
Burning Straw man's page

170 posts. Alias of Gruumash ..


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Quiche Lisp is banned because this thread should not die.

Kat's eye is banned for the horrible "Hair Ball" Goat Toucher incident.

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IHiTC is banned for pretending like he has some sort of moral high ground on JTD ... depraved antics ha.

Well in general I like to watch it burn ... you know like me.

Victory is mine.

Archfiend Terrinam is banned from being involved in the legal proceedings from the event.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Did someone say Edition wars? Oh I love a good war ... Ahhhhh someone lit me on fire.

Brings up some straw argument based upon some minor part of a discussion and focuses on that one part and blows it completely out of proportion avoiding the crux of the persons original thought.

Ha ha I win I have the last to post win trophy and you can't grab me because I am on fire (see post above by Ventor for comic to help explain my victory.)

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Divinitus is banned for looking like a bizarre metal condom with little swords dancing around it. I mean who wants swords anywhere near your condom.

I am on fire please put me out.

GM_Beernorg is banned for being jealous of not being allowed to Shaka khan she did not feel for you ... at all.

Phil is banned because I don't agree with him.

I lock IHIYC in the closet and transport the said closet and everything inside into a raging volcano.

Schism is banned for constantly causing problems for everyone.

We light the closet on fire?

IHIYC is banned for cooking that meal for him.

Seamstress Druid is banned for her narcolepsy.

IHIYC should not rule this city because he is a clown.

GM_Beernut is banned for the bird genocide of 2013.

GM_Beer Google is banned for his regretful activities from last night.

GM_Boring is banned for being such a bad GM that all his players fall asleep allegedly.

Chocolate chip ice cream is the only type of ice cream there is ... all others who say otherwise are complete heretics and will be burned at the stake. That is all.

This is a Public Service Message from your friendly Inquisition.

If only they existed the true Ulfen Death Squad that is there is a group that calls themselves that but they are a speed metal band.

I think the only way to be certain of their demise is to nuke them from orbit. it is really the only way to be sure.

"Old Doc Flumph is banned for his flumphy nature.

Krevon is banned for getting caught with undead porn.

Goat Toucher is banned for excessive and exaggerated winking.

Goes on a long rant about how fudging the rolls is needed and that Flamewar has no true understanding of the game if he believes that die rolls should never be fudged.

Magic is banned for failing to do anything I desire as well as failing to put out the fire.

Goat Toucher is banned for falling for that old trick.

I'm Hiding In your closet should not rule this city, because if he can't come to terms with himself and come out of the closet and quite suppressing his feelings and emotions how can he truly rule?

The Doc CC is in fact one of the biggest lovers of garlic there is.

Krevon is banned for his overt jealousy at Wylliam getting the green ring and not Krevon. Obviously The Golden God did not like Krevon enough to put a ring on it.

Wyllaim Harrison is banned for being too sexy for his swords.

friends lost along the way.

TFF should not rule this city for using more hair product then the state of New Jersey.

TFF is banned for tackling the trashcans before Krevon can kick them over.

TFF is banned for having a poor maniacal laugh. It looks like you might have a good one but giggling like a school girl really doesn't work.

Schism is banned for scaring DJ Bogie away.

DM_aka_Dudemeister should not rule this city for helping support the failed Frankenberry coup.

Alissa's Bear is banned for leaving his pouch without permission.

Coco Puffs is banned for having such a high pitched voice.

The Fiend is banned for tripping the light fantastic.

Cr500 Cricket is banned for being too nosy.

Bright Eyes

I am a casual dresser sometimes but I have been known on occasion to get spiffy.

The next poster is a real Cajun queen.

CR500 cricket is banned because he unlike the song he can not do magic and thus cant do anything he heart desires. We know darn well he cant cast a spell on us either. And what I am most pissed about he cannot despite what he says put out the fire that has been set on me.

Belphegor is banned for failing to realize this week is high cackling laugh not evil laugh week.

CR500cricket is banned for bringing real life into this.

TFF will not rule this city while I am on fire.

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