Iron Arm
Secret Fury
Blood Lance
Blood Boil
Black Shield Abilities:
Unknown Warrior:Black Shield advances replace chapter specific advances. A Black Shield may always benefit from a Chapter Specific Ability. He possess no chapter solo mode ability, but he can use codex ones normally. A black shield is from an unknown chapter to represent this they have a wide variety of attack patterns. To represent this the black shield may take any one attack pattern and any one defensive pattern from any other chapter or two different ones.
The Price of Redemption: A Black shield has some great dishonor and will try at any time with recklessness to try to regain his honor. He may spend a fate point to gain any of the three.
Reckless Assault: The Black Shield doubles his movement and gains +10 to his ballistic and weapon skill tests
Only in Death Does Duty End: The Black Shield can ignore the effects of a single critical effect(Not including Death or Loss of limb) for the remainder of the Encounter.
Strength In Ignorance:The Black Shield may automatically succeed at any willpower test to resist a psychic power or any other such ability that affects his mind.
Force Weapon:
Force Sword 1d10+8 Pen 8 Balanced
Experience Remainder/Misc
Honorable Mention 1/5
When reaches 5 you get a medal
We are all One
(pg 85)