
Brother Malakai's page

44 posts. Alias of Xaaon of Xen'Drik.

About Brother Malakai

Character Name: Malakai Burtin
Home World: Mortressa (Death World)
Career Path: Missionary Rank: 1
Motivation: Endurance

Quote: “The God-Emperor preserved my life for a purpose—to spread His light into the darkness.”

Description: A dedicated missionary of the Imperial Creed, Malakai Trent was the only survivor of the pilgrim vessel Pious Light, lost in
battle with Ork Freebooters. Malakai’s salvation pod was recovered by Sarvus Trask. Ever since, Malakai has travelled with Trask in order to
lend the Rogue Trader’s dynasty the God-Emperor’s blessing and carry the Ecclessiarch’s word to heathen planets beyond the Imperium.

[4]5 WS
[3]1 BS
[4]0 ST
[4]1 T
[3]5 AG
[3]2 IN
[3]3 PR
[4]9 WP
[4]2 FL
[x][x] [_] [_] Awareness (Per)
[x][x] [_] [_] Charm (Fel)
[x][x] [_] [_] Common Lore (Int) (Imperial Creed)
[x][x] [_] [_] Dodge (Ag)
[x][x] [_] [_] Intimidate (S)
[x][x] [x] [_] Medicae (Int)
[_][_] [_] [_] Scholastic Lore (Int)
[x][x] [_] [_] -Imperial Creed
[x][x] [_] [_] -Occult
[x][x] [_] [_] Search (Per)

Micro-bead, void-breather, pilgrim’s robes, pilgrim’s staff, a
book of St. Drusus’ teachings, 1 tank of flamer ammunition.

Special Ability: Malakai possesses the Wrath of the Righteous
special ability. When making an attack, he may spend a Fate
Point to deal an additional 1d5 points of Damage.

Balanced: Malakai’s chainsword is a heavy, powerful weapon
that is difficult for an opponent to move aside. Malakai receives
a +10% bonus to his Weapon Skill Tests made to Parry with this

Tearing: Malakai’s chainsword uses spinning blades to rend an
opponent with righteous fervour. When rolling for Damage, make
two rolls and choose the highest result.

Flame: Flame weapons project a cone of flame out to the range
of the weapon. Unlike other weapons, flamers have just one
range, and when fired, cast fiery death out to that distance. The
wielder does not need to test Ballistic Skill; all creatures in the
flame’s path (a cone-shaped area extending in a 30-degree arc
from the firer out out to the weapon’s range) must make an Agility
Test or be struck by the flames and take damage normally.

Imperial Guard Flak Armour
Armour Points: 4

Half Action: 3m Full Action: 6m
Charge: 9m Run: 18m

Total: 15

Total: 3

Name: Chainsword
Class: Melee Damage: 1d10+6 Pen: 2
Special Rules: Balanced, Tearing

Name: Mezoa-pattern Boarding Flamer
Class: Flame Damage: 1d10+4 Pen: 2
Range: 20m ROF: S/–/– Clip: 6 Reload: 2 Full
Special Rules: Flame

The most important things to know about playing Malakai are:
• You fight well in close combat.
• You are skilled at dealing with people and are
trained in the arts of medicine.
• You believe that the God-Emperor has a greater
destiny for you—and you will bear any burden to
achieve it.