![]() I have a sorcerer in my game with the elemental bloodline. He just got to 9th level and got Elemental Body I as a bonus spell. All of the damage-doing bonus spells specify that they must be of the bloodline element (in this case, Air/electricity), but the rules say nothing about Elemental Body I. Thematically, it seems like the sorcerer would be limited to turning into an Air Elemental. Has their been any clarification about this? Thanks for any help. ![]()
![]() Hi James, I received Rule of Fear for Christmas and was intrigued by Ruwido (the village in the Virlych region of Ustalav that is the home to outcasts and the monstrously deformed). Is Ruwido mentioned in any modules or APs? If not, are there any plans to do something with it? Thanks for your insight. ![]()
![]() DrDeth wrote: The idea of having a DMPC who is 13yo a killer and with romantic ties with other underaged characters is distasteful and a bad idea on so many levels. Sorry. I am being very careful with this. She is trying to reform and is no more a killer than the other murder hobos she travels with. As for the "romantic relationship" part, I am treading lightly here. I want to keep the activity PG 13 or tamer. I don't want to make my nephew (or anyone else at the table) uncomfortable. The crush aspect of the relationship mostly involves the girl staying close to the barbarian (riding on the same horse, taking the same watch, and generally remaining close by)and being protective/jealous of him. If this were an adult game, I would delve more into the "crazy chick" aspect with all kinds of self-destructive and risky behavior (sex, drugs, etc...) that characterize a manic personality. What I am looking for is behaviors that are not sexual or drug-related that would demonstrate a volatile personality (CN) and that would be reasonable for a 13-yo girl. ![]()
![]() Weirdo wrote:
I like this idea. ![]()
![]() the secret fire wrote:
I may have overstated her willingness to kill anybody who annoyed her. She has not done anything over-the-top violent to anybody who wasn't trying to kill her (which is a big step up from her original attitude). I would say more that she is trying to reform, but lacks self-control. Thanks for the suggestions so far. ![]()
![]() I am trying to come up with action and behaviors that would demonstrate chaotic neutral behavior of a befriended, but deeply troubled NPC.
Falcon's Hollow plot elements:
In the Falcon's Hollow module, they encountered Jeva the female, tween, orphaned, infected werewolf/serial killer. She tried to lure the party, trick them and kill them, but was defeated. Instead of killing her, the party took pity on Jeva and tried get her help. They went on a quest to get her cured of lycanthropy and treated her with kindness and respect. Jeva's is about 13 years old and has developed a crush on the 16 year old Barbarian (my nephew's character) when he spared her life and treated her kindly. Slowly, her alignment changed from CE to CN. The party went on a quest to find Jeva's aunt and uncle in Ustalav. However, when the time came to part, the player's caved and allowed her to remain with the party, even though she is kind of young to be an adventurer. So now the party has a CN, adolescent, female, rogue as a permanent NPC. She has a crush on the 16 year old CG Barbarian (nephew's character) and has developed a "sisterly" relationship with the 146 year old (young adult) NG female elf ranger (niece's character). Other characters include a NG adult, male, human ninja (player - 10 year boy); a LN adult, male, dwarf cleric (real life dad of ninja player); and a NG young adult, human sorcerer (my son). These last three are relatively new additions to the party and were not around when the NPC joined the party. So far the NPC has run away when angry, gotten in trouble for stealing things from random strangers when she got bored in town, and viciously attacked anybody who insulted her barbarian crush. She is ruthless and is more than willing to kill anybody who annoys her, but she is trying to restrain those impulses for the Barbarian's sake.
Thanks for your ideas. ![]()
![]() Bragol Ruth - One of earlier characters from 1st or 2nd Ed was a fighter with a propensity for sudden acts of violence and aggression in the face of frustration. A player running an eleven archer flipped to the elvish dictionary appendix of the Silmarillion and created the name Bragol Ruth (Sudden Anger) for my character. Bad Karma - A character (not mine) in a Hero game. He used a huge autofire gun (think Jesse Venture with the 50 cal machine gun in Predator). High Noon - Not a character name, but a weapon name. In the same Hero game a couple of character created a huge bomb with a number of significant disadvantages and limitations (Hero is a point-based game and limitations can make something cost less). It only worked at Noon. Nargle Sihn - Mindflayer Wizard (Recurring NPC villain). ![]()
![]() While not as large as some earlier posters (6'2" 250ish lbs.) I nearly always recline and expect that others will do the same. Before the flight takes off, I ask the person behind me If they mind if I recline. I have never received a negative answer. If fact, I have been thanked for asking permission. ![]()
![]() The other night our party was hit be a Chaos Hammer trap (20' r burst, Will save for half). Would that affect the wizard's familiar too? This damage could have killed the familiar. Typically the familiar can avoid most AoE damage, because they have improved evasion. Also they are usually not subject to direct attack unless the wizard/sorcerer intentionally sends them into dangerous situations (attacking bad guys, spying, aiding allies, etc..). The wizard's player argues that to make familiars viable and fun to play, familiars should be ignored/exempt from spells like Chaos Hammer when the familiar is not being actively used by the wizard. I am planning to start a game soon and would like to know how other GMs handle familiars. Would you make the familiar subject to damage from a Chaos Hammer? What about environmental hazards like lava or drowning? ![]()
![]() Sara Marie wrote:
Thanks very much for your help. ![]()
![]() Mythic Evil Lincoln wrote:
I play D&D/Pathfinder because it has a huuuuuge amount of support. You can find a lot of pre-made spells, classes, NPCs, adventures and such. When I was much younger, I player Fantasy Hero. I liked the system better, but it only had a msall number of "canned" spells or modules. You had to create most of the supplementary material yourself - a major pain. I tried alternate systems such as Burning Wheel, Role Master, Traveller, Gamma World and Mage/Vampire/etc, but they never caught on with my gaming group. Fantasy Hero was the longest-lived campaign, but the game died out because running it required too much effort. In addition to the lack of support materials, it is difficult to get other people in a gaming group to invest time in somthing new when they have spent so much learning the complex rules of the system they are using. I have found that as I (and my friends) get older, we don't have the time to learn an entirely new gaming system. ![]()
![]() Brad Turner wrote:
Thanks for all your hard work. I am looking forward to using it. ![]()
![]() Lincoln Hills wrote:
Not mention that poison was save or die. None of this ability damage crap, just D.E.A.D. That was when (teenage nerds pretending to be) men were men. Ungrateful punks - pull up your pants and get off my lawn ;). ![]()
![]() Hyler wrote: I'm trying to place a heavy wagon on a grid. It says ''Squares 8 (10 ft. by 20 ft'' but I don't know what ''10 ft. by 20 ft'' means (I'm a newb, I know haha) could somebody explain this to me as if I was 6 years old? Thank you so much in advance! Each sqaure on a grid is 5 ft x 5 ft. The heavy wagon in your eaxmple would be 10 ft (2 squares) wide and 20 ft (4 squares) long. 2 x 4 = 8 squares. I hope this helps. ![]()
![]() I have always liked the concept of a character that raises mindless servants to his bidding. The various Necromancer builds are great for that (3.5 Dread Necromancer is pretty cool), but undead don't go down well with the local townsfolk or good party members. Has anyone taken a shot at reskinning the Dread Necromancer (or something similar) and switching our elemental abilitieis in place of undead ones? Traditional summoners(summon monster 1-9) are fun, but they don't get to keep their minions around for long. I would like to create/control a bunch relatively low-powered elemental minions just like create undead does. I am even OK making the primary material component (a body for undead) similarly difficult/easy to acquire. Before I take a shot at this, I would like to find out if anyone else has tackled this idea. Even if no one has attempted this, I welcome input on what would be interesting/effective. ![]()
![]() I would like to get opinions about the interaction of early firearms and armor as DR. I am planning to use the Armor as DR varient in Ultimate Combat along with early firearms. My reading of early firearms is that they are designed to penetrate armor (at least at close range) so, in the standard rules, they resolve as touch attacks in the first range increment. With the armor as DR varient, all attack resolve as touch attacks (plus sheild bonus and enchantment bonuses) and DR is applied to all physical damage. This kind of gimps the "firearms penetrate armor" concept. My thought is to resolve firearm attacks like all others (against 10 + dex bonus + dodge bonus + shield + armor/shield enchantments) and allow them to overcome a certain amount of armor DR at the first range increment. I am not sure how much is reasonable. I was thinking that overcoming 5 points of armor DR would be reasonable as it would simulate guns being able to easily penetrate most light and medium armors. You could make the argument that shields should not come into play when resolving firearm attacks. That argument has merit, but I am willing to sacrifice a little realism for the simplicity of allowing all attacks to resolve the same way. Does this approach to firearms and armor DR sound reasonable? Is 5 points of DR penetration enough/too much? Thanks in advance for the advice. ![]()
![]() SnowHeart wrote:
This why I am limiting books (initially, at least) and why I am open to allowing specific things a player may wish to include. Its not that I feel the books are bad, just that I am not familiar with everything in them. As Truesight suggested, I am wary of Leadership. Do you think it would help if I mandated that the cohort be an adventuring-focused companion rather than a stay-at-home magic creation machine? ![]()
![]() I am starting a Pathfinder game and want to be wary of potentially broken feats or feat combinations. I searched the forums, but could not find anything relating to this question. I am restricting my players to the Core Rulebook and Advanced Players Guide, but they can petition me for one-off exceptions. The Summoner is banned and I am allowing the Spell-less Ranger from New Paths (3PP). The players are experienced in 3.5 (and eariler versions) and some of them have played Pathfinder. Thanks for the help. ![]()
![]() Jason Nelson wrote:
This loooks AWESOME! Is there any chance (please, please please!) that you will be producing an adventure or adventure path to make use of these rules? I would really love a Lovecraftian adventure path. ![]()
![]() Lucent wrote:
+1 Early on, I thought Second Darkness was going this direction, but then it became something very different.![]()
![]() I have given this issue some thought for house rules in a possible future game. To me it is not a matter of knowing exactly where your spell goes, but being able to exactly estimate where it should go. My solution is based on the range rules in the Hero System. In Hero, range increments are standard for every ranged attack. -1 for every x (I forget exactly how many) meters with an additional -1 penalty for each doubling of the range increment. Different type of weapons are capable of different range multiple. A dagger can go up to 3, while a long bow can go up to 10 or 12 (I don't have the documentation in front of me right now). Magical attacks can go up to the range given in the description. My solution is to give every ranged attack, including magic, the same penalties for range. range penatlies would go a follows:
For a ranged AoE attack (e.g. fireball), the AC would be the AC of a specific square (I think it is AC 5). They would roll a ranged attack as normal using range modfiers. If they miss, roll a random direction (like throwing a splash weapon) and move the point of origion a number of squares equal to how much they missed by. Another thing that alwas bothered me (and I think this was discussed earlier in the thread) was the exacting size of the AoE. My feeling is that the AoE should be somewhat variable and the exact location of combatants is fluid. I am planning a house rule that anyone within 5 ft of the edge of an AoE has a chance to be partially affected. Taken together, these proposed rules discourage casters from trying to exactly place their spell so that they just include foes while narrowly missing allies who are engaged in melee with the bad guys. ![]()
![]() Robert Hawkshaw wrote:
The Grand Market is closed on Sundays and your tour bus driver will try to sell you a rug. ![]()
![]() I would like to see a Lovecraftian horror type adventure full of debased tribal societies, crazed cultists, unspeakable alien creatures and mysterious beings that no one but the party knows exist. A game like this would start hard and would only be possible to finish through perious and mind-shattering research. Along the way the party members would be in danger of losing their sanity or being physically/mentally warped by the powers they face. Carrion Crown was gothic horror, but it was more of a classic monster romp. It had a few Lovecraftian elements, but I am looking for the whole enchalada - start to finish. This type of AP may not even be possible in Pathfinder without a lot of tweeking to some of the basic premises of the game. Didn't wade through all 600+ previous posts, so I don't know if this has been covered yet. ![]()
![]() Here are stats for Rondu and Enrick: Rondu:
Male dwarf Monk 1 LG Medium humanoid Init +6 ; Senses Perception +8, Darkvision 60 ft. ==DEFENSE== AC 17, touch 16, flat-footed 13 (+2 dex, +4 monk bonus) hp 10 (1d8+2) Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +6 Defensive Abilities Defensive Training, Hardy, Stability ==OFFENSE== Spd 20 ft/x4 Melee Unarmed Strike +2 1d6+2 20/x2 Melee Unarmed Strike +1/+1 1d6+2 20/x2 Melee Handaxe (Cold Iron) +2 1d6+2 20/x3 Melee Handaxe (Silver) +2 1d6+1 20/x3 Ranged Javelin +2 1d6+2 20/x2 Special Attacks Hatred, Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Strike ==STATISTICS== Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 6 Base Atk +0, Cmb +2Cmd +18 Feats IMPROVED INITIATIVE(PFCR 127), DODGE (PFCR 122), IMPROVED UNARMED STRIKE (PFCR 128), STUNNING FIST (PFCR 135) Skills Acrobatics +6, Climb +6, Heal +3, Knowledge (History) +6, Ride +2, Perception +8, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +6, Survival +3, Swim +2 Languages Common, Dwarven Combat Gear Unarmed Strike, Javelin (6), Handaxe (Silver), Handaxe (Cold Iron) Other Gear Backpack, Bedroll, Waterskin, Trail rations (6), Hemp rope 50 ft, Grappling hook, OIl (3), Fling and steel, Clay tankard, 6 gp, 1 sp Class Abilities • FLURRY OF BLOWS: A monk may make a flurry of blows with special monk weapons and unarmed strikes interchangeably, according to the modifiers in PFCR 58. (PFCR 58). • AC BONUS: Add Wis mod +1/4 monk levels (max +5) to AC and CMD when unarmored and unencumbered. Apply vs. touch attacks and when flat-footed. (PFCR 57). • MONK BONUS FEATS: You have chosen the following monk bonus feats: 0. (PFCR 58-59). • MONK STUNNING FIST: Stunning Fist as a free feat at 1st level, with extra benefits at higher levels. (PFCR 59). • MONK WEAPONS AND ARMOR: Monks are proficient with club, crossbow (light or heavy), dagger, handaxe, javelin, kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shuriken, siangham, and sling. Monks are not proficient with any armor or shields When wearing armor, using a shield, or carrying a medium or heavy load, a monk loses her AC bonus, as well as her fast movement and flurry of blows abilities. (PFCR 57). • UNARMED STRIKE: A monk gains Improved Unarmed Strike at 1st level as a bonus feat. The Monk can attack with any appendage, so no negatives for offhand attacking. The monk deals more damage with an offhand attack, by the tables in PFA3 29, 30. (PFCR 59). Traits • IRON LIVER (Equipment): Due to a lucky constitution or frequent exposure, your body is resistant to poison, including alcohol and drugs. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Fortitude saves against poison and drugs, and a +4 trait bonus on Fortitude saves to avoid the effects of alcohol. (PFCo: AdvAr 30) Traits • SEEKING ADVENTURE (Campaign): You begin the game with your own wayfinder, a loan from your venture-captain. A wayfinder is a magical compass that grants you a +2 circumstance bonus on Survival checks to avoid becoming lost, and can be commanded to emit light as the spell (CL 5th) as a standard action. (LoFPG 10) Rondu is a homely dwarf about 4 feet tall with receding red hair, an unkempt bushy beard, a bad complexion and prodigious gut. He is very light on his feet and quick for a beefy guy. Rondu is often seen with a hunk of food in one hand and a large mug of beer in the other. His clothes are typically stained with remnants from his previous meals. Rondu seems to have little control (and takes little notice) of his more odiferous bodily functions. The minor aura of stench that surrounds him seems to make him the a favorite landing spot for flies and other small vermin.
Constantly finding himself on the move because of his crude personality and suspect grooming, Rondu is seeking to prove that his worth to a world that refuses to look past his rough exterior.
Male human Cleric 1 LN Medium humanoid Init +2 ; Senses Perception +4 ==DEFENSE== AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 shield, +2 dex) hp 9 (1d8+1) Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +7 ==OFFENSE== Spd 10 ft/x4 Melee Mace, Light -1 1d6-1 20/x2 Melee Dagger, Melee -1 1d4-1 19-20/x2 Ranged Mwk Crossbow, Light +4 1d8 19-20/x2 Ranged Mwk Crossbow, Light +5 1d8+1 19-20/x2 ==STATISTICS== Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 13 Base Atk +0, Cmb -1Cmd +11 Feats ARMOR PROFICIENCY (LIGHT) (PFCR 118), ARMOR PROFICIENCY (MEDIUM) (PFCR 118), POINT-BLANK SHOT (PFCR 131), PRECISE SHOT (PFCR 131), SHIELD PROFICIENCY (PFCR 133) Skills Diplomacy +5, Heal +8, Knowledge (nobility) +5, Knowledge (religion) +6 Languages Celestial, Common Combat Gear Mace, Light, Mwk Crossbow, Light, Dagger, Armored Coat , Buckler Other Gear MW Crossbow light - (Heirloom), 20 bolts, Mace, light, Holy Symbol, silver, Dagger, Backpack (carried by Bosley), - 20 bolts, - 10 bolts, cold iron, - 5 bolts, silvered, - 50' rope, - 2 bedrolls, - Flint & Steel, - Lantern, bullseye, - 6 oil, - 20 days, - Soap (1 lb), - Tent, - 3 torches, - 2 waterskin, - Wine, fine (bottle), - 2 Tankards, clay, Magic Items Equipped by Slot, Belt/Waist Slot, Body Slot, Chest/Torso Slot, Eyes/Face Slot, Feet Slot, Hand Slot, Head Slot, Headband Slot, Neck Slot, Ring Slot (RH), Ring Slot (LH), Shoulder Slot, Wrist/Arm Slot Class Abilities • AURA OF LAWFUL NEUTRAL: A Cleric of Abadar radiates a powerful aura of Lawful Neutral. (PFCR 39). • CLERIC CHANNEL ENERGY: You channel Positive Energy allowing you to either heal the living or harm the undead for 1d6. Affects 30 ft radius from you. Will save DC 12 to halve damage. Standard action. 4 times per day. Does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity. (PFCR 40). • CLERIC BONUS LANGUAGES: A cleric’s bonus language options include Celestial, Abyssal, and Infernal regardless of race. (PFCR 41). • CLERIC ORISONS: Pick your 0-level spells. You can cast these at will. (PFCR 41). • CLERIC SPELLS: The cleric casts divine spells drawn from the Cleric spell list, as listed in PFCR 226-229. The cleric must meditate and pray for an hour each day to regain spells. (PFCR 39-40). • CLERIC SPONTANEOUS CASTING: A Good cleric can swap prepared spells for spells with "cure" in the name. An evil cleric can swap out prepared spells for "inflict" spells. A neutral cleric of a neutral god can choose one or the other upon taking the Cleric class. (PFCR 41). • CLERIC WEAPONS AND ARMOR: All simple weapons, all types of armor, shields (except tower shields), and favored weapon of deity -- Crossbow, light. (PFCR 39). • DOMAIN POWERS: Each of the cleric's chosen domains [Nobility, Protection] grant domain powers. - Inspiring Word (Sp) - +2 morale bonus to attack rolls, skill and ability checks and saving throws to one creature within 30 ft. for 1 rounds. Standard action. 7 times per day. [PFCR 46] - Resistant Touch (Sp) - Touch grants ally transfers your resistance bonus for 1 minute. Standard action. 7 times per day. [PFCR 46] (PFCR 40-41). • FORBIDDEN SPELL ALIGNMENT: Spells with the Chaotic descriptor are forbidden by your alignment and your deity's alignment. (PFCR 41, 49). Traits • HEIRLOOM WEAPON (Equipment): You carry a weapon that has been passed down from generation to generation in your family. This heirloom weapon is of masterwork quality (but you pay only the standard cost at character creation). You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls with this specific weapon and are considered proficient with that specific weapon (but not other weapons of that type) even if you do not have the required proficiencies. (PFCo: AdvAr 30) • MISSIONARY (Campaign: Legacy of Fire): You gain a +1 trait bonus in Knowledge (religion), and it is always considered a class skill for you. (PFAP: LoFR PG 10 - 11) Enrick is a tall frail man with dark hair, fair skin and green eyes. His handsome face and charming manner are slightly marred by his arrogant expression and demeanor.
Fastidious, well-dressed, and foppish, Enrick's build and temperament make him particularly ill-suited to physical exertion of any type. He relies almost entirely on his life-long man-servant, Bosley, to perform any manual tasks for him. Bosley is a fit middle-aged man who possesses all the skills one would expect of a gentleman's gentleman. Bosley is never far from Enrick's side and has served the Wenthrope family faithfully since he was a young man. Bosley 1st level commoner (built on zero points)
Enrick has “prepaid” Bosley’s wages (skilled hireling) for 90 days.
![]() Bragol wrote:
For Enrick, I am looking taking the campaign trait of Missonary and either Rich Parents or Heirloom weapon. GM Wulson - Can you let me know how you feel about the "Rich Parents" feat and having a non-combatant servant (1st level commoner) tag along for Enrick? Thanks ![]()
![]() Let me run two ideas past you.
Rondu - the Round Mound of Pound - LG Monk (Drunken Master):
Rondu is a homely dwarf about 4 feet tall with receding red hair, an unkempt bushy beard, a bad complexion and prodigious gut. He is very light on his feet and quick for a beefy guy. Rondu is often seen with a hunk of food in one hand and a large mug of beer in the other. His clothes are typically stained with remnants from his previous meals. Rondu seems to have little control (and takes little notice) of his more odiferous bodily functions. The minor aura of stench that surrounds him seems to make him the a favorite landing spot for flies and other small vermin.
Often underestimated as a drunken bufoon, Rondu devistating punches and nimble moves reveal his martial training to those who would try to bully others or contemplate evil deeds. Constantly finding himself on the move because of his crude personality and suspect grooming, Rondu is seeking to prove that his worth to a world that refuses to look past his rough exterior. Enrick Wenthrope LN Cleric of Abadar:
Enrick is a tall frail man with dark hair, fair skin and green eyes. His handsome face and charming manner are slightly marred by his arrogant expression and demeanor.
Enrick is the third son of a minor noble who was groomed from a young age to follow in the family tradition of serving Abadar. After being ordained, Enrick was spurred into adventure and travel by his father's command to "make a name for himself". Fatidious, well-dressed, and foppish, Enrick's build and temperment make him particularly ill-suited to physical exersion of any type. He relies almost entirely on his life-long man-servent, Bosley, to perform any manual tasks for him. Bosley is a fit middle-aged man who posesses all the skills one would expect of a gentleman's gentleman. Bosley is never far from Enrick's side and has served the Wenthrope family faithfully since he was a young man. For Enrick I was thinking about having the trait Rich Parents and pre-paying for Bosley's services ((a non-combatant 1st level commoner with skills in Diplomacy, Knowledge (Nobility), & Profession (Butler)). How do you feel about that? Thanks for the consideration. ![]()
![]() I have only played PBP in a short introductory game a while back, but have been playing D&D and Pathfinder for many years. I played a LG monk in to that intro game and am eager to run him in a longer-term campaign. Rondu (The Round Mound of Pound) is a homely dwarf about 4 feet tall with receeding red hair, a bushy beard, and prodigious gut. He is very light on his feet and quick for a beefy guy. Rondu is often seen with a hunk of food in one hand and a large mug of beer in the other. Roundu is Lawful Good, but his crude manner sometimes make people mistake him for a drunk ruffian. If LG is a problem, I am willing to switvh to LN. Full disclosure - I am an AP subscriber and read through the Serpent's Skull books as I recieved them. I don't remember much more than the general plot outline and promise not to refresh my memory while you are running the AP. A question about stats - How low can I go? Looking forward to playing. ![]()
![]() Our groups method is not as simple as some, but it works pretty well. Whenever we get monetray treasure or liquidate items, the treasure is divided by the number of party members plus 1. Everybody gets a share and the extra share goes to party treasure. Incidental expenses are taken fom party treasure and big expendatures are voted on. When we find special items (magic and whatnot), characters that want and can legitimately use the item roll dice to see who gets it. The party generally give a "thumbs down" if someone want to roll for an item that another character really needs (like if it would be a backup weapon for character X but the primary weapon for character Y). A character who just acquired the item can not just turn around and sell it, but if they later get something better, they can sell it. The paprty members get the right of first refusal to buy the item for 40% of market (10% less that retail). We used to have arule that anyone who received non-consumable "special" item would not get a share of the cash loot and his/her share would be split amoung the rest of the party. That however, proved too complicated and subjective, so we abandoned it for simpler model. ![]()
![]() I read the book (after several false starts). I enjoyed it but is kind of dated. Can be summed up as "The heroic noble captialists fighting to save the word from the evil and cowdardly socialists". I could not force myself to wade through John Galt's 40-50 page long speech in the middle. Most (somewhat) objective reviews panned the movie, so I did not waste my money. ![]()
![]() Ayrphish wrote:
+1 I love Hero Forge for 3.5. The PF versions of Hero Forge are not quite there yet. I would be great if PF came out with a comprehenisve character generator. ![]()
![]() This is a little off the topic, but it brings up an issue that has been bugging me about how casters know (with precision) where to target AE spells. To be able to target spells with precision, wizards and sorcerers (and other characters with ranged AE spells) have to be geniuses in spacial geometery. I mean, they would have to be mathmatical savants to be able to precisely place a 20' fireball between closely spaced enemy and friendly forces at 400-500+ ft away (and doing from a non-elevated position, no less). This, of course, comes with using battlemats and such which allow spell casters to pick exactly where they want their spells to land. I just kind of handwave that lack of realism in favor of the ease of using battlemats and miniatures. I have been toying with the idea of introducing a level of uncertainty to AE spells to reduce targeting AEs near friends. Would you really throw a grenade near a buddy even if you "thought" he was just outside its effective area? Maybe I could make the caster target a specific grid point and have then roll to hit like with splash weapons. ![]()
![]() I think our game has the slowest levelling I have ever seen. We have been playing for about 5 years and are ALMOST 7th level. The DM is running a Ptolus 3.5 campaign and using a Ptolus AP. He levels by us fiat based on our progression throught the AP. We are enjoying the game, so slow levelling is not really a problem. In a game like ours, it is important that you enjoy playing your character as he is right now. Things are not going to change very quickly. In our game lots of things happen in quick succession, so game time does not pass quickly. We have gone about 6 months in game time while playing over 6 years of real time. Our characters always seem to be running from one crisis to the next, without a lot of "me" time. The slow pace of progression and game time is kind of joke in our game, but everyone seems to be having a good time.