
Brimgoth the Feral's page

Organized Play Member. 43 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


The movement that the player used is taken off of what the bat can normally move. The bat can only take the remainder of its movement.

Warpriest I was looking at Mythical Guardian with maybe a reach build.

I don't know much about Inquisitors, but he is basically a devil hunter. Not sure what Mythic to put on him.

Rogue, I guess pretty standard, unchained, any cool stuff though to add in for general usefulness? I guess I could just look at the class guide for that type of advice.

Ranger would be dual wield.

Fighter, greatsword, I would assume he would be made damage.

For all of the basics, my players have played these NPC's one shots for a couple of levels. The characters were originally just randomly generated. In the story (again, the players are actually playing NPC characters that are not truly their own) the NPCs have received big promotions and I am leveling them up a couple of levels. If they change some class stuff, skills, etc, it is not that big of a deal. They were extremely basic before.

The two Mythic characters are total NPCs that they will have to interact with, with the Inquisitor being a boss fight of sorts.

I am working on a few NPCs and was wondering about some help for builds. Looking for optimal. I don't have a lot of experience with Mythic. Some dipping would be okay. Wondering a lot about traits and feats for any of these guys.

Dwarven Warpreist 4 Mythic 2

Human Inquisitor 5 Mythic

DW Ranger 4
Archer Ranger 4
2h Fighter 4
Healer Paladin 4
Specialist Rogue 4

JuliusCromwell wrote:

I'm curious what build is best suited to use this feat?

I have plan to be a melee combatant and I'm unsure if I be

A kensai magus

A Monk of some sort

Or if I should play some sort horizon walker build

This is Ecl 20

Stats are 18 16 15 14 12 12

And wealth by level

Can I get some build ideas

I went Sap Rogue with Horizon Walker to deal maximized double backstab non lethal damage and used the Enforcer (?) trait to do it twice.


Devastation Bob wrote:
Chuffy shouldn't be proficient with the dogslicer, right? It's a light melee weapon and it's not listed as a rogue proficiency. As far as I can see, the only way would be to take the alternate racial trait weapon proficiency and then lose the skilled ability. But it doesn't look like they did that. Am I missing something?

Dogslicer is also a racial weapon for goblins, so any goblin can use.

Zhayne wrote:
What non-magical (skill/feat/class)-based methods exist for standing from prone without provoking an AoO?

I believe there is an acrobatics check that can be done as well.


That was your problem. Not a problem with the rules. In my experience, halfling fighters and orc wizards are not only possible, but fun.

Your issue is with the players, who have the mindset that they must always choose what is the most beneficial. The mechanics work fine as is.

Accept the overwhelming majority of the advanced races are Dex based, that was what led me to look at this exact same method.

Okay, I think I have some ideas starting.

Inquisitor - need a good build

Sorcerer - parents made some sort of a deal with a devil and he doesn't know it, was orphaned and given to the church

Rogue - Kind of a mercenary that got into the inquisitors, plays similar to an inquisitor, but is basically using his power to confiscate riches from the people who he is doing wrong, and is hoarding it for his/her retirement. Need a good stand alone rogue build

Paladin - Sir Richard build of some kind, probably an optimized Paladin build.

Warpriest - need a good optimized build here

Oracle - I have no clue on these builds, again, tough, stand alone type.

I am preparing to run a group of 6 players through Ways of the Wicked and am trying to prepare some custom content and could use some build help. Here is what I am trying to do.

I am planning to do a prologue to the game, where the players (6 of them) are given premade npcs (the future antagonists). The way that these mini adventures (over the first 2 sessions) will appear to be the backstory (see crime) of the player characters, really giving the players the feel of how they are perceived as monsters. What they are not going to necessarily know is, that they are also getting a prelude to the npcs that will eventually be hunting them.

I am picturing this group as a diverse group of 'inquisitor' types, kind of the somber good guys that are borderline in alignment. They are ruthless in their pursuit of 'evil'. I plan on beefing them up with some custom gear that will allow them to survive group encounters and things, as these guys don't always work alone. I am thinking that they are kind of 'witcher' types, or the last witch hunter types.

I want each of the villains, (good guys) to be different class and build wise. This is where I need some assistance. Any interesting builds that I can put together for a group like this?

I usually try to tie as much of it together as I can. I take their backgrounds and look for interesting ways to create a bigger plot line. And draw it out to add suspense.

They come across villain goons and uncover a plot. But when they get to the villain, they are gone and all that is left is another clue.

Encounter the villain during the middle of a major story arc and the player is forced to make the decision to let his rival go for the greater good. For now.

Over time, you end up going through different players pieces and eventually they all kind of tie together in some way to make sense into your storyline.

Yeah, my plan was to not allow her to start as a Green Hag, but to basically allow her to evolve into a Green Hag at a fairly appropriate level. Obviously her class levels would transfer over and the Green Hag would be added on almost like a template, but kind of like a change in race.

My question is, how do I adjust for ability score adjustments and all of that. I don't see anything about that in the link.

So, I am thinking about letting one of my players start the game as a Changeling (young age category) Witch and then at puberty getting summoned by her Hag mother and allowing her the opportunity to transform into a Green Hag.

How would I go about having the Green Hag as her race? I cannot seem to find the rules in Pathfinder.

Okay, so I have posted about this a couple of times. I am in the building process of a WotW campaign in which I am going to have 8 players. This gives me a lot of leway to create and add in some custom antagonists and power game them up some.

So, I was wondering if anybody had any builds of extreme good guy characters, or small groups, that are somewhat maximized or have very optimal synergy.

I am getting rid of exp completely and auto leveling the group when appropriate.

I understand the dangers. It will need to be dangerous to handle 8 fairly high powered evil characters. And, if they die, they die. Their souls will then belong to Asmodeous.

Thanks for all of the feedback guys! I have ordered Rappan Athuk and can't wait to dig into it.

Not overly worried about too much loot, remember, we are bad guys and I am allowing the higher side of power (thats the point in being bad anyways right). With 8 players, I am totally more afraid that they will roflstomp the shit out of the dungeon and that their will not be enough loots for their troubles. I am already modifying an entire AP, kinda hoping to run the megadungeon with a little less modification.

Actually, we are currently running Kingmaker and I am a player in that campaign. When this concludes, I am going to run Way of the Wicked modified so that it takes place in the Kingdom that we created. And then we are going to burn it to the freaking ground!

With such a big group of villains, who I am allowing to all be a bit on the higher side of regular power, the main storyline is not likely to provide a ton of challenge, but hopefully and enriching story. There are areas where I can probably challenge them, but definitely not through most of the campaign. I am going to integrate the megadungeon into the campaign as a place that they can access that they know has immense treasures, so that they can try to keep geared up some, and present a suitable challenge at the same time.

And yes, I am quite aware of the challenges of running an 8 person campaign. Oi...

I have never ran Rappan Athuk, but everything I am coming across is very positive.

Will it be wealthy enough in treasures to entice my band of evil villains?

I am going to be running a group of 8 evil players through WotW adventure path (modified based off of our current Kingmaker campaign). I am thinking about having the players have access to a Megadungeon that they will have to try to pillage periodically throughout the campaign to remain geared, as I will be limiting their loot and buy appropriate gear through towns.

My question is, what would be your suggestion on the best megadungeon to include, and why.

Anybody got any cool suggestions for running this module with 8 people?

Now I want to play a class with an animal companion in our S&S campaign coming up...

First I tried to make a rogue that went into Horizon Walker with the astral environmental to take advantage of the dimension door ability, but a bug prevented me from picking some of class features. And their bug reporting process made my head hurt.

Then, I tried to input my current character, which is a cavalier turned Golden Legionaire, which they do not have the sourcebooks for.

So, I tried twice and neither one worked, so I feel like I need to find something that is going to better fit my needs.

Does the d20 website have a generator? They seem to have just about everything loaded in there.

Anybody have any good autofill spreadsheets I can take a look at?

That's what I keep hearing, but I am not sure that I want to start paying for all of the books a second time.

Is there a character generator that is better than pcgen for free? I cannot seem to make any of the characters I have tried to make through that program.

I was just surprised by how terrible he is. He is DW, but that really just means he MIGHT hit a second time a round. He rarely gets into flanking positions because the two fighters are mowing through things. When he is not backstabbing, he is doing maybe about 8-16 damage per turn, while the two fighters are doing about 50-100 damage per round. When he backstabs he might get close to the low end of our damage, so I was looking for a way for him to be able to backstab more consistantly. I started looking at all of the bonuses he would get to hit and the opponents not getting dex against him and realized that he would be hitting probably at least twice as many more hits on top of being able to add his 6d6 backstab and that would really start to get gross pretty quickly.

Rogues have got to be the most pointless class in Pathfinder.

Thanks guys. I went through and kind of looked at it and I think you are right. While the rogue in our group is absolutely terrible compared to the two fighters, I think that giving him permanent backstab, as well as being able to treat every opponent as flat footed would be too much. He needs a big boost, but I think it really needs to be one or the other, better hitting, maneuverability, or damage, but not all three rolled into one.

I seem to remember people mentioning rules for creating custom magical items, specifically the ring of improved invisibility. I am interested in having this made for the rogue in our party, but our crafter cannot figure out how to make it.

A person in my group is playing a Domain caster druid focused on lightning and storms. We are trying to come up with some gear pieces to craft for her that is reasonably priced, other than Braces of Defense and the Headband of Wis. Group is level 10. Thoughts?

Yeah, I was looking at combining and making simple custom, such as a Ring of Improved Invisibility (seriously, why is that not a thing?). I was also looking at making the above ring have a limited amount of daily uses instead of activation. When you start getting into all of that, it starts getting complicated. Couple onto that, the GM gave him a free feat allowing him to craft Intelligent items as well. So, holy hell I need a program or a spreadsheet or something that will help us do all of this automatically.

The campaign is Kingmaker and we are using a lot of software for kingdom building, which is what kind of inspired me to look for tools to help with this as well.

Well, honestly the book does a good job for basic items and such, but what about when you want to start combining effects, or changing a constant item to charges. It gets pretty complicated quick in my opinion. It stims from the wizard in our party not being exactly the brightest crayon in the box and wanting to do magic item crafting and he is really struggling.

Is there any sort of program that anybody has built to help create magical items? For like custom items and things?

I don't even know what Unchained is or means. Is that out of a certain book? If so, what book is it?

I am sorry, I am playing a Hobgoblin, one of my other mates is playing a Kobold.

So, here is my build so far.

Brimgoth, Kobold Rogue(Thug, Scout) X, Horizon Walker 3

R5:Feat:Sap Master
R6:Rogue:Intimidating Presence
HW1:Feat:Weapon Focus-Sap
HW3: Feat:Dimensional Adept
R8: Feat:Dimensional Assault Rogue:Dazzling Display
R10: Feat:Dimensional Savant Rogue:Shatter Defenses
R12: Feat: Rogue:
R14: Feat: Rogue:
R16: Feat: Rogue:

Not sure really on some of the other stuff. I may move some of it down and pick up some flavor stuff since the AP will be Skulls and Shackles and I will most likely be the person who 'motivates' the rowers. My general build is for ship to ship combat, taking prisoners by knocking people out. Kind of an anti-kill slaver guy. Let me know if you see anything I could do better with the build though.

Awesome, so it sounds like Enforcer is the way to go.

I am noticing too many feats here that will work. Like, what us the difference between cornugan smash and enforcer?

I don't think I have enough feats for dazzling display, and I think the aoe intimidate doesn't really help the build. Though, I do like shatter defenses.

Thanks for all the tips too, it is really a lot to fit into a build.

I was going to go Slayer originally, but with going Sap Master for double backstab with nonlethal, the Slayer would take me forever. My thought was to use the Scout Archtype for rogue to charge an opponent and get my backstab, use the rogue talent that allows me to do max backstab with a concealed weapon, sap them for double max backstab damage nonlethal, demoralize them with Enforcer, the do it again with Hurtful. I will also take the Thug archtype for rogue and drop 1d6 backstab to make them sickened on top of it. At end game, I will do the same thing but will dimension door all over the battlefield sapping everybody into unconciousness.

I thought about going the Bludgeoner route, but decided the small amount of additional damage was not really useful enough with this build since it really focuses its time on the max and double backstabs.

Thanks for the resources guys.

I need some help finding a power for a build I have been working on for a S&S campaign. I am trying to build a sap rogue that utilizes intimidate. At 9th level I am going to transition him into the Dimensional Agility line (using Horizon Walker) so that I can teleport around the battlefield sapping people to take as prisoners.

There was one feat or trait that I found once but have been unable to find again. If I remember it correctly, if you demoralize an opponent you get a free attack against them. Does anybody recall where this came from?

Ahh, so you have to take the feat that allows another trait. That looks like what I was thinking of. Thanks.

What is the name of the feat that gives you a +2 spellcaster level to a class up to your maximum level? It was for making up the difference when you multiclass and lose caster level I think.