BurntCornMuffin's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.


Liberty's Edge

My party of iconics was TPK'd, If you must run this with the pregens, do not use the rogue, ranger or fighter. Between them they did a total of 10 hp damage on the Scarlet Son, the Succubus and her demon, as they just could not overcome the DR.

Fun story, but this thing is a meat grinder.

Liberty's Edge

I'm trying to put together a Barbarian that's partially inspired by this story:

I'd like to be able to lift people and creatures over my head and throw them as improvised weapons, but I can't seem to find any rules regarding this. Since I'm making this for society play, I'd rather confirm the existence of a hard and fast rule so such actions are treated consistently, or in the very least consistently allowed/disallowed.