
Brandark Plainswalker's page

1,877 posts. Alias of Mokshai.

Full Name

Brandark Plainswalker



daily use:
Challenge 3/3, Tactition 3/3


Cavalier 7/Fighter 3

Main Info:
(HP77/77), (AC21/20, T11, FF20/19(With/Without Shield)) +4 vs Giant Subtype, Saves (F+10,R+5, W+4)(+4 vs Spell, SLA, and +2 vs Poison),(CMB 15, CMD 27), (Init 2, Perc+14-+2 vs stonework)



War Horse (Charger) (HP82/82),(AC29, T12, FF25), Save(F+9, R+9, W+4), (CMB 13, CMD 27), Init 3, Perc 6. Scent and Low Light Vision





Special Abilities

Darkvision 60',








Dwarven, Common, Giant

Strength 18
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 13
Charisma 10

About Brandark Plainswalker


Brandark was born of a brewing merchant family. He found through his life that he was highly resistant to suggestions that he should take up the brewing life like his parents before him. He was able to resist these suggestions, and with the money that he saved working for his parents, he was able to afford the cost of gear. He then was asked if he could travel some of the human lands to see about working in some new markets for his family.
During this time, he was set upon by goblins, and left for dead. He was found by a member of "Order of the Dragon", who restored him to health and then inducted him into his order. After rebuilding a small amount of cash, and reequipping himself, he found himself in Sandpoint at the same time as a caravan with the swallowtail festival arrived.


Male Dwarf Cavalier 7/Fighter 3
NG medium humanoid
Init +2
Senses Darkvision (60)

Racial Traits:

Slow and Steady: You have a base speed of 20 feet, but your speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.

Defensive Training: Dwarves get a +4 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the giant subtype.

Greed: Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus on Appraise skill checks made to determine the price of nonmagical goods that contain precious metals or gemstones.

Hatred: Dwarves receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the orc and goblinoid subtypes due to special training against these hated foes.

Hardy: You receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.

Stability: Dwarves receive a +4 racial bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground.

Stonecunning: Dwarves receive a +2 bonus on Perception checks to potentially notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. They receive a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they are actively looking.

Weapon Familiarity: You are proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a martial weapon.

Jump Modifier (Core 88): You gain a -4 to jump checks.

Campaign Traits:

Glory of Old (DoG 11): You receive a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against spells, spell-like abilities, and poison.

Monster Hunter (APRR 4): You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls against aberrations and magical beasts.


BAB 10 / 5
CMB 15, CMD 27
Space 5 Reach 5
Speed 20 ft

2 Handed
Lance +15,+10 (1d8+7/x3)
+1 Adamantine Waraxe +16,+11 (1d10+7/x3)
Masterwork Warhammer+16, +11 (d8+6/x3)
Cold Iron Masterwork Heavy Pick +16, +11 (D6+6/x4)

1 Handed
+1 Adamantine Waraxe +16, +11 (1d10+6/x3)
Masterwork Warhammer +16, +11 (1d8+5/x3)
Cold Iron Masterwork Heavy Pick +16, +11 (d6+5/x4)
Dagger +15, +10 (1d4+5/19-20/x2)
Spiked Masterwork Quickdraw Shield +15, +10 (d4+5/x2)

Mighty Masterwork Darkwood Composite Longbow (+2 STR) +13, +8 (d8+2/x3)
Sling +12, +7 (1d4+5/x2)


AC 22/21, touch 12/11, flat-footed 20/19 (+4 vs Giant Subtype)
hp 77
Fort 11, Reflex 6, Will 5 (+4 vs Spell and SLA, +2 vs Poison)


Power Attack,
Steel Soul
Mounted Combat
Furious Focus
Ride By Attack
Monsterous Mount
Monsterous Mount Mastery
Boon Companion

Teamwork feats
Paired Opportunists


With/Without Shield
Acrobatics 0/1, Appraise 1/1, Bluff 0/0, Climb 0/1, Craft(Weapons) 5/5, Craft (Armour) 5/5, Diplomacy 0/0, Disguise 0/0, Escape Artist -3/-2, Fly -3/-2, Handle Animal 11/11, Heal 8/8, Intimidate 0/0, Knowledge(Dungeon/Engineer) 1/1, Perception 14/14, Profession (Brewer) 5/5, Ride 15/16, Sense Motive 3/3, Stealth -3/-2, Survival 7/7, Swim 6/7


Dwarven, Common, Giant

Class Features:

Armor and Shield Proficiency: You are proficient in Light, Medium and Heavy Armor. You are proficient with shields (except Tower Shields).

Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons.

Order of the Dragon (APG 35): You dedicate yourself to a group of like-minded individuals. You believe in loyalty and friendship.

Skills (APG 35): Perception and Survival are now class skills.
In addition, whenever you use Survival to provide food and water for your allies or to protect your allies from harsh weather, you receive a bonus of +2 on the check.

Aid Allies (Ex) (APG 35): Whenever you use the aid another action to assist one of his allies, the ally receives a +3 bonus to his Armor Class, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.

Armour Training (Ex) (Core 55) You have learned to be more maneuverable in armour. You reduce your armour check penalty by 1 to a minimum of 0 and increase the max dex allowed by 1. wearing Med armour does not reduce your speed.

Bravery (Ex) (Core 55) you gain a +1 Bonus on Will Saves vs Fear.

Challenge (Ex) (APG 32): As a swift action you choose one target to challenge. You deal +8 points of damage against this target but you take a -2 to AC against all other opponents. You can use this ability 3 times per day.
(APG 35): Whenever you issue a challenge, your allies receive a +2 circumstance bonus on melee attack rolls against the target of your challenge whenever you are threatening the target.

Mount (Ex) (APG 33): You gain a mount. You do not take an Armor Check Penalty when riding your mount.

Cavalier’s Charge (Ex) (APG 33): The cavalier receives a +4 bonus on melee attack rolls on a charge while mounted (instead of the normal +2). In addition, the cavalier does not suffer any penalty to his AC after making a charge attack while mounted.

Expert Trainer (Ex) (APG 33): You get a +3 bonus whenever you use Handle Animal on an animal that serves as a mount. You can reduce the time needed to teach a mount a new trick or train a mount for a general purpose to 1 day per 1 week required by increasing the DC by +5. You can also train more than one mount at once, although each mount after the first adds +2 to the DC.

Tactician (Ex) (APG 33): You receive a bonus teamwork feat. As a standard action, the cavalier can grant this feat to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear him. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat for 7 rounds. The cavalier can use this ability 3 times a day.

Banner (Ex) (APG 34): As long as your banner is clearly visible, all allies within 60 feet receive a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear and a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls made as part of a charge.

Weapons and Armour:

Masterwork Full Plate, Light Quickdraw Spiked Steel shield,
Lance, Adamantine +1 War axe, Masterwork Warhammer, Masterwork Cold Iron Heavy Pick, Dagger, Sling, 40 Bullets, Masterwork Darkwood Composite Longbow (+2), 60 Durable Cold Iron Arrows

Carried Adventuring Gear:

Backpack, Belt Pouch, Adventurers Sash, Blanket, Silk Rope, Waterskin, flask oil (4) in waterskin, Canteen (2), Grapple Hook, Sack (2), Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Mess Kit, Bar of Soap, Chalk (2), Pitons (4), Iron Spikes (4), Trail Rations (7), Hammer, Hooded Lantern, Tindertwig (4), Cooking Kit (AA), Coffee Pot, Explorers Outfit, Gear Maintenance Kit, Grooming Kit, Fishing Kit, 50' Twine, Ground Coffee 1 lb, 1/2 lb oats, Iron Pot, Healing Kit, Banner, Compass

Sihedron Medallion (False Life d10+5)
Everburning Candles (2)
Belt of Giant Strength (+2)

On Pack Horse]
Saddlebags, Bit and Bridle, Pack Saddle, Sacks(2), Blanket, Winter Blanket, 50’ Silk Rope, Waterskin, Oil Flasks (4) in Waterskin, Canteen, Candles (6), Pitons (4), Iron Spikes(8), Hand Rotary Quern (ACG), Explorers Outfit, 7 Days Horse Feed, 1.5 lb Oats, Tent,

On Abacuzar
Bit and Bridle, Military Saddle, Steel Lamellar Barding

Consumable Items:

6 Oils of Magic Weapon
Cure Light Wounds Potion
Cure Moderate Wounds Potion
Potion of Animate Rope
Potion of Protection from Evil
Potion of Hide from Undead




Male Horse
N Large Quadreped
Init +2,
Senses Scent, Low light vision, Perception +5
Space 10, Reach 5

AC 29, Touch 12, Flat-Footed 29
HP 82
Fort 9, Reflex 9, Will 4

Speed 50 ft
BAB 6, CMB 13, CMD 27

Bite Primary +11 (D4+6),(-2 hit for a +4 damage)
Hoof Primary x2 +6 (D6+3)(-2 hit for a +4 damage)

STR 22, DEX 16, CON 17, INT 3, WIS 12, CHA 6

Toughness, Dodge, Charge through, Power Attack, Medium Armour Proficiency

Attack, 2nd Attack, Come, Defend, Guard, Heel, Down, Exclusive, Serve, Watch,

SKILLS (all at -2)
Acrobatics +7, Climb +11, Escape Artist +3, Fly -1, Intimidate -2, Perception +6, Stealth +3, Survival +2, Swim +11

Steel Lamellar Barding

Charger (Companion Archetype):

The mighty charger is a boon to heavily armored and armed champions, bearing them and their ironmongery into battle without hesitation.

Animal Feats: In addition to the standard animal companion feats, a charger may select Charge Through(APG), Greater Overrun, Improved Great Fortitude, and Improved Iron Will.

Animal Skills: Chargers treat Intimidate as a class skill.

Mounted Challenge (Ex): When ridden by a cavalier, chargers gain half of the bonuses and penalties granted by the cavalier’s challenge class feature. This ability replaces share spells.

Barding Training (Ex): At 3rd level, a charger’s armor check penalty for wearing barding or for carrying a medium load is reduced by 1 and the maximum Dexterity bonus for its armor and load increases by 1.
Reduce the armor check and medium load penalties by an additional 1 for every 6 levels after 3rd; increase the maximum Dexterity bonus for the charger’s armor by an additional 1 for every 6 levels after 3rd.
In addition, the charger’s speed does not decrease when wearing medium armor or carrying a medium load. At 9th level, a charger can move at normal speed in heavy armor or while carrying a heavy load. This ability replaces evasion and Multiattack.

Indefatigable (Ex): At 6th level, a charger becomes immune to fatigue. This ability replaces devotion.

Stalwart Steed (Ex): At 15th level, the charger gains the ability to withstand great punishment and stress. Whenever the charger succeeds at a Fortitude or Will save that would normally result in a reduced or partial effect, the charger is unaffected. This ability replaces improved evasion.


Female Heavy Horse
N Large Quadreped
Init +4,
Senses: Lowlight Vision, Scent, Perception +3
Space 10, Reach 5
Speed 50

BAB 1, CMB 5, CMD 19
Bite (Primary)d20-2
Hooves (Secondary)d20-7

AC 15, T 13, FF 11
F8, R3, W7
HP 19

S 20, D 18, C 21, I 2, W 17, C 11

Come, Work

Acrobatics +4, Climb +5, Escape Artist +4, Fly 4, Intimidate 0, Perception +3, Stealth +4, Survival +3, Swim +5