Bour Gravelheart's page

11 posts. Alias of Klokk.

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Character Sheet

About Bour Gravelheart

Bour Gravelheart
Male Duergar Dwarf Follower of ??
Fighter: Tower Shield Specialist 1, Gun Tank 1
LN Medium humanoid (Duergar)
Hero Points:2
Fame: 2
Prestige: 2
Initiative: +4 Perception: +2
Vision: 60' Darkvision, low-light vison beyond
Armor Class: 22 Touch: 14 Flat-Footed: 22
Hit Points: 24 Current: 24
Fort: +4, Ref: +8, Will: +4; Immune to Paralysis, Phantasms(illusions), Poison.[I] +2 vs Spells and SLA

Armor Breakdown:

Common Mountain Pattern Armor +6 AC, 3 Max Dex, -4 Armor Check, 35#
Common Oaken Tower Shield +4AC, 2 Max Dex, -10 Armor Check 45#
Dexterity +4 AC
= +6(Armor)+2(Dex)+4(Shield)+10(Base) = +22 AC

Speed: 20' (Always 20')
BaB: +5 CMB +20 CMD: +5 CMD vs Bull Rush/Trip
AoO: 1 per round
-2 Hit with Tower Shield Deployed NOT applied below.

Masterwork Musket: +7 Hit|1d12+1|20=x4|B&P|31 Shots(its loaded + 30reloads)|40'Range|
Bayonet: +5 Hit|1d6+3|20=x2|P|Melee|*Move action to fix to musket
Cutlass: +5 Hit|1d6+3|18=x2|S|Melee|
Heavy Pick: +5 Hit|1d6+3|20=x4|P|Melee|
Mourning Star: +5 Hit|1d8+3|20=x2|P|Melee|


Armor Check Penalty: -10 With Tower Shield, -4 Armor NOT APPLIED BELOW

2L (+1@2 ranks Fighter +1@4 ranks Guntank
Sum|Skill Name|-------------------------|Abil|Rank|Other|
+9 Stealth|-----------------------------|+4--|+1--|+3Class +1Bandit|
+8 Acrobatics|--------------------------|+4--|+1--|+3Class|
+8 Sense Motive|------------------------|+4--|+1--|+3Class +1Smuggler|
+8 Slight of Hand|----------------------|+4--|+1--|+3Class|
+6 Craft: Armoursmith|------------------|+0--|+1--|+3Class +2Armorsmith Forge|
+6 Profession: Shipwright|--------------|+2--|+1--|+3Class|
+4 Escape Artist|-----------------------|+4--|+0--|+0--|
+4 Fly|---------------------------------|+4--|+0--|+0--|
+3 Climb|-------------------------------|+3--|+0--|+0--|
+2 Heal|--------------------------------|+2--|+0--|+0--|
+2 Perception|--------------------------|+2--|+0--|+0--|

GunSlinging and Grit Information:

Grit: [I]2 = Wis Bonus

Deadeye: -2 Hit to resolve at Touch AC beyond. +1 Grit per range increment.
GunTank Resolve: 25% chance to shrug off Critical or Precise Damage.
Quick Clear: Remove broken condition from gun if have at least 1 grit as a standard action, pay 1 grit as a move action.


1st: Point Blank Shot
Figther1: Precise Shot
Gunslinger1: Gunsmith

Racial Abilities:
Enlarge Person 1 Per Day
Invisibility 1 Per Day



Common backpack
-Gunsmith's Kit
-Powderhorn (filled)
-Powderhorn (filled)
-Powderhorn (filled)
-30 bullets


Map of 'Crystal Forge'
Armor Smithy 20/7 = +2.86gp
Craftspeople 14/7 = +2.00gp These journeymen are in the service of Greggor the manager
Bunks------- 18/7 = +2.57gp
Storefront-- 17/7 = +2.43gp
Storage----- 12/7 = +1.81gp
Manager----- Cost = -3.00gp He earns his pay each day, if he takes a day off he does not get paid. I need to check in with him once per 14 days to keep him honest. I did save his life when our ship sank, had to ditch my armor and shield, but I did to save him, even if he is a mountain dwarf, hes still a dwarf.
Daily = +8.67gp

Shop Fund Day 0: 3.46GP