About Brup Scale-SlayerAppearance:
Brup is an aging ogre, with tufts of white hair and wrinkled skin. He wears at all times a magnificent suit of plate armor forged from dragon scales. The center plate is made from the shell, revealing the origins of the scale to be a dragon turtle. He walks with a slight limp, and careful observers notice that his right foot seems artificial within it's boot. He travels with an old halfling named Caleb who occasionally rides on his shoulder and is protected by another, smaller set of the same dragon scale armor. Backstory:
By Brup's reckoning, his life had begun at age 30 when his ogre family kicked him out. He knew there had been things before that, and that they had been fun, but given his new understanding of the world he didn't feel like dwelling on the past. Lonely, cold, and angry, Brup had wandered for many weeks up into the heights of the Tusk Mountains. One cold morning he stumbled over a rise and discovered paradise - a small mountain lake fed by a heated underground stream, complete with a small fertile valley and a large cave. Unfortunately for Brup, the lake was not as undiscovered as it looked, and a dragon turtle watched hungrily as Brup waded in. Brup was ultimately victorious in the titanic battle, but not without cost. The giant monster had severed his right foot. Near death, Brup collapsed inside the cave. As he slept, strange dreams troubled him. He saw valiant human warriors in gleaming golden armor, fighting to the death to defend their homes and families. Voices spoke to him, telling tales of long-dead heroes and wars fought to save lives rather than take them. He learned a new way of life as he slept, and he vowed that if he should be given a second chance at life he would not waste it. Brup awoke to a dagger being stabbed into his throat. It was a small dagger, befitting the small humanoid who held it, and it failed to do much more than tickle. Brup picked the halfling off his chest and bellowed "Fear not tiny one, for I am no longer like my wasteful kin. You are safe here at my side.". Not understanding giant, the terrified halfling only heard "Groargh! Urgoah Hrummm!" but that fact that he had not been beaten to a pulp defused tensions a bit. The halfling returned to his small company of refugees waiting outside, and told them that the ogre inside the cave had woken up but not harmed him. An uneasy truce developed, and over the following weeks Brup and the halfling tribe learned to communicate with each other. Brup welcomed them in to the cave to live under his protection, and the Dragonvale tribe was born. With the help of the eldest halfling, a sage named Caleb, Brup worked the hide of the slain dragon turtle into a magnificent set of armor, which he wears at all times. Brup spends his days patrolling the nearby mountains for dangers, and returns to the tribe on every fifth day for a night of revelry. The halflings have cleaned out the cave and turned it into a proper dwelling-place, and they survive by fishing in the lake and raising a small herd of Aurochs. Combat:
Initiative +1 HP 120 BAB 7 CMB 15 CMD 26 AC 24 (10 +9 armor, -1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural) Touch 10 Flat-footed 23 Fortitude 10 Reflex 6 Will 8 Speed 20 Attacks:
-Greataxe +15/+10 (3d6+10/x3) -Greataxe Sunder +21/+16 (3d6+10/x3) -Armor Spikes +13/+8 (1d8+7) -Spear (melee) +13/+8 (2d6+10/x3) -Spear (thrown) +7 (2d6+7/x3) -Sap +11/+6 (2d6+10) non-lethal Enlarged: -Greataxe +15/+10 (4d6+12/x3) -Greataxe Sunder +23/+18 (4d6+12/x3) -Armor Spikes +13/+8 (2d6+8) -Spear (melee) +13/+8 (3d6+12/x3) -Spear (thrown) +5 (2d6+8/x3) -Sap +11/+6 (3d6+12) non-lethal Other possible modifiers: Power Attack -2/+6, Divine Favor +3/+3 Skills:
15 Climb---(4 ranks, +3 class, +7 Str, -4 armor, +5 competence) 5 Heal---(2 ranks, +3 class) 8 Intimidate---(1 ranks, +3 class, +2 trait, +2 Cha) 5 Know: Religion---(2 ranks, +3 class) 2 Linguistics---(2 ranks) 13 Perception---(10 ranks, +3 class) (Darkvision 60ft, Low-light vision) 10 Survival---(7 ranks, +3 class) -3 Stealth---(0 ranks, -4 size, +1 Dex) 18 Swim---(10 ranks, +7 Str, -4 armor, +5 competence) Feats and Abilities:
Traits: Armor Expert, Magical Knack, Natural-Born Leader, Brute, Frostborn Feats: Weapon Focus (Greataxe), Power Attack, Improved Sunder, Greater Sunder, Vital Strike, Cleave Lame (-10 speed, not further reduced by encumbrance, immune to fatigue) Skill at Arms Weapon Mastery (Greataxe) Spells:
Oracle (CL 8) Zero: Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Create Water, Stabilize First (7/day) Enlarge Person, Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor, Entropic Shield, Bless Water, Remove Fear Second (6/day) Fog Cloud, Cure Moderate Wounds, Make Whole, Darkness Third (3/day) Cure Serious Wounds, Create Food and Water Equipment:
Adamantine Greataxe 24lbs 3020 Spiked +1 Dragon(turtle)hide Full Plate 100lbs 4200 3 Spears 36lbs 6 Dagger 2lbs 2 Sap (huge sized) 8lbs 1 -Gloves of Swimming and Climbing 6250 -Boots of the Winterlands 2lbs 2500 Cloak of Resistance (+2) 2lbs 4000 Backpack 4lbs 2 -Bedroll 10lbs .1 -Winter Blanket 6lbs .6 -Flask 3lbs .03 -10 Trail rations 20lbs 5 -2 Hemp Ropes (100ft each) 40lbs 4 -Shovel 8lbs 2 -Ale (2 gallons) 16lbs .4 -Whetstone 2lbs .02 -Caleb's Bedroll and Blanket 4lbs Belt Pouch 1lb 1 -Spell Component Pouch 2lbs 5 -Signal Whistle .8 -5cp Cohort:
Leadership Score 13 (10 level, +2 Cha, +1 trait) CG Halfling Oracle (Lore) 8 Str 10 Dex 10 Con 12 Int 14 Wis 12 Cha 20+2 Initiative +0 HP 72 BAB 4 CMB 3 CMD 13 AC 27 (10 +7 armor, +3 shield, +1 size, +6 Cha) Touch 17 Flat-footed 20 Fortitude 4 Reflex 9 Will 8 (+1 vs mind affecting, +2 vs. fear) Speed 15 Attacks: Skills 5 Acrobatics---(3 ranks, +2 racial) 10 Appraise---(5 ranks, +3 class, +2 Int) 5 Climb---(3 ranks, +2 racial) 13 Craft: Armor---(8 ranks, +3 class, +2 Int) 10 Know: Each---(1 ranks, +3 class, +6 Cha) (all 10 knowledge skills) 4 Linguistics---(2 ranks, +2 Int) 11 Perception---(8 ranks, +2 racial, +1 Wis) 11 Sense Motive---(8 ranks, +3 class, +1 Wis) 10 Spellcraft---(5 ranks, +3 class, +2 Int) 8 Stealth---(4 ranks, +4 size) Languages: Common, Halfling, Dwarven, Goblin, Hallit, Giant Feats: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Endurance, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot Special: Haunted, Sidestep Secret, Handy Book, Mental Acuity Spells Zero Mage Hand, Ghost Sound, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Create Water, Stabilize First Identify, Cure Light Wounds, Shield of Faith, Endure Elements, Protection from Evil, Magic Stone, Sanctuary Second Tongues, Levitate, Minor Image, Cure Moderate Wounds, Remove Paralysis, Lesser Restoration, Resist Energy Third Locate Object, Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Remove Curse Fourth Cure Critical Wounds, Greater Magic Weapon Equipment Dragon(turtle)hide +1 Breastplate 15lbs 1700 Darkwood +1 Shield 2.5lbs 1207 Headband of Alluring Charisma (+2) 1lb 4000 Ring of Sustenance 2500 Cold Weather Outfit 3.5lbs Spell Component Pouch 2lbs 5 Backpack 1lb 2 -Flint and Steel 1 -Journal (spellbook) 3lbs 15 -Ink vial 8 -Inkpen .1 -2 Holy Water flasks 2lbs 50 -Acid flask 1lb 10 -Signal Whistle .8 -Chalk (10 pieces) .1 -4sp Back at home: -Secret Stone Door (DC 30 to locate, price from Stronghold Builder's Guidebook) 500gp In Brup's Backpack: -Bedroll 2.5lbs .1 -Winter Blanket 1.5lbs .5 Tribe:
Leadership Score 13 (10 level, +2 Cha, +1 trait) 5 halfling commoners (bedroll, winter blanket, cold weather outfit, dagger, 5 barrels, fishing net (100sq.ft.), flint and steel, 2 artisan's tools, musical instrument, hemp rope (100ft), Iron pot, 4.6gp personal effects) 5 halfling cavaliers (Order of the Sword, Auroch mounts, sling staff, 40 bullets, hide armor, bedroll, winter blanket, backpack, 2 waterskins, kukri, 2gp personal effects, cold-weather outfit) 1 elf rogue (bedroll, winter blanket, cold weather outfit, dagger, healer's kit, musical instrument, 4 artisan's tools, journal (spellbook), inkpen, ink vial, 3sp personal effects) |