
Boz Gezgin's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 12 Organized Play characters.

Organized Play Characters

Grand Lodge this character killed by ghouls

male Dwarf ranger 1 (0 posts)

Grand Lodge This cha. Never did play a game

Male Dwarf Hunter 1 (0 posts)

Grand Lodge Athok Demontaracker

male dwarf 5 Lv Ranger (0 posts)

Silver Crusade Balin of Senghor

Male Dwarf Inqusitor 4 lv (0 posts)

Silver Crusade Many Kalvera

Male Gnome 3 level summoner (0 posts)

Grand Lodge Averon Windweaver

male Tengu Herald Callesr (0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Leonel
(0 posts)

The Concordance Katelzel Umbar

male half elf 2lv monk ( scaled fist ) (0 posts)

Sovereign Court Bay Zebani

Male Tielfiling Wild hunter ranger 1lv (0 posts)

Wayfinders Felix Kane
(0 posts)

Envoy's Alliance Deli Fişek

Male Gnome 1lv Ranger (0 posts)

Radiant Oath Beokino

Male Human 1lv Champion of Desna (0 posts)