
Brother Tomlin's page

402 posts. Alias of Secondsight.

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I'm in a PbP on these forums, and as of today or maybe yesterday when I post my avatar is now a Smurf.

My PC is Sister Soliel Levant. In the thread you'll see what the avatar should look like and then at then end the smurf avatar I now have. I never changed the avatar since creation, and in all other places it just shows as the original avatar.

While this is a bit funny, I would eventually like to post with my actual avatar.


EDIT: Well, lol, looks like my main avatar is a smurf too!

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The party finds a demi-lich and via Knowledge check recognizes its Torpor characteristic. The melee'ers surround it and proceed to attack it. How would you handle initiative?

The Torpor description states (paraphrasing) that the creature only attacks if it is attacked or if its treasure is disturbed. The party has deliberately avoided bothering the demi-lich's stuff.

I could see four possibilities, but maybe there are others:

1) The PC's get a full round of attacks, as the creature would not react until it had been assaulted. Then initiative is rolled.

2) The PC's get the initiative, but the demi lich goes in the same round right after them.

3) The PC's get a surprise action, but initiative is otherwise rolled normally.

4) Initiative is rolled normally with no surprise.

Given a demi-lich's powers, a lot may ride on this decision. I didn't see any prior posts on this issue or official stances on it. Anyone GM'd a module with a demi lich have an opinion on this?

The entry for Aura of Resolve (8th Lv Paladin ability in CRB) says it is makes the paladin immune to "charm spells and spell-like effects" and gives a +4 save bonus to those with 10 ft against "charm effects".

My question is: would "charm spells" and "charm effects" include Enchantment (compulsion) spells like Suggestion and Dominate or would it only be effective against spells and that specifically are Enchantment (charm)?

First off, I know this question has been hashed over years ago, but I just can't seem to get the archived threads to open. Hopefully this will be a easy question............

After casting a Summon Monster spell, how much control does the caster have when he cannot communicate with the creature? This can come up a lot with animals when the caster can't Speak with Animals. The spell description makes it pretty clear the creature will "attack the spell caster's opponents to the best of its ability". However, what if the choice of enemies is not very clear? For example, let's say a riding dog is summoned by a PC and begins attacking an enemy spell-caster. The enemy spell-caster then does a 5' step away from the dog and summons a riding dog of his own to attack the PC's riding dog. On the PC's riding dog's next turn, who does it attack? The enemy spell-caster, because it was the original target? Or the enemy riding dog because it is adjacent and a greater physical threat?

This example is just for the sake of having one. Hopefully someone who remembers the conclusions of the old threads and/or has a solid answer to this question can comment. Overall, I'm looking for a consensus guideline on how much control a PC can exert over a summons he cannot communicate with and based on this what action the summoned creature would take.