Bruaz, male human Barbarian, looking to take the Invulnerable rager Archetype. He'd be the party Tank. Tons of hit points, front line attitude,big and intimidating. (he's not just a Tank for the sake of needing one, he really is that type of person). Skill wise i'm looking at perception, survival, acrobatics, and possibly ride to start. Will spend some points in climb, knowledge nature, and handle animal as well. In combat he'll use a greatsword or longbow and wear medium armor. Strenght and Con are his main stats with dex as his 3rd priority. Rage powers will probably include increased damage reduction, renewed vigor, and elemental rage. Traits will include improving his rage, defiently power attack, and after that undecided.
Trait Background:
Bruaz sees himself as a true Shoanti, wild, strong, and free, and rebels against his parents for forsaking their ancestors. learnWhen he s that Shalelu is going with the caravan, he signs on, despite his parents objections. This is his chance to get out of sandpoint, roam free as he was born to be. If they happen to find a few fights along the way, he can prove himself worthy of the title, warrior. In general he is young, rash, and rebelious. He htinks that he is brave, but has yet to learn what true bravery is. While he is of age to be a man among his people, he harbors doubts as to his right to be called such as he has never been tested. This is a secret doubt that he keeps hidden and although he will take an opportunity to prove himself a man to others, his self doubt is always present. When the time comes, only the gods know if he will stand up to the test. This manifests in a strong and brash warrior who is more likely to follow someone else's lead than take charge of a situation. When pressed, he will usually back the person he respects most, hiding behind their qualifications. It remains to be seen if he can grow into a confident leader. His greatest dream is to become a warrior of legend, like his grandfather was.
I see Bruaz as looking up to Shalelu and wanting to prove himself to her. He will probably make some rash decisions early on, gaining some self control and wisdom as he gaisn experience. Eventualy he hopes to be her equal in combat and skill in the wild. As for Sandru, Bruaz is pretty opposite of Sandru in style and will becoem compatitive with the rogue. This could tunr into grudging respect ebtween the two or be a point of contention witht he stubborn barbarian disagreeign opssoing him jsut for the sake of opposing him. As for Ameiko, Bruaz is smitten with her exotic beauty and hopes to prove himself worthy of her attention. This could start as showing off (dangerously at times) as he tries to impress her.