Grundhu the Derhii

Bollo's page

9 posts. Alias of John Fecho.


Question: If a Limited Wish is used to reproduce a named spell, and that spell requires a focus, is that focus required.

My first guess is yes, only because as I understand it, a spell's material component requirement and its focus requirement are two different things. And Limited Wish only takes care of the material component part. Right ?

Thanks, and sorry if this subject was brought up in an earlier thread that I was not able to search on.


Thanks much, Vivriel.

This is EXACTLY what I was looking for to clear up some of my

I'm GM'ing my first foray into Pathfinder with the Bloodsworn Vale
module. My buddies really surprised me when the first question they
asked was, "What day is it ?" I had to say, Hmmmmm ... Saturday ?

Now I can confidently say it is Starday, the 15th of Desnus.

Father Apar is grateful to you as well because now he knows
what day he can hold his weekly Archery Contest.

Good work !


Twowlves wrote:

Because the potion brewer sets the caster level, from the minimum level to cast the spell up to his own caster level.

A 3rd level character brewing a potion of a 1st level spell can make it at caster level 1, 2 or 3. Same for wands and scrolls, fyi.

Got it !

Thanks Twowlves for clearing up the confusion.


MillerHero wrote:
Mahrdol wrote:
james maissen wrote:

1. Because they are not valid potions. Spells with a range of 'personal' are not valid potions.


where is this rule located?

This rule is located on page 551 of the core rulebook.

MillerHero, I really enjoyed your post listing all the possible potions

and oils. Very Comprehensive !

One thing that still confuses me ...

Why is that you still list potions as being 50 gp or 100 gp or less,
when it appears that they clearly cost more ?

If a caster is unable to get the Brew Potion Feat until 3rd level,
wouldn't the minimum cost of all 1 level potions automatically be 150 gp ???
(Spell Level x Caster Level X 50 gp plus any additional costly material

The minimum cost of 0 level potions would be half as much at 75 gp.

Or am I missing something ?


Could someone please explain how a Cleric's Spontaneous Casting ability
works with spells that have been augmented with a metamagic feat ?

For example, I understand that a Cleric can swap out a 3rd level Searing Light
for a 3rd level Cure Serious Wounds. That’s easy. But what if the Searing Light was Maximized so that it took up a 6th level slot ? Would the cleric then get a 3rd level Maximized Cure Serious Wounds or could she convert it to a 6th level Mass Cure Moderate Wounds ???

I think the former is true, but I need a price check.

What if the metamagic augmentation results in something meaningless to a Cure ---
like an Extended Spell. Would converting an Extended Bull’s Strength just give
a regular Cure Moderate Wounds ???

Finally what if the Cleric used some Incense of Meditation to prepare all her spells
as though they were Maximized but without taking up higher slots. Would they be
spontaneously converted into normal cures, or maximized cures. Would the casting
time for those spells (converted to cures or not) remain at one standard action or increase
to one full action.

Thanks much,

James Jacobs wrote:
Bollo wrote:

Yes, I know the identifer code is missing on the new modules,

but do you think you could post what-would-have-been the code
designation for a particular module on the Message Boards.

It would certainly help those of us with 6th grade educations
who are not confused by a letter followed by a number to inventory
your wonderful product offerings in a orderly manner.

Carrion Hill would have probably gotten a "U" code for Urban. Before we tossed out those codes, we also considered giving it a "H" code for a new series of "Horror" adventures, or an "L" code for (what I hope will be) a series of Lovecraftian themed adventures.


Just in time for Halloween :-)

More L's please !


Vic Wertz wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
I'm hoping they just haven't been assigned yet.

Nope... they're gone. We think we confused people with them.

Now, when modules are designed as part of a series, they'll have some graphical info to tell you that, but it won't be in the title.

Yes, I know the identifer code is missing on the new modules,

but do you think you could post what-would-have-been the code
designation for a particular module on the Message Boards.

It would certainly help those of us with 6th grade educations
who are not confused by a letter followed by a number to inventory
your wonderful product offerings in a orderly manner.

Thanks !

Werecorpse wrote:

How many people have played or run adventures during historical events in their favourite setting?

I know in running a Greyhawk campaign I started it off at the Battle of Emridy Meadows- played the characters through the freeing of Iuz (they weren't there when it happened but were thereabouts) and right up to the start of the Greyhawk wars. I wanted my players to be involved in these world shaping historical events.

I have done similar in other games. It often seems that having that historical campaign structure to involve characters in is a bit of fun, then in my campaigns the characters involvement becomes the campaign history.

This is a great idea especially when working with a rich history that is well fleshed out. I once ran an historical adventure in the Harn world.

I had my PCs use a time portal, which they thought was only a communications device, to contact heroes from the past for aid against a recently resurfaced ancient evil. The ancient heroes instead were able to use the time portal to transport the present day PCs back to past where they helped destroy the evil before it was able to affect their world.

Lots of fun if you don't mind running with paradoxes :-)

Bollo the DM

Hello all,

Just downloaded my copy of Everflame and looking forward to reading it.
I have way too many modules than my PCs will ever adventure in a life time,
including the full set from Paizo, but I just enjoy reading them.

Was wondering if any of you could recommend a great dungeon out of the
set to use for the 1st time as training fodder with the new Core Rulebook ???

Of course, introductory modules are great for new players,
but my guys are well versed in 3.5 rules already and I just
want them to playtest the new rules with throw away characters.

Any suggestions for a mid-level one shot dungeon that isn't
used in a series ?

Thanks much and keep up the great work Paizo !!!

Bollo the DM