OK, I have a dilemma. I have a group of players spread out across the state/country, many of whom are fans of Zelazny's Amber setting and the Amber Diceless roleplaying game. I have an idea for an Amber campaign which I think will work well for the sort of email/Skype/PbP interaction which will be required. (Basically, Dworkin or someone sets aside a cache of Amberites in suspended animation to be held in reserve in case Something Bad happens. It does, but something goes awry and the PCs are defrosted with no knowledge of their true identities, abilities, or potentials.)
Now, these players are easygoing enough that if I tell them we're going to play a game where they will initially have no knowledge of the game mechanics, setting, or their own character's stats, they'll jump right in with both feet. HOWEVER, I feel like the Attribute Auction is pretty integral to the mechanics and flavor of the Amber Diceless system, and I want to include it. The moment I do that, though, these crafty gamers will say, "Ah ha! We're playing Amber!" Then, try as they might, they will instantly suspect that the odd Tarot deck they found must be Trumps, they'll feel an irresistible urge to seek the Pattern, they'll have a feeling of understanding, rather than horror, if their character discovers they are a shape-shifter, etc. Meta-gaming will be pretty much unavoidable, "natural" roleplaying will be more difficult for the players, and I think it would make it less fun for all involved.
Soooo.... can anyone think of a way to have an Attribute Auction without giving it away to the players? Maybe the game mechanics could be fiddled with or something. I just need some way to play Amber without the players instantly recognizing it. Unfortunately, I'm at a complete loss as to how to do that.
Thanks in advance, Paizo-ites.