
C4ptainSeven's page

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I've run into a potential issue running Wrath of the Righteous, and that's the time it takes to get from point A to point B. My players have been making good time, using rope to get over gaps and such, it's been a good time. However, we've come to the point where only 8 days, 4 hours, 22 minutes passed in-game and they've come to the end of book 2, a great feat. The issue is that the amount of time stated in book 6 is that it took the demons *many weeks* of toiling to do what they do to the remains of Terendelev.

Unfortunately, I've gone on record with my group by saying "If it's within the proper timeframe, choices now can snowball", this was said a year ago when I was running Skull and Shackles and they sneaked on board a ship and committed assassination on a prominent NPC, derailing the whole story for that adventure.

Here, it's nearly the same timing. Is it early enough in the process where the players can use that oil of life on Terendelev's scales (they also have some blood from the last strike they preserved, just in case) to bring back the silver dragon? If Terendelev is brought back, I'll think of something else for her to do in the meantime so they players don't steamroll everything but I'm asking if it's allowed by the lore and timing. I tried looking for other such questions and kept coming up with "Too much time has passed and too much has happened" sorts of answers. Sorry if this is worded strangely.