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"Benefit: Your levels of druid stack with your ranger levels for determining when you select your next favored enemy. Also, your ranger levels stack with your druid levels in determining the number of times per day you can use your wild shape class feature, up to a maximum of eight times per day." So, does this mean that if I have a 1st level Ranger / 19th level druid he'd have all the favored enemy bonuses of a 20th level Ranger?
If my Magus casts a touch spell but misses/doesn't use it the round it's cast, he is considered "holding the charge", correct? If the following round on his turn he uses Deadly Stroke, can he, as a free action, deliver the held spell through his weapon, therefore doing double the normal damage from the spell as well? ![]()
Having a Teifling FiendFlayer/Kensai Magus, I'm interested in clearing up this bit of rule; Fiendblade (Su): As a swift action, as long as the fiend flayer used infernal mortification that day to increase his arcane pool, he can conjure forth a weapon using this arcana. Doing so costs 2 points from his arcane pool. The weapon can take the form of any single one-handed melee weapon the fiend flayer is proficient with. This weapon starts as a weapon with a +1 enhancement bonus, but for every four levels beyond 3rd the fiend flayer possesses, the weapon gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +5 at 19th level. This summoned weapon lasts for 1 minute. At 5th level, these bonuses can be used to add any of the following weapon properties to the fiendblade: anarchic, axiomatic, dancing, flaming, flaming burst, frost, icy burst, keen, shock, shocking burst, speed, or unholy. These bonuses and properties are decided when the arcane pool points are spent and cannot be changed until the next time the fiend flayer uses this arcana. - This last paragraph above is what I'm confused about. After 5th level, do the bonuses that can be added (ie anarchic, axiomatic, etc)how are the cost of these bonuses paid for? ![]()
In Rise of the Rune lords AP #2, the party fights Aldern Foxglove, a Male dread ghast human aristocrat 4/rogue 3, who's attacks are listed as such' (using PF conversion found on d20pfsrd)
Question - Are these the total # of attacks he gets in a round with a full round attack action or does he also get another attack with the War Razor at +5 and possibly another claw attack? And does this carry over to other monsters as well, say if the BAB of a monster is over +6 does it get another claw/bite/weapon attack the same way a PC would if their BAB is +6 (and every other time it's divisible as such). Thanks ![]()
Our party is in the middle of Rise of the Runelord's Skinsaw Murders, and had to fight the Revenant Iesha Foxglove (which almost ended in a TPK) as we got in her way. I understand that now Grab can be used against equal sized creatures, and I think I know how constrict works, but our DM said that after it successfully grapples a PC, it gets to do constrict AND a claw damage each round. (while both it's hands maintain the grapple) I was under the impression that once sth grapples you, unless they have other attacks that are not maintaining the grapple (ie. a bite or other appendages) then they only cause the constrict damage after successfully maintaining the grapple. Please help! Thanks ![]()
So I'm still not sure whether I'll stay vanilla Magus or Bladebound, but in the meantime, I'm looking at the Magus Arcana and trying to figure out what I want and when I want it. Which Arcana can't you live without? Which seem utterly useless? Which do you consider an efficient way of spending APs and which are uniquely powerful but costly? I'm just looking to start a discussion on what we have (official) access to now, and later what are some suggestions for future releases. ![]()
Ok so I'm running 2nd Darkness and on the 2nd adventure. This and each one after relies heavily on random encounters but... what's the frequency Kenneth?! No where in the adventure path itself or the Pathfinder rulebook can I find anything about how often these are rolled for, or even a recommendation... Is there a place to check or a recommendation I missed? How do you handle your random encounter frequency? Cheers ![]()
Ok just want to start by saying the Ninja is fine... Until I see my Magus compared to a Ninja and go WTF?! Either the Ninja needs some nerfing or the Magus needs a little love.
OK - Onto my big issue! It was 1991, and my very first D&D character was a 1/2 Dragon Ninja (yeah, I know...) who specialized in the kusarigama.
So why no kusarigama for the playtest or otherwise?!?!?!? It's an iconic weapon that would be used well by ninjas. Here's my idea; - Kama end, 1d6 damage (medium), 19-20 x2, slashing.
As an alternate to the Kama, it could have a light pick (1d6, x4, Piercing) end. What do ya think? ![]()
![]() Hello fellow shackled ones! I'm looking for info on the Demodands. I notice Wizards loves to make adventures where you have to own the accessory books to run things. After 12 issues you think they'd have the heart to make a web enhancement with all the demodand's on them, considering they appear so much and there were those great web enhancements for the first two adventures.
Open request to Dungeon's editors: Any chance you could help those of us who don't own fiend folio out here? I mean, It's not like we didn't spend a lot of money buying these many copies of dungeon, and i'd really hate to replace them with the standard hooligans of hell.
(I mean, Cheers) |