Ragnolin Dourstone

Bugmage's page

Organized Play Member. 36 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

The Exchange

I found a lot of good video on the Fear the boot podcast from Gen Con, while looking around for news from Gen Con. Especially interesting video of the first morning of Gen Con and the Pathfinder Core rule books. It is on the Fear the boot, RPG Podcast, At the bottom of the Elevator Stories & Mini Painting - Gen Con 2009 section.

Fear the Boot

The Exchange

I have a suggestion for a couple of products to aid the GM of the Pathfinder RPG. Number one, a set of based tokens that can represent the monsters of an encounter, enough 5 ft thru 30 ft based tokens for an average encounter. Number two, a GameMastery deck of the Pathfinder Bestiary so that you can show the players what each token represents. Maybe even make little stands to display the cards in front of the GM.

The Exchange

Looking for players in the Bakersfield area interested in playing in my Rise of the Ruinlords campaign. I will be holding sessions at Paladin Games & Hobbies on Wilson Rd. on sundays. For more information contact me at bugmage1@yahoo.com or stop by Paladin Games & Hobbies at 3401 Wilson Rd. and talk to Jay about John's Pathfinder game. Looking forward to an exciting adventure.

John B.

The Exchange

All the monsters that they have shown so far have a rather weak appearance. Kind of old saturday cartoon looking.

The Exchange

Just wondering if these will become available any time soon. These are the best map products on the market and I need a forest path with a stream.