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![]() Hey everyone, I'm playing a core game and my party needs a rogue. And I want to play a rogue. But I know it's a bit of a weak class. I want to make my rogue memorable and handy in a fight. So: how do I build a great rouge/fighter (using Core only) and should I prestige into Shadowdancer or Duelist? Using 20 point build. Any and all input welcome. If you know if a thread/link that already address this issue, please point me to it! Thanks. ![]()
![]() I'm considering two builds for my core Arcane Archer. Please help me decide which one's better. Fighter 1/ Wizard 5/ Eldritch Knight 3/ Arcane Archer 3/ Eldritch Knight 2
Fighter 1/ Sorcerer 6/ Eldritch Knight 2/ Arcane Archer 4 etc.
So which is worse: Is Multi-Ability Dependency OR slower BAB slower spell access? Once I have that figured out, I can tinker some more.
![]() Hey everyone, I'm hoping to get to New York City this summer. I'm looking for two things: 1) How do I find all the PFS games in NYC?
Any and all suggestions are welcome and appreciated! Thanks. ![]()
![]() Hey everyone, If my character can attack with two claws and one bite, does "weapon focus" cover all three natural attacks, or must I take "weapon focus: Claw" and "weapon focus: Bite" separately? I can't find a citation that indicates that each different type of natural attack requires a separate weapon focus feat. Please advise.
![]() Hi everyone. I'm trying to get my new players to become GMs. My strategy is to give them each a section of a multi-stage PFS sanctioned "Quest". That way, they have a short reading and a short time behind the GM screen. My question: is it PFS legal for me to have GMs/Players rotate at the same table, doing the same Quest? Thanks in advance for your insight. ![]()
![]() Here's the situation: A wizard casts "Silent Image". While casting Silent Image, the opponent does a "Spellcraft" check and identifies the spell as it is being cast. The Silent Image spell goes off, creating an illusory wall. Does the successful "spellcraft" check act as "proof" that the illusion is not real: "A character faced with proof that an illusion isn't real needs no saving throw." In other words, is identifying the spell as it's being cast(Spellcraft) act as proof that the illusion isn't real, thus eliminating the need for that character to have to make a saving throw? Help. :) Thanks! ![]()
![]() Hey GMs, I'm running Thornkeep's "Enigma Vaults" pretty soon. Here's the question:
Can a creature that cannot speak activate a spell (from a scroll) that requires a vocal component?
It's particularly relevant since the tactics section mentions the creature will go invisible first, then on its next turn, begin casting from a scroll. Since the creature can't speak it will be invisible and silent while casting. NOTE: the creature does not have "silent spell" feat.
Thoughts? ![]()
![]() Hi everyone, I'm trying to plan out this year's Pathfinder Society tables. I've created a calendar and spreadsheet, but I don't know how often scenarios are released. Is there a schedule that is commonly used by Paizo (that is, are new scenarios released every two weeks, every month? Every second Tuesday?) If anyone can help me with this, it will make my scheduling a lot easier. Thanks. ![]()
![]() Hi everyone. According to the Flurry of Blows entry for Monks: "A monk with natural weapons cannot use such weapons as part of a flurry of blows, nor can he make natural attacks in addition to his flurry of blows attacks." Seems pretty straight forward. If I have a Tengu monk, can I use his claws and/or beak as part of flurry of blows or not? If not - would the Tengu just do normal damage of, say, a human monk? Thanks! ![]()
![]() Hey everyone, I want to purchase an Amulet of Mighty Fists +1. This is 4000 GP Corrosive is a +1 weapon bonus, so that's 2000 GP. According to the Amulet of Mighty Fists description: "Special abilities count as additional bonuses for determining the market value of the item, but do not modify attack or damage bonuses." So my question: if the Amulet of Mighty Fists is a +1 Enhancement bonus AND it costs 4000 GP already, would:
![]() A PC is halfling.
He then wants to use "Adopted" as a way to access a half-orc trait in "Bastards of Golarion". On the PFS Additional Resources page, Bastards of Golarion is referred to in this way: "The traits on pages 4–13 and 28–29 are only legal if your character is of the same ethnicity as the section with the trait." So my question: does the Adopted trait allow the Halfling to be adopted by orcs, thus allowing him access to the Half-Orc trait for being raised by orcs? Probably not...but then, what's the Adopted trait for if not for such cases? Thanks in advance. ![]()
![]() As a GM, if I have mindless undead in a dungeon, can I justify the use of ANY tactics at all? Can mindless undead try to flank? Can they fight defensively? Can they use full-withdrawal? Can they disarm? etc. Can they use ANY sort of tactics other than swinging a sword, clawing, or biting? I'd appreciate any rules references on this you could give me. I've been coming up empty. Thanks. ![]()
![]() Hey everyone, I'm trying to work out where the Plane of Time (sometimes called the demiplane of time or even the Temporal Energy Plane) works into the Pathfinder Cosmology. Is it a plane linked to the astral plane? Does it even exist in the game or is it assumed to be a constant force like gravity etc? Any help would be great.
![]() I'm working on a dungeon themed with Mist and Time related creatures. I have access to all the Paizo bestiaries, the Tome of Horrors and the Advanced Bestiary by Green Ronin. I'm flipping through trying to find some cool monsters that fit the bill. Do you have any suggestions? Any CR. Just looking for ideas! Thanks. ![]()
![]() Hey everyone, a) One of my players was adjacent to a medium sized opponent. The player had declared a Readied Action to attack the opponent when it was flanked. b) The opponent could no longer take attacks of opportunity. c) The Player's comrade moved PAST the opponent, creating a momentary "flank". d) The player claimed that this momentary passing of his comrade meant that the comrade threatened the square of the opponent even though the comrade had no intention of ending his move there, thus creating flanking conditions. It smelled fishy to me and I didn't allow it - but the player didn't see it. I'd like to hear what other GMs think about this.
![]() Hi everyone. I have a group that is just about to start an Emerald Spire adventure. I noticed that Thornkeep is in the same neck of the woods. I've run Emerald Spire before, but never Thornkeep. Question: using a combination of slow and normal advancement tracks for Emerald Spire AND Thornkeep - could I offer my group a chance to do both legally in PFS? Secondly: I know that some NPCs in Emerald Spire have a connection to Thornkeep (Goldenfire Order of Thornkeep)...would this make integrating Emerald Spire and Thornkeep easier or harder? Here is the tier level for Emerald Spire followed by the Tiers listed on the Thornkeep chronicles. Can you help me devise a way to work the slow vs. normal track to play these games in a legal order? Emerald Spire: Adventure Legal Character Levels
Thornkeep: Adventure Legal Character Levels
Please weigh-in. Thank you ![]()
![]() Hey everyone, I'm looking at running some season 3 scenarios at PFS. The problem is, old factions and old faction-heads might crop up during such old seasons. If old factions are mentioned, how should I handle it? If old faction heads like Amara Li etc are mentioned, how should I handle it? Ultimately, I'm trying to use season 3 while adhering to the season 7 Guide to Organized play. Any tips? Thanks! ![]()
![]() Hey everyone, I want to run a modules only game that would bring my player characters from level 1 to 12. Here are my criteria: 1) The modules must be PFS legal. 2) The modules must flow seamlessly from level to level. I don't want to have to run intermediary scenarios to level characters up to get to the next module. 3) The Emerald Spire is great (I'm currently running it) but I want to do modules other than the Emerald Spire. If you have suggestions, please let me know!
![]() I'm trying to determine the following: 1)Can a demiplane exist in the Abyss? 2) If a demiplane did exist in the Abyss, would that demiplane be coterminus and/or coexisting with: the Ethereal Plane?
I'm having trouble sorting out my planar geography as you can see. Any help is greatly appreciated.
![]() Can Oracles of certain Celestial beings (from Chronicle of the Righteous source-book) choose to take deity-specific Oracle Mysteries? That is: if an oracle mystery lists specific deities, is that list final, or might it be expanded to include celestials with similar portfolios/domains as the listed deities? I'm assuming "no" but I ask because, perhaps there's been a ruling I'm unaware of that expands the list for certain mysteries. Can anyone shed some light on this? Thanks. ![]()
![]() Since the Samurai is the alternate class of the Cavalier, does it stand to reason that the Samurai can use the Vambraces of the Tactician? Clearly, the Samurai can't use the teamwork feat portion, but would the vambraces boost the Samurai two class levels higher for determining the challenge class feature? Below you'll find the entry for the item.
Vambraces of the Tactician Price 8,000 gp; Aura moderate enchantment; CL 7th; Weight 3 lbs. These vambraces change their appearance depending on who wears them. If the wearer is a cavalier, these vambraces display the symbol of his order. When unworn or in the hands of a non-cavalier, they appear to be an ordinary pair of steel vambraces. A cavalier wearing these vambraces is considered two class levels higher for purposes of determining the effects of his challenge class feature. Furthermore, once per day as a swift action, a cavalier with the tactician class feature can increase the area in which he grants teamwork feats. Before the end of his next turn, when the cavalier grants his allies a teamwork feat, he can grant it to all allies within 60 feet, though they must still be able to see and hear him. ![]()
![]() I'm trying to determine a good item for my Axebeak mount's Extra Item Slot Feat. According to the Animal Archive's inside cover, here are my choices: Armor, Belt, chest, eyes, headband, neck, ring, wrist. What item do you think would be most interesting/quirky/clever for PFS play? The associated character is a melee oriented Paladin. Thanks! ![]()
![]() The design team has made this FAQ ruling regarding stacking mount levels by class: Here is the most pertinent line: FAQ says wrote: If the animal is on the cavalier mount list and on the list of animal companions for your other class, your cavalier and druid levels stack to determine the animal's abilities. It essentially states that if the mount is on both classes legal mount list, then the levels of mount stack. My question for PFS application: spoiler:
The Chronicle for Quest For Perfection Part 3 gives the character access to an axebeak mount. If the character was a Samurai upon receiving this boon, then multiclassed into Paladin - would the levels of Axebeak mount stack? In other words, does the chronicle apply to the character as a whole, to the class she was when she earned the boon, or does the axebeak mount get added to both legal mount lists simultaneously and therefore stack automatically? Please advise. ![]()
![]() If a Large creature is walking down a normal-terrain 5-foot-wide path through a jungle, but the jungle on either side of the path is difficult terrain, what movement rate should the Large creature use? Is he squeezing onto the five foot path or is one leg walking on the normal-terrain and the other is walking in the difficult terrain? DND
D: Difficult terrain
How would I calculate overland movement in such a case (assuming the entire path through the jungle is as described above)? Help. :)
![]() There's a lot of talk about the relative difficulty/ease of some PFS scenarios. Why not create a contest open to all PFS members allowing them to optimize encounters from a Paizo-approved list of scenarios? There would have to be some rules/guidelines, but I think you'd see a lot of talent and new ideas emerge as a result of such a venture. It may give rise to some cool ideas that published writers hadn't considered, thus bumping-up community knowledge and improving the game overall. Thoughts? |