
Brooke Xi Cho's page

37 posts. Alias of AdamWarnock.

Full Name

Brooke Xi Cho


Human [spoiler=Quick Stats]Base Reaction: +6 (if attracted to females)/+2 (otherwise)/-2(if female and have reason to dislike) Mods: -2 (Social Stigma-Belter),


DR: 105/75 (skull & torso/Else), HP: 15/15, FP: 12/12, HT: 12, Dodge: 9, Will: 10, Fright Check: 10, Basic Speed: 6.5, Basic Move: 6, Perception: 13, Vision: 15, Hearing: 13, Favored Attack: Guns (Rifle/TL10)16, Favored Defense: Dodge 9[/spoiler]



About Brooke Xi Cho

Brooke's Stats:

Name: Brooke Xi Cho
Gender: Female
Age: 26

Skin: Pale
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Straight, black, and ridiculously long and silky
Height: 5' 2"
Weight: 130 lbs.

ST: 12
- Points: 20
DX: 12
-Points: 40
IQ: 10
-Points: 0
HT: 12
-Points: 20

HP: 15
- Points: 6
FP: 12
- Points: 0
Will: 10
-Points: 0
Per: 13
-Points: 15
Basic Speed: 6
-Points: 0
Basic Move: 6
-Points 0
Dodge: 9
-Points: 0
Basic Lift: 29
-Points: 0

Absolute Direction (3D Spatial Sense) B34
-Points: 10
Acute Vision 2 B35
-Points: 4
Appearance: Very Beautiful B21
-Points: 16
G-Experience (All) B57
-Points: 10
Improved G-Tolerance (1G) B60
-Points: 10
Reputation (Folk Hero) B
-Points: 0
Signature Gear 4 B85
-Points: 4
Zeroed B100
-Points: 10

Enemy (The Folman Cartel) B135
-Points: -20
Impulsiveness CR: 12 B139
-Points: -10
Sense of Duty (All the Common Folk (everyone except the ruling class and Pirates/Gangsters)) B153
-Points: -10
Social Stigma (Belter) B155
-Points: -10
Trademark (Leaves the Ace and Queen of spades on the leader of any pirates she fights) B159
-Points: -5
Weirdness Magnet B161
-Points: -15

Honest Face B101

Alcohol Intolerance B165
Dislikes Cigars, Cigarettes, and their smoke B164
Expression "Dadgumit" B164
Horrible Hangovers B165
Humble B164

Battlesuit/TL10 DX/Average SL: 12
-Points: 2
Brawling DX/Easy SL: 13
-Points: 2
Cooking IQ/Average SL:11
-Points: 4
Computer Operation/TL10 IQ/Easy SL: 6
-Points: 0
Electronics Operation/TL10 IQ/Average
-Communications SL: 10
--Points: 1
-Electronic Warfare SL: 6
--Points: 0
-Security SL: 10
--Points: 1
-Sensors SL: 6
--Points: 0
Fast-Draw DX/Easy
-Knife SL: 12
--Points: 1
-Longarm SL: 12
--Points: 1
-Pistol SL: 12
--Points: 1
Fast-Talk IQ/Average SL: 11
-Points: 4
Free Fall DX/Average SL: 14
-Points: 2
Guns/TL10 DX/Easy
-Pistol SL: 14
--Points: 0
-Rifle SL: 16
--Points: 12
-Shotgun SL: 14
--Points: 0
-SMG SL: 14
--Points: 0
Holdout IQ/Average SL: 11
-Points: 4
Observation Per/Average SL:13
-Points: 2
Piloting/TL10 DX/Average
-Aerospace SL: 12
--Points: 1
-High-Performance Spacecraft SL: 13
--Points: 2
-Low-Performance Spacecraft SL: 12
--Points: 1
-Vertol SL: 12
--Points: 1
Spacer/TL10 IQ/Easy SL: 10
-Points: 1
Stealth DX/Average SL: 15
-Points: 12


Note: All weapons were scrounged off of pirates and have been unlocked. Anyone can use them.

Signature Equipment $100,000/$100,000
Commando Battlesuit + Helmet
- $90,000
- DR 105/75
- Fancy $700 voice changing software and hardware.
The Dealer (Custom Gauss Rifle) $9,300
Gauss Rifle, 4mm, $7,100
-HUD Link: +1 ACC within 300 yards (Does not stack with other targeting systems)
-Diagnostic Computer: +1 to skill rolls to fix
- 3 Accessory Rails, $100/ea.
--Body Top: Compact Targeting Scope/TL10, (incl. in cost of rifle), A/100hr.: +2 to aimed shots, 4x Magnification, Hyperspectral Vision w/Tunnel Vision when used as a passive sensor, Must be aimed at target being observed, Connects to HUD.
--Underbarrel: Underbarrel Gauss CAW, 18.5 mm, $900
-$1000 custom paint job (Black w/ white striping and "The Dealer" in the same font face as "Blackjack" on the shoulder of the battlesuit)

Gear $40,900/$50,000
Gauss Close Assault Weapon (CAW), 18.5mm, $2,400
-HUD Link: +1 ACC within 300 yards (Does not stack with other targeting systems)
-Diagnostic Computer: +1 to skill rolls to fix
- 3 Accessory Rails, $100/ea.
--Body Top: Holographic Sight (Multispectral Laser Sight (Visible, Blue)): +1 to skill up to 1/2 Damage range

Gauss Personal Defense Weapon (PDW), 4mm, $3,600
-HUD Link: +1 ACC within 300 yards (Does not stack with other targeting systems)
-Diagnostic Computer: +1 to skill rolls to fix
- 2 Accessory Rails, $100/ea.
--Body Top: Holographic Sight (Multispectral Laser Sight (Visible, Blue)): +1 to skill up to 1/2 Damage range

Gauss Pistol, 4mm, $1,700
-HUD Link: +1 ACC within 300 yards (Does not stack with other targeting systems)
-Diagnostic Computer: +1 to skill rolls to fix
-Multispectral Laser Sight (Visible, Blue): +1 to skill up to 1/2 Damage range

Gauss Needler, 3mm, $2,000
-HUD Link: +1 ACC within 300 yards (Does not stack with other targeting systems)
-Diagnostic Computer: +1 to skill rolls to fix
-Multispectral Laser Sight (Visible, Blue): +1 to skill up to 1/2 Damage range

Gauss Minineedler, 3mm, $800
-HUD Link: +1 ACC within 300 yards (Does not stack with other targeting systems)
-Diagnostic Computer: +1 to skill rolls to fix
-Multispectral Laser Sight (Visible, Blue): +1 to skill up to 1/2 Damage range

Portable Railgun, 10mm, $18,000
-HUD Link: +1 ACC within 300 yards (Does not stack with other targeting systems)
-Diagnostic Computer: +1 to skill rolls to fix
- 3 Accessory Rails, $100/ea.
--Body Top: Enhanced Targeting Scope/TL10, $8,000, B/400hr.: +3 to aimed shots, 8x Magnification, Hyperspectral Vision w/Tunnel Vision when used as a passive sensor, Must be aimed at target being observed, Connects to HUD.

Compact Targeting Scope/TL10, $1000, A/100hr.: +2 to aimed shots, 4x Magnification, Hyperspectral Vision w/Tunnel Vision when used as a passive sensor, Must be aimed at target being observed, Connects to HUD.

Power Cells
AA Cell: $1, 0.0005 lbs.
A Cell: $2, 0.005 lbs.
B Cell: $3, 0.05 lbs.
- 20
C Cell: $10, 0.5 lbs.
- 20
D Cell: $100, 5lbs.
- 0
E Cell: $2,000, 20 lbs.
- 1
F Cell: $20,000, 200 lbs.
- 0

3mm: $0.04, 0.004 lbs.
- Standard: 500
4mm: $0.06, 0.006 lbs.
- Standard: 1000
10mm: $0.80, 0.08 lbs.
- Standard: 100
18.5mm: $0.90, 0.037 lbs.
- Standard: 200

Cash: $9,100


pi-: small piercing, 0.5x damage when penetrating DR
pi: piercing, 1x damage when penetrating DR
pi+: large piercing, 1.5x damage when penetrating DR
pi++: huge piercing, 2x damage when penetrating DR

Gauss Minineedler, 3mm: Guns(Pistol), B Cell, Bulk -1
- Loaded weight: 0.1 lbs.
- Full reload weight: 0.03 lbs.
- Damage: 1d
- Type: pi-
- Armor Divisor: 3
- ACC: 1
- Range(yds.): 50/200
- Rate of Fire: 4
- Recoil: 2
- Shots: 25
- Reload Time: 3 seconds

Gauss Needler, 3mm: Guns(SMG), 2x B Cells, Bulk -2
- Loaded weight: 1.5 lbs.
- Full reload weight: 0.5 lbs.
- Damage: 2d
- Type: pi-
- Armor Divisor: 3
- ACC: 2
- Range(yds.): 100/300
- Rate of Fire: 12
- Recoil: 2
- Shots: 100
- Reload Time: 3 seconds

Gauss Pistol, 4mm: Guns(Pistol), 2x B Cells, Bulk -2
- Loaded weight: 2 lbs.
- Full reload weight: 0.5 lbs.
- Damage: 3d
- Type: pi-
- Armor Divisor: 3
- ACC: 3
- Range(yds.): 500/2,100
- Rate of Fire: 3
- Recoil: 2
- Shots: 40
- Reload Time: 3 seconds

Gauss PDW, 4mm: Guns(SMG), 2x B Cells, Bulk -3
- Loaded weight: 4.6 lbs.
- Full reload weight: 1 lbs.
- Damage: 4d
- Type: pi-
- Armor Divisor: 3
- ACC: 6+1
- Range(yds.): 700/2,900
- Rate of Fire: 16
- Recoil: 2
- Shots: 80
- Reload Time: 3 seconds

The Dealer, Custom Gauss Rifle, 4mm: Guns(Rifle), C Cell, Bulk -4
- Loaded weight: 8.5 lbs.
- Full reload weight: 1.4 lbs.
- Damage: 6d+2
- Type: pi-
- Armor Divisor: 3
- ACC: 7+2
- Range(yds.): 1,200/4,800
- Rate of Fire: 12
- Recoil: 2
- Shots: 60
- Reload Time: 3 seconds
-- Underbarrel CAW, 18.5mm: Guns(Shotgun), C Cell
-- Loaded weight: 2.5 lbs.
-- Full reload weight: 1.5 lbs.
-- Damage: 8d
-- Type: pi++
-- Armor Divisor: 1
-- ACC: 3+2
-- Range(yds.): 200/1,000
-- Rate of Fire: 3
-- Recoil: 3
-- Shots: 15
-- Reload Time: 3 seconds/shot

Gauss CAW, 18.5mm: Guns(Shotgun), C Cell, Bulk -4
- Loaded weight: 10 lbs.
- Full reload weight: 1.5 lbs.
- Damage: 8d
- Type: pi++
- Armor Divisor: 1
- ACC: 4
- Range(yds.): 200/1,000
- Rate of Fire: 15
- Recoil: 3
- Shots: 30
- Reload Time: 3 seconds

Anti-Materiel Railgun, 10mm: Guns(Rifle), C Cell, Bulk -6
- Loaded weight: 20 lbs.
- Full reload weight: 1.5 lbs.
- Damage: 5dx3
- Type: pi+
- Armor Divisor: 3
- ACC: 7
- Range(yds.): 3,000/12,000
- Rate of Fire: 3
- Recoil: 3
- Shots: 25
- Reload Time: 3 seconds


Blackjack Battlesuit:
- Weight: 150 lbs. suit, 15 lbs. helmet
- Power: E Cell for suit, C Cell for helmet, 24 hr.
- +15 to Lifting ST
- +15 to Striking ST
- DR: 105 Skull and Torso, 75 everywhere else
- Super Jump 2: 4x max Jumping Distance/Height
- Biomedical Sensors: +1 to Diagnosis Skill, -2 if wearer is not present
- Waste Relief System
- Radar Stealth: -6 to detect via Radar
- Infrared Cloaking: -6 to detect via Infrared
- Tactical ESM: Can detect and identify incoming active sensor signals. +1 to Electronics Operation (EW) or Electronics Operation (EW)-12
- Filter Mask: Protects against contaminants, must be used with sealed suit to protect against contact agents
- Inertial Compass: +3 bonus to Navigation(Air, Land, and Sea)
- Hearing Protection: +5 to rolls to resist temporary hearing damage, max impairment time is 2 seconds.
- Small Radio: 20-mile range, 0.1 GB/min
- Small Laser Comm: 100-mile range, 1 TB/min
- Hyperspectral Visor: No penalties in any light, As Infrared in no light (+2 to spot things that emit heat, -4 on recognition rolls), 2x magnification, +3 to Vision and Tracking, +3 to spot hidden clues with Forensics, Observation, or Search, does not stack with other passive sensors or similar advantages
- HUD: +1 to skills where reacting to info quickly is improtant, such as Piloting or Free-Fall.
- Audio Sensors
- Olfactory Sensors
- Climate Control (Absolute Zero to 500 Degrees F)
- Pressure support (20 atm.)
- Radiation Protection (PF 10)
- 36 hr. air supply


Normal outfits
Long-sleeved t-shirt (Black, Gray, White, Blue, Red)
Hoodie or pull-over (Black, Blue)
Cargo pants or jeans
Work boots

Large sweat shirt
Sweat pants or gym shorts

Formal outfits
Blue and black kimono with silver star pattern
White kimono with blue dragon pattern

Winter Clothes
Heavy coat
Newsboy cap

Unspent points: 4