![]() About Bridgette Olivia Noya YakovName: Bridgette Olivia Noya Yakov
Stats: 15,15,14,13,12,11
Hit Points: 10/10 Init: 3 = 3(Dex) Melee: 2
AC: 17:13:14 Skills:
Fighter (2) + INT = 4+FC + 2 (Background) ?? (X) + 1 + INT + FC = ACP = 1 //Armour Check Penalty
* / # Class Skill
Class features, Feats, Traits and Racial Traits:
Class features: Fighter:
Fighter Bonus Feats
---- Rogue ---- General Feats:
feats to Look at
other feats, if there is room or need
Racial Traits:
Language replacement -> Drow Heritage Drow SLA:
1/day dancing lights darkness faerie fire AC, Saves, Attacks:
AC: AC: 17 = 10 + 4(Armour) + 3(Dex) + 0(NA); Touch: 13 = 10 + 3(Dex); Flat: 14 = 10 + 4(Armour) + 0(NA); Saves:
Weapons: 100 gp
Longbow (1d8 x3 100 ft. 3 lbs. P)
Armour: 60gp
Special Substances and items: 50gp
Necklace/Medallion: --Weight:X Rings:
Wondrous Items:
Mirror (used for looking around corners and anytime she uses Shape Change.)
Tools and Skill Kits:
Clothes: 20gp
Weight Total:XX.0
Cash: 90gp
She is a beautiful half-elven woman of about 6'7" which is inherited by her Ulfen heritage
Out in the daylight she generally wears a blindfold that reduces the light that shines into her eyes.
Data and Background:
Name: Bridgette Olivia Noya Yakov Race: Half-Drow (Ulfen) Job: Performer, Barmaid Age: 24 Likes: Dislikes: Favorite Foods: Apples, Honey, Meat, Fish, Potatoes, Oats, eggs, others Hobbies: Training, Singing, Dancing, Sewing Background Info:
A few months later Gaedren Lamm found Bridgette and he said he'd help take care of her.
On the anniversery of her father's murder, Gaedren Lamm triggered his betrayal of Bridgette.
She was given a light sentence as her charges where changed from Robbery to Burglary.
Mr Anderson kept a watch on her and even had her working at a tavern he knew named the Dragon's Horde at times.
Now Gaedren Lamm was not happy his setup didn't land Bridgette in jail with a cut off hand.
After she was free from Anderson's care he waited a bit and ordered a few men to give her hell.
Blackjack mentioned he knows a place she can stay.
When Bridgette was old enough the Aiba's informed her of something,
Seemed he was not only the one that back stabbed her,
But one thing she was gonna do to prepare for it, which ment learning how to deal with her weakness to bright light.
As for her work, well she still works as a Barmaid, but has also become a bit of an amature singer using her discovered magical abilities to assist in the performance of some songs (using Dancing Lights and faerie fire for a light effect while singing) Family Data
Gaedren Lamm was one of them, he murdered her father in his workplace office
But he was smart enough to prepare if things happened to him.
The trap would make any benefit one would get out of his Merchant company useless.
Mother's Name: Leona Yanna
She passed away when Brigette was only 6. Complexes/Fears/Quirks:
She has a bit of a height complex (she's 6'7") as she's taller then pretty much everyone around her except for the some of the other Ulfen in the city. She dislikes her eye's sensitivity to the light that she inherited from her mother.
Starting Leveling plan (could change):
Fighter Rogue Bard Bard or Fighter Bard or Fighter Fighter Rogue Fighter Rogue |