
Bridgette Olivia Noya Yakov's page

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About Bridgette Olivia Noya Yakov

Name: Bridgette Olivia Noya Yakov
Race: Half-Drow (Ulfen)
Class: Fighter (1/20) + Unchained Rogue (0/20) + Bard(0/20)
Size: Medium
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Alignment: NG
Deity: Kurgress
Languages: Common, Elven, Abyssal, Draconic

Stats: 15,15,14,13,12,11
STR: 13(1) = 13 + 0 + 0
DEX: 17(3) = 15 + 0 + 0 +2(Racial)
CON: 12(1) = 12 + 0 + 0
INT: 15(2) = 15 + 0 + 0
WIS: 11(0) = 11 + 0 + 0
CHA: 14(2) = 14 + 0 + 0

Hit Points: 10/10

Init: 3 = 3(Dex)

Melee: 2
Range: 4

AC: 17:13:14


Fighter (2) + INT = 4+FC + 2 (Background)
?? (X) + 1 + INT + FC =

ACP = 1 //Armour Check Penalty
Format: Total = ranks + stat + trained(?) +other(noted) -ACP
Acrobatics: 4 = 1 + DEX Mod + 0 - ACP;
bAppraise: 2 = 0 + INT Mod + 0;
Bluff: 2 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0;
*Climb: 5 = 1 + STR Mod + 3 -ACP;
b*Craft: 2 = 0 + INT Mod + 0;
#Diplomacy: 3 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0 +1(Trait);
Disable Device: 3 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
Disguise: 2 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0;
Escape Artist: 3 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
Fly: 3 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
*Handle Animal: 2 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0;
Heal: 0 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0;
*Intimidate: 2 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0;
Know(Arcana): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
*Know(Dungeon): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
Know(Local): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
Know(Nature): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
Know(Planes): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
Know(Religion): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
b*Know(Engineer): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
bKnow(Geography): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
bKnow(History): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
bKnow(Nobles): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
bLinguistics: NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
Perception: 3 = 1 + WIS MOD + 0 +2(KS);
bPerform (Dance): 2 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0;
bPerform (Sing): 2 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0;
b*Prof (Barmaid): 4 = 1 + WIS Mod + 3;
*Ride: 3 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
Sense Motive: 1 = 1 + WIS Mod + 0);
bSleight of Hand: 4 = 1 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
Spell Craft: NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
Stealth: 3 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
*Survival: 0 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0;
*Swim: 5 = 1 + STR Mod + 3 -ACP;
Use Magical Device: NA = NA + CHA Mod + 0;

* / # Class Skill
b Background Skill

Class features, Feats, Traits and Racial Traits:

Class features:

Armour+Shields: ALL
Weapons: Simple + Martial

Fighter Bonus Feats
1) Blind Fight




General Feats:
1) Drow Spirit (Get drow SLAs)

feats to Look at
Blind fight series (4-6)
Drow Noble Series (~4)
Two-Weapon series (3-4)

other feats, if there is room or need
Additional traits
Exotic weapon
Pass for Human

Betrayed:Reformed Criminal (Diplomacy (+1 and CS))
Indomitable Faith (+1 Will)

Racial Traits:
Low-Light Vision -> Drow-Blooded (Darkvision 60ft + light blindness)
Adaptability -> Dual Minded (+2 Will)
Elf Blood
Elven Immunities -> Thinblood Resistance (+2 vs Poison and Disease (even Magical disease) + poison use)
Keen Senses
Multi-Talented (Fighter + Rogue)

Language replacement -> Drow Heritage

Drow SLA:

dancing lights
faerie fire

AC, Saves, Attacks:

AC: 17 = 10 + 4(Armour) + 3(Dex) + 0(NA);
Touch: 13 = 10 + 3(Dex);
Flat: 14 = 10 + 4(Armour) + 0(NA);

Fort: 3 = 2+0(base) + 1(CON);
Ref: 3 = 0+0(base) + 3(DEX);
Will: 3 = 0+0(base) + -0(WIS) +2(DM) +1(Trait:IF);

Melee: 02 = 1+0(base) + 1(STR);
Range: 04 = 1+0(base) + 3(DEX);
CMB: 02 = 1+0(base) + 1(STR);
CMD: 15 = 10 + 1+0(base) + 1(STR) + 3(DEX);


Weapons: 100 gp
Machete (1d6 19-20/x2 — 2 lbs. S)
5x Dagger (1d4 19-20/x2 10 ft. 1 lb. P or S)

Longbow (1d8 x3 100 ft. 3 lbs. P)
Arrows (100)
--Weight: X

Armour: 60gp
Lamellar (leather) (Armour: +4 Max_Dex: +3 ACP: -2 ASF: 20% Speed: 30 ft.)

Special Substances and items: 50gp
Tanglefoot bag





Wondrous Items:

Adventure Gear: (~20gp)
Back Pack (2)
Bed roll (5)
Chalk * 10
Flint and Steel
Pouch, Belt (1/2)
Sack (1/2)
Sewing Needle *4
Water skin (4)
Whetstone (1)
Trail rations *2 (1 each)

Mirror (used for looking around corners and anytime she uses Shape Change.)

Tools and Skill Kits:

Clothes: 20gp
Explorers outfit
2x Peasant Dresses
2x Corsets
a kerchief
Furs (for the colder months)
Chausses (for the colder months)

Weight Total:XX.0
Light: XX, Med: XXX, Heavy: XXX

Cash: 90gp
0 PP
18 GP
18 SP
20 CP


She is a beautiful half-elven woman of about 6'7" which is inherited by her Ulfen heritage
along with blue eyes and her silver hair she inherited from her mother.
(though in the dark, her eyes look more voilet colored then blue).
She sports an athletic build with nice feminine curves blending elven and ulfen features.

Out in the daylight she generally wears a blindfold that reduces the light that shines into her eyes.
Though once in a dark enough place she might remove the blind fold to see properly.

Data and Background:

Name: Bridgette Olivia Noya Yakov
Race: Half-Drow (Ulfen)
Job: Performer, Barmaid
Age: 24
Favorite Foods: Apples, Honey, Meat, Fish, Potatoes, Oats, eggs, others
Hobbies: Training, Singing, Dancing, Sewing

Background Info:
After he father's murder, her father's enemies bought out the families business and kicked her out of her home.
She only was able to take a small number of her things before being kicked out.
Thankfully she kinda knew a spot in the city she could make as a home on the East shore.

A few months later Gaedren Lamm found Bridgette and he said he'd help take care of her.
She naively believed him, and he took her in for a while and had her trained a bit.
He know who she was and wanted to hurt Timofey from the grave for what tricks he pulled after his death.

On the anniversery of her father's murder, Gaedren Lamm triggered his betrayal of Bridgette.
He set her up to take the fall for one of his operations, using one of her weaknesses to ensure she was caught.
One of his men removed Bridgette's blindfold that reduced the light that entered her eyes, for she inherited that same
weakness as her mother. It hindered her a lot and she was caught.

She was given a light sentence as her charges where changed from Robbery to Burglary.
Bridgette was young and had a disability, so she was really a minor player in it.
She was too young for a true jail term, so they had her serve her 1 year sentence under house arrest
with a cleric the judge knew, named Alexander Anderson.

Mr Anderson kept a watch on her and even had her working at a tavern he knew named the Dragon's Horde at times.
He made sure she learned about things she'd need to have a normal life and be helpful to society.
Once her sentence was up she was allowed to do as she pleased.

Now Gaedren Lamm was not happy his setup didn't land Bridgette in jail with a cut off hand.
He wanted to hurt Bridgette more, but with Anderson around he decided it was better not to do anything for a while.
As Gaedren Lamm saw what Anderson did to some of his men, and also warned him before.

After she was free from Anderson's care he waited a bit and ordered a few men to give her hell.
But when Blackjack showed up taking out his men and saving her.
part of his superstitious nature warned him of even further losses,
if her goes after again as fate was protecting her.
So he decided to forget about her.

Blackjack mentioned he knows a place she can stay.
Funny enough it was the family that owned the Dragon's Horde, the Aiba's.
Turns out they lost a child likely to activities related to Gaedren Lamm.
Bridgette was then raised by the Aiba's and worked at the tavern.
But Bridgette also took a few lesssons from at the Orisini Academy.

When Bridgette was old enough the Aiba's informed her of something,
she learned her father prepared something if he died early, but waited until she was old enough.
It was a good amount of coin, over 200 gold coins and a .
She saved it until she learned a bit more about Gaedren Lamm.

Seemed he was not only the one that back stabbed her,
but may of even paid someone to murder him which made her an orphan in the first place.
That and the fact he exploits children and even selling off a few to certain individuals.
She was gonna kill that bastard if it was the last thing she'd do.

But one thing she was gonna do to prepare for it, which ment learning how to deal with her weakness to bright light.
She started learning to fight and move better while blind or blind folded.

As for her work, well she still works as a Barmaid, but has also become a bit of an amature singer using her discovered magical abilities to assist in the performance of some songs (using Dancing Lights and faerie fire for a light effect while singing)

Family Data
Father's Name: Timofey Yakov
Race: Ulfen
Classes: Fighter/Bard
Description: A man of 7 foot 1 with a strong build sporting blonde hair and blue eyes.
Inherited a merchant business from an old friend and made it grow.
He had connections with merchant and Varisian caravans.
He was also an honourable man, not liking to skirt the law or take bribes.
This bit him a bit of a reputation as a fair and clean merchant to deal with.
And it pissed off some of the gangs in town as they tried to piggy back on his
good reputation with their members, who tried influencing and getting away with shit.

Gaedren Lamm was one of them, he murdered her father in his workplace office
While Bridgette was starting to on her 6th day of being tutored at the age of 8.

But he was smart enough to prepare if things happened to him.
He also left a bit of a explosive trap if he passed away before Bridgette could inherit the company,
and it was taken over by certain individuals or groups.

The trap would make any benefit one would get out of his Merchant company useless.
As all his caravan connections would stop doing business on hearing of his death with the company.
He set his company to collapse pretty much within a few years after his death.

Mother's Name: Leona Yanna
Race: Half-Drow
Classes: Rogue
Description: A woman of 6 foot 2 with silver hair and voilet eyes, and an attractive figure with a skin tone taking after her human heritage.
Had a bit of a rough life and was saved by Timofey from a bad fate.
Feel in love with him and managed to get him to fall for her and marry her.

She passed away when Brigette was only 6.


She has a bit of a height complex (she's 6'7") as she's taller then pretty much everyone around her except for the some of the other Ulfen in the city.

She dislikes her eye's sensitivity to the light that she inherited from her mother.
Though she likes that her eyes can see in the dark very well which has saved her from some street thugs a few times at night.

Starting Leveling plan (could change):

Bard or Fighter
Bard or Fighter