Activation Cube

Boxy's page

55 posts. Alias of Philo Pharynx.

Full Name

Boxy the Magic Box


He's just a box.

About Boxy

NAME: Boxy the Magic Box
TYPE: Constructed
DESCRIPTION: Boxy is made of brown cardboard, but he has magic stars and moons and comets drawn on him that give him secret magical powers. On the bottom he has a dozen pipe cleaner legs stuck to him with duck tape. He was born when the Small noticed that he opened at the front and the back. Obviously only a magic box could do that. While he's new, he's proud to join the other toys in protecting the Small. He's eager to do what he can to help, though he hates it when other toys say that he's not a real toy.

HP (20+Toughness total)
..Head: 6
..Body: 5
..Flaps (Arms): 6
..Pipe Cleaners (Legs): 6
..Core: 3

ATTRIBUTES (12 total)
..Toughness: 3
..Articulation: 3
..Imagination: 3
..Fellowship: 2
..Accessory: 1

SKILLS (25 total)
..Brawl 7
..Endurance 3
..Athletics 5
..Provoke 3
..Guts 3

..Aim 3
..Dodge 7
..Scramble 4
..Spotting 3
..Tiptoe 5

..Exaggerate 3
..Lie 3
..Blanket 7
..Boom 3
..Neverland 7

..Comfort 2
..Carouse 2
..Command 2
..Assist 4
..Fate 4

..Armory 1
..Forge 1
..Invent 1
..Repair 1
..Evaluate 1


QUIRKS (4 total)

The Trojan Box
Boxy can conceal another toy (but not a large one) within himself, using either his front of back flaps. Toys are unseen until they spring out, or they can sneak out the back.

Impenetrable Prison
With a successful brawl check, Boxy can imprison somebody tightly inside him.

Boxy can fold flat to go sneak or go through thin spaces, like under doors. He can also Flatten if he rolls half successes on a dodge check to take no damage, but he needs to take a minor action to refold himself. If he's holding somebody, they are released/revealed.

Now you see it...
Boxy gets a second set of uses of Neverland that can only be used on people inside him. The toy that disappears gets a free tiptoe check with +2 dice to be hidden. An imprisoned foe can be neverlanded into another container.