Bromm Thistledown's page

No posts. Organized Play character for thzero.

Full Name













Neutral Good






Common, Elven

Homepage URL g

Strength 14
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10

About Bromm Thistledown

A tall, slender and graceful elven figure with tanned skin, an obvious sign of a life spent in the outdoors. He is dressed in dark brown studded leather armor, gauntlets, sturdy boots, and an enveloping dark green cloak thrown about his shoulders. A longbow is strapped to across his back, along with a backpack. A belt circles his waist, on the left side is a quiver of arrows, and the right is a short sword.

Born in the forests of Kyonin. Was always a child of the forests, learning to hunt, hiding and wandering. Never liked to sit still, if it wasn't for the fact he is an elf, one might wonder if he wasn't one of the short lived races. Has always had a rather large wander lust and on his majority decided it was time to leave home and explore the larger world. As a boon his father gave him a contact of an old friend to look up. As it turned out the contact, Felaelrel, was an old member of the Society who became his mentor until he was accepted by the Society himself.

Traits on scale of 1-10.
Disposition: Cheerful, bold, impatient (for an elf).
Courtesy 5; Not rude, but not especially courteous.
Valor 8; Confidence he has and he looks upon challenges as a tests of his skills and abilities.
Self-sacrifice 3; Won't necessarily go out of the way for someone, especially short-lifers.
Generosity 5.
Optimism 8.
Forgiveness 5.
Patience 5; Compared to most short-lifers he seems to be of the patient sort, but in reality for an elf he is quite impatient.
Helpfulness 7.
Temper 3; Very rarely gets angry.
Curiosity 10; He suffers from wander-lust as is interested in seeing what is around the bend and what new challenge may present itself.
Cheerfulness 7; He's used to being by himself and is slow to warm up to the short-lifers but once he gets to know you can be fairly friendly.
Honesty 7; Candid and blunt, but fairly honest.
Loyalty 4; Faithful to only a few close friends and the Society.
Materialism 6; He's not really interested in material wealth per say, more in challenging himself.

Always carry a knife in your boot.
Never walk through a door behind a goblin.
Must dry his boots by the fire every night.