
CLufaS's page

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Grappling allows you to make an attack with a one handed weapon without anything extra. Cinematic aspects aside you would just need Improved Grapple so you don't provoke and maybe a couple other feats to get your CMB up. That or using the called shot rules which are equally difficult to implement effectively. There may be another way but it'll be messy as hell. The reason is in part because it shouldn't be able to happen to you either.

If I were running it I'd treat that as something similar to a sneak attack. If you stealth up on someone unawares I'd have you roll sneak attack if you hit you get into the 'will slit your throat' position but forego damage until you decide to take an immediate action to finalize the attack. I'd also give you a bonus to Intimidate and Diplomacy if you have a friendly discussion about things. Arguably that wouldn't work with everyone but mooks, sure.

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Honestly, I'd bust out the brass knuckles and 'dust him off' a few times. I had a player that did this, wanted concessions, and pouted when I didn't buckle to unreasonable requests. He didn't last all that long. Wanting to retire a character and try out something is fine. Character death happens and it's often a way to put on a new hat. Abusing the system for party wealth gain or being wholly indecisive is annoying. but all of this difficulty a social issue, maybe due to catering to him.

An ideal way to do this is let him know that he gets 1 more buy in for a character so he needs to stick with something. After that it's base gear, core classes, core races, 20pt buy (or 5pts less than whatever you are running). If it keeps up, half starting wealth.

Suggest that someone else hold the loot after X's next untimely demise. Party quartermaster is a trusted position after all and why the hell would you trust the 'new guy' with your hard earned adventuring swag. Hell, in my groups we don't usually give new characters names until their second week (in game) on the trail.

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As an ultimate endgame for a group we ran against Pathfinder's take on Cthulhu. I damn near soloed it what with a level 20 Android Arcane Gun. We had prior knowledge and prep time and he manifested 1000 feet away. Effectively, Timestop to polymorph into a 4 armed creature, set 2 of my pistols to dancing, get off as many buffs as possible. Then as he charged, Quickened Dimension Door and the first feat in the dimensional agility chain. Full attack with six guns against touch. Immune to the fear effect and passed the save. Having the party there was just icing.

Cthulhu wasn't a fun encounter because his high save/die is lame.
When everyone turned on each other afterwards, THAT was fun.

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Prep 3 Dimension doors and a Teleport.

Step 1: Dimension door to the Dragon's treasure hoard.
Step 2: Acquire as much loot as your grubby little self can manage.
Step 3: Dimension door and move action x2 to get as far as possible towards the exit.
Step 4: Teleport back to town.
Step 5: Collect the bounty on the dragon (you have evidence of his hoard) and only a dead dragon parts with his wealth.
Step 6: Get the hell outta dodge, leave the continent to it's fate. You're an adventurer not a martyr.

I should mention that the Dragon probably has Locate Object. Liquidate all the dragon hoard ASAP. Your life depends on this.

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362) Large standing stones (Menhir) with vague arcane symbols form a rough circular shelter in the middle of a grove. A Kn(Arcana) DC18 reveals this to be a likely Planar layline. In addition to providing more than adequate cover against the elements during the middle of the night the character with the highest Charisma (or party elected representative / GMs choice) rolls 1d10.

On a 1 or 2: The party experiences disturbing dreams, DC15 Will save or fatigued the following day.
On a 3 through 6: The party suffers no effects, rest as normal.
On a 7 or 8: Party gains the benefit of 8hrs of successful Long-term care.
On a 9: As previous plus 'pleasant dreams' (+1 morale bonus to skill checks) the following day.
On a 10: A small elemental (GMs choice) appears at dawn and will tag along as a diplomatic envoy to the Material Plane. It has INT 10 and may teach any planar languages it knows. It returns home via Plane Shift (self only) 1d4+3 days later.