smaggi's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts (3 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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So far, I hate 2E, it's the worst of D&D's 4E with 5E gimping. Sure, there was a lot of rules bloat in 1E but you don't have to use everything, if you keep it simple and gradually integrate. However, 2E and D&D 5E will get right back to rules creep because of eonomics, selling one-shot modules and adventure paths don't pay the bills, sourcebooks in which everyone in the group "must own" does.

The undead should remain immune to critical damage/sneak attack damage, especially the corporeal ones. They have 0 for CON because their bodies no longer function like the living according to the mechanics of the game. Their bodies are really shells or containers for malevolent spirits (wights, morhgs, mummies and even the drone-like skeletons or zombies). Rogues can compensate just the same way as the other classes, get weapons and items that destroy the undead more effectively.