
Caith Crunnelonn's page

5 posts. Alias of Winterwalker.


Male Dwarf Cleric 1

"Most undead ain't to much for those prepared such as we. Goblins be smarter then them. It's the smart ones that give ye trouble. Stick behind Me axe, it'll be clearing a path should those soulless try to get in our way."

Caith spits on the ground in disgust, then takes out a sharpening stone and starts grinding down the dull edge of his axe to a new sheen of sharpness.

"These folk, don't seem much of the fighting kind, didn't even see a dagger on the lot of 'em. So Me be guessing they won't be heading back for a ride into town." Caith gruffs. "Best be getting some rest then, we got a walk in the morning."

"You can count on me for first watch, I need time for that meal to digest anyway or Me and my stomach get cranky."

Male Dwarf Cleric 1

Caith mubles to himself a bit, but speaks up.

"Aye. I wasn't nominating myself for da job, hell's no. Me be working much better when directed. Tis a shame about the Paladin though, the swamp be dangerous, but this town sounds more so. He may have made a good leader, what with his primping and such at the church."

"Could of been anyone one of us eh?"

"With all Ye respect, Me think Me be following you Muerdon. Or at least, taking Me orders from Ye anyway. Ye head's on straight, got a god or two at your back, and no offense meant - but I followed Magi and Lockpicks in the past. Never does turn out well in the long run."

"Corse Me be a Dwarf, and we fight different than them, that's all I be meaning."

Then he turns to the Half Orc.

"Aye son, 'Tis the right thing to do when ye can. We need to be fixing their hurt if possible. So says the Father, so Me be doing it."

Male Dwarf Cleric 1

I check my belongings in case I was glamored.

"Bah! 'Tis a tale of woe indeed. Someone needs to be fixing this, and We thinks that may be We. What ye thinking, Muerdon?"

"Also, we be needed a clear leader if we be going to battle, someone with da clear head and all to follow orders, it not be a good 'thang to be taking orders from two different leaders, if Ye 'ere where Me be coming from."

"Me thinking we need a vote on 'dis."

Male Dwarf Cleric 1

"Aye, Me mates and I could sure use da company, we be sailing on a thin piece of wood all day, and I could use the time to stan don solid land and a good meal."

"The name is Caith Crunnelonn, these be me new friends..."
I introduce the players and take a seat near the fire and warm myself and hope there be meat involved.

Male Dwarf Cleric 1

"Ye'll ha'e ta do better dan dat clouds, if ye be wishing to scare the likes of Caith Crunnelonn!"

Caith keeps both hands on his axe however just in case the clouds do try anything, all the while snacking on some trail rations mixed with food from the feast prior.