails. When angry, or in combat, her eyes glow, and cackle with red, fiendish lightning, and her voice turns deeper and more intimidating.

When adventuring, she wears a light knee-length chain-mail hauberk with short sleeves and leather padding around her chest (like the outfit shown Here.) She wears a long, elaborate black silken sash embroidered in a silver pattern resembling a maze, long buckled dark iron boots and gauntlets (like These), boiled dark leather leggings, and a dark-grey hooded linen cloak with a silver brooch shaped like a wolfs head. She carries a Simple Molthuni Swept-Hilt Sword Rapier in it's sheath on her side, but on her back, she her black blade, an elegent ebony double-edged curved sword (like the one Here) While not adventuring, she wears a black, silken and long-sleeved blouse embroidered with gold and silver threads and trimmed with fur, a black knee-length fur-trimmed skirt, a silver sash tied into a bow around her waist, baggy silk pants, and simple doe-skin shoes.

Calcera is smart, cunning, loyal, empathetic, brave, and strong-willed, but also sullen, depressed, foul-mouthed, and even slightly paranoid. She is very slow to make new friends or allies, as she automatically assumes they are against her unless they give her a reason to believe otherwise, but once she makes them, she follows and protects them with her life. She can come off as clingly to those she likes, and a bit of a downer to those she doesn't, but both can't deny her obvious intelligence. She is very cunning, even by Tiefling standards, and she seems to have an innate understanding about the world, and how it works, and she uses this to her advantage, most notably in her use of spells. Despite coming off as a downer to some, and her fiendish heritage, she is a genuinely good-hearted and virtuous woman who always upholds and fights for the goodness of the world against all those who would destroy it.

Although she works in the slightly less-than-honorable profession of mercenary work, she only takes on jobs for a good and moral cause, although she may be willing to bend that rule a bit, if the pay is good enough. She's worked a few jobs as a smuggler of religious artifacts in Touvette, as a bouncer for a seedy gambling hall in Daggermark, and very briefly as an exotic escort at a brothel in Vellumis. However, she's reluctant to take on jobs that could get her in trouble, or tarnish her repuation, and she'll never take on contracts from those with evil motives and intentions, or those that involve the harming of innocents, no matter the coin