About BugfaceBot me:
In most situations Bugface would shoot with the plasma fork. If Bugface doesn't need to move Bugface would either activate combat tracking, which adds 2 to the attack roll, or full attack. Bugface can also use their armor's slam in melee.
[dice=Fork Attack]1d20+11[/dice]
[dice=Slam attack]1d20+11[/dice]
Shirren Scholar Mechanic 8 LG Medium humanoid (Shirren) Init +6; Perception +12; blindsense 30 ft -------------------------------
15-Notch Plasma Fork +11 1d10+8
Slam +11 1d10+12 Yellow Starheart Cannon +11 3d6+8
Frag Grenade +7 1d6 15 ft explode Special: With Combat Tracking activated increase attack rolls by 2. Versatile focus. Special attacks: Overload dc 18
Skill notes: The DC of skill checks to recall knowledge about astronomy is reduced by 5. +1 Physical Science. Tip of the Tongue (6th) Sometimes, after pausing to collect your thoughts, you realize that you know the answer to a particularly challenging question. Once per day, you can reroll any skill check to recall knowledge. You must decide to use this ability after rolling but before learning the information from your first roll. You must take the second result, even if it is worse. Languages: Common, Shirren, Akitonian, Castorvelian, Gnome, Vesk, Dwarven, Eoxian, Kasathan, Vercite Proficiency: Light and heavy armor, basic melee weapons, small arms, long arms, grenades -------------------------------
-Combat Tracking (Ex)
As a move action during combat, you can designate a foe for your exocortex to track. As long as that target is in sight, the exocortex feeds you telemetry, vulnerabilities, and combat tactics, allowing you to make attacks against that target as if your base attack bonus from your mechanic levels were equal to your mechanic level. Designating another target causes you to immediately lose this bonus against the previous target. -Memory Module (Ex) perception
-Wireless Hack (Ex)
-Exo-cortex Mod
CUSTOM RIG (EX) cybernetic augmentation
-Expert Rig
REMOTE HACK (EX) 5th Level You can use your custom rig to attempt Computers and Engineering skill checks at a range of 20 feet. At 7th level and every 2 levels thereafter, this range increases by 10 feet. A target of this ability (or a creature attending or observing your target) can attempt a Perception or Sense Motive check to determine that you are the origin of this activity dc 26 MIRACLE WORKER (Ex) MECHANIC TRICKS
Energy Shield (Ex)
Improved Overcharge
Slotted Boons
------------------------------- Ally - Spirits of a Doomed People Faction - Second Seekers(Luwazi) champion Personal - Devolved - Avian Social - Scoured Stars Memorial Slotless - Protector of the Future, Private Vault, Marked Field Agent, Abysshead Download, Team Spirit, Ralveen's Visor Total Boons
Adventure Log:
XP:19 Fame:37 Rep:Acq: 1 SS(LE): 44 SS(JA): 3 Data: 1 Character creation - 0xp, 0 Fame/reputation, 1000 credits -purchased: Hunting Rifle 3 frags 50 long rounds Lushunta ringwear 1 Miniaturized pc tier 1 1) 1-12 Ashes of Discovery(as 4th level Altronus) - 1 xp, 2 Fame & Reputation, 720 credits 2)1-05 The First Mandate - 1 xp, 1 fame, 1 Acq.& 2 Second Seeker(Luwazi) Rep, 737 creds, bought 3 mk1 heal serums 3)1-16 Dreaming of the Future - 1 xp, 2 fame & rep, 720 creds, bought called fusion 4) Skittershot(as lv 2 Dakoyo) - 1 xp, 2 fame & rep, 720 creds 5) 1-01 The Commencement - 1 xp, 2 fame & rep, 703 creds, sold Star Sugar Heart Love boon for 200 of the creds 6) 1-09 Live Exploration Extreme! - 1 xp, 2 fame & rep, 776 creds 7) 1-13 On the Trail of History - 1 xp, 2 fame & 3 rep, 1522 creds, bought-medkit, officer ceremonial plate, tactical dueling sword, sold-lashunta ringwear 8) 1-06 A Night in Nightarch - 1 xp, 2 fame & rep, 1475 creds, Purchased: Spellthrower Thunder strike sonic pistol & battery, Spell gems - Share Language, 2 Overheats 9) 1-11 In Pursuit of the Scoured Past - 1 xp, 2 Fame & 3 Rep, 1455 creds, Forced to buy prosthetic arm 10) 1-18 The Blackmoon Survey - 1 xp, 2 fame & rep, 184 creds, purchased 25 long rounds and mk 1 synaptic accelerator with Salvations Delver discount 11) 1-20 Duskmire Accord 9 - 1 xp, 2 fame and rep, 1494+52 creds 12) 1-99 Scoured Stars Invasion - 1 xp, 2 fame & 3 rep, 1460+52 creds,
13) 1-31 Treading History's Folly - 1 xp, 2 fame, 2 SS(LE) and 1 SS(JA) rep, 4093 creds 14) 1-27 King Xeros of Star Azlant - 1 xp, 2 fame and rep, 4099 creds 15) 1-17 Reclaiming the Time Lost Tear - 1 xp, 2 fame 3 SS(LE) & 1 SS(JA) rep, 4111 creds 16) GM 1-14 Star Sugar Hertlove - 1 xp, 2 fame 2 SS(LE) & 1 Data rep, 4086 creds 17) 1-19 To Conquer the Dragon - 1 xp, 2 fame & rep, 4076 creds 18) 1-34 The Heart of the Foe - 1xp, 2 fame 3 SS(LE) & 1 SS(J) rep, 4067 creds 19) 1-29 Honorbound Emissaries - 1xp, 2 fame & 3 rep, 5951 & 38 creds
When Bugface was born Bugface's three parents named them Vishkesh. No one calls Bugface that anymore except for Bugface's host-parent(there just isn't a good common translation for the word). Bugface's family were the only shirrens in the small Akitonian town Bugface was raised in. The other children started calling them Bugface simply because they were different and children can be mean sometimes. Bugface liked the name however and Bugface's gusto in accepting it made it stick for the long term, and made Bugface many friends. Bugface does not like pronouns at all and prefers to always be referred to as Bugface.
Bugface had always been fascinated with the idea of travelling through the stars. When Bugface heard of the scoured stars incident they made a decision, a pleasure all its own, to finally join the Starfinders. Bugface had been good with fixing things since Bugface was a child and started out as a starship mechanic. Bugface picked up many other skills along the way, even creating an AI to help called Bugbrain. Update