Brian Baird 35's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 2 posts (621 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 20 aliases.


The Exchange

William Sinclair wrote:
I could have sworn that somewhere on this board was a list of more buildings that could be built in the city, as well as graphics to go with them. Anybody know what I'm talking about, or am I just going insane? th/kingmaker/nonCityKingdomImprovementsFortMineCampEtc

there it is

The Exchange

a odd question for the more physics minded people out there. the interaction with a mid sized creature in a closed portable hole with a bottle of air. yes the bottle of air ups the amount of time that you could live in the hole for. the base being 10 mins. how long would it take for the bottle of air to make too much air for the portable hole to become so pressurized that it kills what ever is in there. and if a creature was in the hole for a time and there was presher build up and got out before the presher was enough to kill it would the creature have the bends.

i ask because my group has been putting party members in the hole, with bottle of air in it, and having the monk run for a day with the potable hole for faster travel. and i just saw this flaw with it. if it even is a flaw.