
Bumborro's page

44 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Nauseating. Indeed. People are trying to eat dinner over here during our game!

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Ok, so at least its not just me and my group that doesnt or didnt enjoy this style of opponent....

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Maybe it has something to do with their fear/respect for the Ulfen powers-that-be in Kalsgard?

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With The Brinewall Legacy in particular , and Jade Regent in general under the microscope in this forum, I just want to say something positive because so far this is a wickedly awesome adventure path! A big shout out to James Jacobs!

The other night my group played part one and everyone had a blast! My group consists mostly of players who have played for about an eon and one went as far as saying that it was the most fun he's ever had roleplaying.
They are really dying to continue as soon as RL permits.

I'd love to hear some other feedback along these lines....or otherwise, even.

Anyway, just had to throw in my two copper.