So as the thread title says, I am beginning the AoW AP. The characters are all really well rounded, and the group conists of:
A human mage from Greyhawk, who has lost his memory (like the movie Memento)
A half-elf bard who works at the Spinning Giant (his parents were mysteriously taken away from Diamond Lake and his mentor seems quiet on the subject, wishes to leave to see if the tales he has heard are true and to find what happened to his parents)
A half elf ranger who works for the Bronzewood Lodge and despises the mining town and is a guide of the area.
A human fighter who works for the sheriff, and is riding the line with should he leave because it is so corrupt, or should he stay to extort people.
My question is, should I send an NPC along with the group. They all decided on not making a cleric, because they figure I would. I am debating on if I should, considering they will just be like go turn them heal me. If I send one, what should I make?