HP: 17
AC: 12 = 10 +0 Armor +2 Dex
Resist: Init: +2
Speed: 30ft
BAB: +1
CMB: +1
CMD: 13
MSB: +6 (+1d20+INT vs SR)(See Skills for Concentration)
MSD: 17
F: 2 =1 BASE + 1 CON + 0 RESIST
R: 3 =1 BASE + 2 DEX + 0 RESIST
W: 4 =3 BASE + 1 WIS + 0 RESIST
Misc Save Boni:
COMBAT Melee Destructive Blast: +4 ranged touch, 2d6 bludgeoning OR electric, crit x2, range 25ft(+5/2CL) no AoO
Ranged Destructive Blast: +4 ranged touch, 2d6 bludgeoning OR electric, crit x2, range 25ft(+5/2CL)
Augur of Combat (Feat): use INT vice DEX (net +2 increase) to hit if last in initiative
Spend 1 SP to increase damage of Destructive Blast to 1d6/CL
Immediate Actions:
Swift Actions:
Move Action Options:
Easy Focus: Can maintain Concentration as a move action
Racial Traits:
Ability Score Racial Traits: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature. INT
Size: Humans are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Skills: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Casting: An incanter may combine spheres and talents to create magical effects. An incanter is considered a High-Caster. He may use either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma as his casting ability modifier and must make this choice at 1st level. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. (Note: All casters gain 2 bonus talents and may select a casting tradition the first time they gain the casting class feature.)
Spell Pool: An incanter gains a small reservoir of energy he can call on to create truly wondrous effects, called a spell pool. This pool contains a number of spell points equal to his class level + his casting ability modifier (minimum: 1). This pool replenishes once per day after roughly 8 hours of rest.
Magic Talents: An incanter gains 2 magic talents at every odd level and 1 at every even level, according to Table: Incanter.
Bonus Feat: At 1st, 2nd, and every 2 levels thereafter, an incanter gains a bonus feat. This may be spent to gain an extra magic talent, or any feat which has casting as a prerequisite (Craft Item feats, metamagic feats, sphere focus, Circle Casting, etc.).
Wiki Note: Incanters may also select Drawback and Proxy feats as bonus feats, per the Handbooks they came out in. See the Feats page for more information about these options. Note that you must still meet the prerequisites for these feats, when applicable.
Incanter Specializations:
At 1st level, an incanter may choose a series of specializations, gaining additional abilities at the cost of some versatility. Every specialization costs a number of the incanter’s bonus feats, as indicated by the chart below. Each specialization costs either 1, 2, or 3 specialization points. An incanter cannot have more than 5 points worth of specializations. An incanter uses their incanter level as their effective wizard, sorcerer, or cleric level when determining the power of these abilities.
- none chosen
Favored Class: [3x] +1/6 of a magic talent (Incanter)
Feats and Traits:
H1 Combat Casting: +4 concentration while grappled or to avoid AoO
1 Melee Blaster: When using a destructive blast as (or as part of) a melee attack or melee touch attack, your destructive blast does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
I1 Augur of Combat: Benefit: As long as you are last in the initiative count, use your intelligence modifier for attack rolls in place of the ability modifier that you would normally use.
I2 Extra Talent: gain 1 talent
3 Tether Adept: When using the Energy Tether blast shape, instead of targeting a creature, you can anchor it to a solid surface within its range such as a wall or ceiling (but not floor) as a standard action. Once the tether is anchored, you may, as a move action, attempt to move to any other legal square within the tether’s reach (as determined from the anchor point) without provoking an attack of opportunity, regardless of your normal move speed, by making an Acrobatics check and comparing the result to the CMD of each creature adjacent to the start and destination points; success on this check allows you to complete the movement, and failure causes you to fall prone in a square adjacent to the creature whose CMD you failed to beat. This movement can include squares on elevated or recessed surfaces, or even walls. If you have a climb speed, you may even end this movement on a wall or ceiling. You must have a clear path towards the destination (this ability does not allow you to pass through solid obstacles or opponents, though it may allow you to circumvent an enemy if you have a clear path around them within the tether’s reach). You must have a free hand to use this ability. Blast types that carry a spell point cost do not incur that cost when using this feat. The anchoring object receives no damage nor other effects of your destructive blast.
T1 Practiced Aim: Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls with your destructive blast.
T2 Focused Mind (Magic): +2 concentration
Spheres and Talents:
Spell Points: 8 = 3+(INT)+1
CL: 3 DC: 11+MOD
Tradition: Initiate of the High Seas
Drawback 1: Focus Casting (Ring): Your magic requires you to use an item such as a wand, holy symbol, ring, or staff to create magic. Using magic without your focus requires you to make a concentration check (DC 20 + 1/2 the caster level) to produce the desired effect. Failure means time (and any spell points) are spent, but no effect happens. If a focus is lost, stolen, or broken, the caster must create a new focus by securing the necessary item and spending 8 hours bonding with it. At the GM’s discretion, however, another caster’s focus may be used instead.
Drawback 1: Somatic Casting: You must gesture to cast spells—a process that requires you to have at least 1 hand unoccupied. When using magic, you cannot wear armor heavier than light without incurring a chance of arcane spell failure. You may select this drawback twice. If taken a second time, you cannot wear any armor or use a shield without incurring a chance of arcane spell failure.
Drawback 1: Magical Signs: Your magic is accompanied by a tell-tale sign; for example, your body glows brightly, the sound of tortured souls shriek as you cast, feelings of a deep chill affect all creatures within 30 ft. All nearby creatures know when you are using magic, as well as the nature of the magic used.
Boon 1: Easy Focus: When maintaining a sphere ability through concentration, you only need to spend a move action to maintain concentration instead of a standard action. This does not decrease the sphere ability’s casting time, only the action used to maintain concentration.
Net 1 Drawback; Bonus Spell Points: +1, +1 per 6 levels in casting classes
Total Spheres and Talents: 7 Incanter +1 feat
Destruction Sphere
Energy Tether
Weather Sphere
Greater Weather: When you use control weather, you may spend an extra spell point to affect 2 weather categories instead of 1, or two extra spell points to affect 3 weather categories instead of 2. You do not need to change these categories in the same way, or make them the same severity level (i.e., you may make one category more severe, while making another less severe).
Rain Lord: When using control weather to create or alter precipitation, increase the highest severity level you may create or alter by 1. In addition, when using your control weather to affect precipitation, you may choose to create an area up to 80 ft in diameter at the center of the affected area that is not subject to the precipitation. Rain, snow, and storm does not gather over that area.
Wind Lord: When using control weather to create or alter wind, increase the highest severity level you may create or alter by 1. In addition, when you use your control weather to affect wind, you may also turn that wind up to 90 degrees in any direction. This can change the general direction of a tornado (provided you can affect winds of that severity) although detailed control isn’t possible.
Not only can you control the wind’s direction, but you may also create complicated patterns. You may create an “eye” of calm air up to 80 feet in diameter at the center of the area if you so desire and may chose any of the following patterns for the wind:
You may create a downdraft that blows from the center outward in equal strength in all directions.
You may create an updraft that blows from the outer edges in toward the center in equal strength from all directions, veering upward before impinging on the eye in the center.
You may create a rotation that causes the winds to circle the center in a clockwise or counterclockwise fashion.
Storm Lord: When you are using control weather to create Precipitation of severity level 4 or above in an area of Wind severity level 4 or above, you can control where the lightning bolts strike. You may take this talent a total of twice. If taken twice, you may increase the frequency of lightning strikes to 1 per round.
Storm Lord: (taken again, see above)
Destruction Sphere Destructive Blast: As a standard action, you may deliver a burst of blunt magical force as a melee touch attack or a ranged touch attack within Close range. A destructive blast deals bludgeoning damage as indicated on the table below. This damage bypasses DR/magic, but being bludgeoning in nature, does not automatically bypass other forms of damage resistance. A ranged destructive blast counts as a ray attack.
When augmenting a destructive blast with Destruction talents, you may only apply 1 blast type talent and 1 blast shape talent to each individual destructive blast.
You may spend 1 spell point when making a destructive blast to increase the damage dealt to one damage die per caster level (minimum: 2d6).
DRAWBACK: Energy Focus (Electric Blast Group): You may only make a destructive blast of a single energy type. You may not gain any blast type talents, except with the bonus talent gained from this drawback.
Static Blast: You may spend a spell point to have your destructive blast deal electricity damage. You may make a Disarm attempt at range against the target or targets affected by your static blast. Only a target successfully struck by the blast (or one that fails their Reflex saving throw if one was required) is affected. Your CMB for this check is equal to your caster level + your casting stat modifier. You receive a +4 bonus on this check against any target that is wielding a metal weapon.
Energy Tether: You may send out a tendril of energy to bind your foe to you. Make a ranged touch attack against a target within Close range (this range does not increase through talents such as Extended Range). If successful, the targets suffers your destructive blast damage. You may concentrate each round to maintain this tether each round, or may spend a spell point as a free action to allow it to persist for 1 round per caster level without concentration.
Each round a target remains bound by the tether, they suffer its damage. The tether has 10 HP plus 2 HP per caster level, hardness equal to 1/2 your caster level, and a break DC equal to the blast’s DC. Neither you nor the tethered target may not move further away from each other without first breaking the tether (you may dismiss a tether as a free action) or succeeding on a drag or reposition combat maneuver, pulling the other along with them. If you or the tethered target move closer to each other you may, as a swift action, shorten the tether; the new distance between you becomes the new length of the tether. You may also lengthen the tether as a swift action, but only to a maximum distance equal to Close range. Swarms may not be targeted with this blast shape. You cannot have more than one tether active at any one time; creating a second tether dismisses the first.
Control Weather: As a standard action, you may control all weather within Medium range, adjusting either the wind, temperature, or precipitation levels. If you are in a confined area such as inside a building, your control only extends to the edge of that space. This change in weather lasts as long as you concentrate, but you may always spend a spell point as a free action to allow this change to continue for 1 minute per caster level without concentration. When using control weather to change the weather’s severity, the change happens 1 level change per category per round until the desired severity is reached. When the effect ends, the severity of the altered weather categories returns to normal by 1 step per round. If you are maintaining the effect through concentration, the effect moves with you. If it is being maintained through a spell point, it remains stationary.
Precipitation and wind have 7 steps of severity, while temperature has 13. Temperature is divided between ‘heat’ and ‘cold’, each with 7 steps of severity. (If the temperature is lowered below step 1 of cold, it becomes step 2 of heat. If the temperature is lowered below step 1 of heat, it becomes step 2 of cold). An average day of no wind, no rain, and unremarkable temperature is assumed to be at severity level 1 for all categories.
At 1st caster level, you may create weather of severity level 1, 2 or 3. This improves to severity level 4 at 7th caster level and severity level 5 at 14th caster level. You may create weather up to this severity, or lower the severity of pre-existing weather if it is within this limit. If the natural weather is of a higher severity level than you can affect, you cannot use control weather to alter that aspect of the weather.
If two casters are controlling weather in the same location and affecting different categories, both effects happen normally. If both casters are affecting the same category, the second caster must be able to affect the weather’s new severity, and must succeed at a magic skill check to wrestle control from the first caster. On the first caster’s subsequent turn, if he maintains his own control weather effect, he must succeed at his own magic skill check to wrestle control of the weather back from the second caster. If the first caster is maintaining their effect through a spell point instead of concentration and the second caster succeeds at their magic skill check, the first caster’s weather effect is suppressed for as long as the second caster uses control weather. Once the second caster’s effect ends, the first caster’s effect resumes functioning, provided its duration hasn’t already expired.
The following is a description of all the different effects one can create with the Weather sphere. See the Pathfinder Core rulebook for more details on weather and environmental effects. Depending on the terrain, a GM could rule additional effects happen; rain can cause rivers or enclosed spaces to flood, cold can create ice sheets on flat terrain, etc. Generally, weather conditions from different categories stack. (Thus, if Wind, Cold, and Precipitation were all increased to Severity level 5, the area would be under the effects of the appropriate Wind, Cold, and Snow effects, all at the same time.)
4+int 4 +1 race
Appraise (Int) +8 =1+3 +4 INT
Craft (Int) +4 =0+0 +4 INT
Concentration (Int) +10* = MSB + INT +2 (+4 while grappled or to avoid AoO)
Fly (Int) +10 =3+3 +4 INT
Knowledge (arcana) +10 =3+3 +4 INT
Knowledge (dungeon) +4 =0+0 +4 INT
Knowledge (Engineer) +4 =0+0 +4 INT
Knowledge (geography) +9 =2+3 +4 INT
Knowledge (history) +8 =1+3 +4 INT
Knowledge (local) +9 =2+3 +4 INT
Knowledge (nature) +10 =3+3 +4 INT
Knowledge (nobility) +4 =0+0 +4 INT
Knowledge (planes) +4 =0+0 +4 INT
Knowledge (religion) +10 =3+3 +4 INT
Linguistics (Int) +8 =1+3 +4 INT
Profession Sailor (Wis) +5 =1+3 +1 WIS
Profession Cook (Wis) +5 =1+3 +1 WIS
Spellcraft (Int) +10 =3+3 +4 INT
Swim (Str) +3 =3+cc +0 STR *
* ACP -0
Sphere Focus Ring
Submitting Bron Morgan for your consideration.
Bron grew up in the shackles, and lived on his own at a young age. His father died from an acute case of knife in the gut, and his mother worked two jobs (tavern wench and prostitute) to keep a home of sorts for Bron and his brother Cav to live in and a few crusts of stale bread for them to eat, but every bit of spare coin went to pesh for her, sometimes worse.
His older brother left the home first, being the older one, signed on to some ship and was never heard from again. Cav resented having to raise a brother much younger than himself; that was fine with Bron, who resented his older brother bullying him. Bron followed the family tradition and signed on with a ship before adulthood, and his bad luck in life was much the same.
Less than a month in to his seafaring days, his ship was hit by a storm and scuttled on a reef. Bron managed to make it to an island where he barely survived, many in the crew had not been so lucky. The blood on the reef attracted the sharks that took care of the majority of the others.
Their supplies dwindled, no help in sight, and in what he thought was a fevered daydream, a woman spoke to him. To this day, he doesn't know if it was Besmara or Gozreh that spoke to him, but he was sure it was one of them. She said that help was coming and it arrived in the form of a Freeport-bound ship that sailed close enough to see them and sent a lifeboat to scoop them up. As he waded out to the lifeboat, he saw through tear-filled eyes something unnaturally shiny resting on the reef in the shallows. Picking it up, it was a ring of polished-smooth driftwood that tingled when he put it on. That night he had bad dreams but was awoken by a storm that had rocked the ship violently before dissipating upon his awakening. As he woke up, electricity had been coursing around his body. The sailors of the ship took it as a bad omen and left him in Freeport before sailing off.
In the months that followed he learned that either the ring, or his encounter with the goddess, had bestowed upon him the magical ability to coax storms from clear days and cast lightning and thunder from his hands. Despite his bad experience, he seeks to take to the high seas once more.