Full Name |
Bralden Pinesinger (Core) |
Classes/Levels |
Male elf bard 1 | hp 8/8 | AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | F/R/W +0/+5/+3 | Bard. perform rounds 5/7 | Perception +7 |
About Bralden Pinesinger CORE
Bralden was raised by elven parents in an elven society, and both his parents were early members of the Pathfinder Society at some point in their long lives. It only made sense that he would follow in their footsteps. As soon as he hit adult age, he ran off to join the Society and to chronicle the exploits of its members. His main goal in life is to make a grand discovery for the society... find something incredibly powerful or old.
Bralden Pinesinger (PFS # 44004-25) [CORE CHARACTER]
Male elf bard 1
CG Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +5; Senses Perception +7
AC 16 Touch 13 FF 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +3 (+2 Trait bonus vs. enchantments)
Immune sleep
Melee Dagger -1 (1d4-1)
Ranged Longbow +3 (1d8)
Special Attacks countersong, distraction, fascinate
Bard spells known (Concentration +4)
1st - charm person (DC 14), cure light wounds
0 - daze (DC 13), light, lullaby (DC 13), prestidigitation
Str 9, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 12
Feats Arcane Strike
Skills Acrobatics +7, Bluff +7, Diplomacy +7, Kn. (arcana, history) +7, Kn. (all others) +1, Perception +7, Perform (Oratory) +7, Sense Motive +6, Spellcraft +6
Traits Reactionary, Suspicious
SQ Elven immunities, Keen senses, Elven magic, Weapon familiarity, Low-light vision, Bardic knowledge, Bardic performance (countersong, distraction, fascinate, inspire courage +1), Cantrips
belt pouch
common lute
flint and steel
ink and inkpen
iron pot
mess kit
10 torches
5 trail rations