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Starting to flesh out my initial 'big bads' for my ongoing campaign.

Initial concept: Long spear wielding cleric (Evangelist) of Asmodeus lvl 5. Buffs his troops (some brigands, low level rogues/fighters etc). He's also well known for using undead (skeletons/zombies)

What are some good ideas for feat selection?

I'll be starting as a monk in a new adventure path this evening, and I'm having some issues trying to pick good feats that don't get totally overlapped by mythic abilities.

One person should be playing a paladin, and one of the other two players has said he wants to play something 'control centric'. Thats all I know of party comp at this time.

Supposedly the path is demon heavy enemy wise.

My initial thoughts are human (though dwarf is tempting), working into power attack and/or Dragon Ferocity as soon as possible. We're getting a really generous point buy so I can afford to be just a bit MAD.

Champion looks like the best Mythic Path, especially for the 'fleet charge' ability, which will let me move and flurry.

After a very scary encounter where my Monk was beaten down in both HP and CHA and barely survived the fight (three level 6 characters (two more ran away at start of fight from a fear affect) versus a EL 9 ghost!) I've decided I want to have a backup character ready to go in case the worst happens and I lose the monk.

I've decided that my next project (the monk was my first ever PF character after years and years of 3.5) will be a 'arcane duelist' archtype bard.

The party is currently six players strong. The characters (other then the monk) are a Gunslinger, Ninja, Wizard (necro), Fighter (archer), and a Psionic 3rd party character who is, as far as I can tell, basically a Psion. This party focuses a lot on ranged combat, obviously, except the ninja who (I believe he dipped fighter) already has spring attack and occasionally gets into melee.

My plan here is a Catfolk Arcane Duelist, and trying to make the character as DEX score focused as possible. I want to try and keep a control/debuff idea going for spells and such as well, trying to buy time for my missile heavy party to perforate whatever we've encountered

we're level 6 (almost 7) and are using a 26d6 "dice pool" for our stats.
For my pool, I was thinking something like this:

STR 4d6
DEX 6d6
CON 5d6
INT 3d6
WIS 3d6
CHA 5d6

feat selection: I get Arcane Strike (1), Combat Casting (2) and Disruptive (6) as bonus feats for AD. This leaves me with three feats for levels, and I was thinking Weapon Finesse, Combat Reflexes, Two weapon fighting, and using a rapier and whip.

spells: for my four 1st and four 2nd level spells known, I was considering:

1st: Grease, dazzling blade, Ear-piercing scream, vanish

2nd: Blistering invective, Glitterdust, heroism, mirror image

Thoughts folks?

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Just out of curiousity, has any played with this archetype? Did any particular combination of styles seem excessively awesome?

How important do you feel the 'combat style master' feat from Ultimate Combat would be?

Also, are there any Combat Style feats that aren't in UC?

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I am currently playing a monk in an ongoing campaign and I'm debating getting the Boar Style Feat to help me squeeze out more damage. Reading it and one of the follow up feats Boar Shred, I'm a bit confused.

The original lets me set up a 2d6 Bleed condition if I hit multiple times in one round on an opponent. Thats cool, I love the idea. The problem is when you read Boar Shred.

"While using Boar Style, whenever you tear an opponent’s flesh, once per round at the start of that opponent’s turn he takes 1d6 bleed damage."

Okay, so I tear my opponent, setting up my 2d6 bleed and then... what? Bleed him again? Under 'Bleed' in the condition summary, different sources of bleed damage just use the best value...

I think I'm missing something.

Hello there.... I'm new to Pathfinder (I have the books, just haven't played until now) and I've decided to go to monk for my groups first pathfinder campaign/session. The rest of the group so far is a Barbarian, an elf Fighter focused on archery, A cleric or wizard wanting to go into lorecaster (he keep swaffling back and forth on which) and a Gunslinger.

We used a dice pool for stats, and my rolls were ridiculous when I needed them to be (my DM was watching and was frankly quite impressed with how stereotypically monk my scores were)

Str 18
Dex 17
Con 15
Int 9 (had to use some small rolls somewhere lol)
Wis 17 (rolled 15, bumped to 17 by human '+2 any stat')
cha 5 (I am soooooo not the party face)

My general thoughts after reading Treantmonk's monk guide:

I'm strongly considering going with "Monk of the four winds" archtype, as I like the various elemental themed style feats. This does however, mean I loose stunning fist. Would I have to wait until I fulfill all the normal prerequisites if I wished to pick stunning fist later on as a feat?

I'm assuming that just because some of the cool weapons in APG/ultimate combat say 'monk' does NOT mean I am proficient with them, lol. So I'd have to take 'EWP: whichever' weapon to use them, correct? (I'm really loving the idea of a reach monk weapon for some reason, like the double-chained kama or even Kyoketsu shoge). The general idea that giving me options and reach allows me more of a chance to mess with the battlefield given my feat choices.

feats (1 base, 1 monk, 1 human)
combat reflexes (monk bonus)
stand still (human)
EWP: Kyoketsu shoge

The general idea is to use my extra AoO's, reach, and Stand Still to slow down the enemy movement. This keeps them away from our ranged attack heavy party, and lets the barbarian get to them more easily with 5 ft steps so she can keep power attacking/smashing face as much as possible.

Thoughts, answers to questions?