Black Dragon

Blackdragon's page

679 posts. 6 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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I honestly think my biggest problem with 4E was what they did with Forgotten Realms. There were just so many bad decisions in the last half dozen books attached to the change over. Killing Mystra, Mask and Eilistraee for starters. Here's a simple guideline any time you are in the middle of a story and you say Cut! Now lets jump X numebers of years into the future (This includes Battlestar Galactica) it's a bad idea. But to jump a full hundred years into the future? Awful!

What truely confused me about 4E was the whole 'Points of Light' we're not going to have a setting for the core, and then they put out a general world set of novels. What? Are the books now cannon or aren't they?

Personally I'm amazed that Ed Greenwood hasn't shown up at WoTC with a bottle of Jack Daniels and a flamethrower. IF I had built the world I'd be rabid over what they did to it.

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yellowdingo wrote:

I'm waiting for you to prove something. Anything.

Ok, here's what I've proved. I've proved that every time I reply to something you post, you change the topic. Where the hell did grain shortages in paris come from in a discussion about firewood? You make the assumption that a culture that built The Coliseum, The Parthanon, and the library at Alexandria couldn’t figure out the logistics of firewood. At one point you jumped from firewood to cannabalisim and pedophilia. You have pulled out large numbers that mean nothing, and doesn't change the fact that The Roman Empire lasted for over a thousand years! My grandfather use to say if you can't dazzle them with brilliance baffel them with BS. That's all you've been doing. Next time you see one of my posts do us both a favor and skip it.

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James Jacobs wrote:
yeah... We're pretty much sticking to the DMG numbers for city sizes. Which, honestly, are WAY too small. Paris in medieval times had millions living there. Rome had millions living there over 2,000 years ago. The cities in the DMG are very underpopulated, but thems the rules. For now. I suspect that once we get to doing city stuff in the Pathfinder RPG, we'll revisit this table, at which point Magnimar and Korvosa might end up being called large towns or small cities or something... their populations won't be changing though. Varisia's supposed to be a pretty backwoods colonial place as it is.

I'm glad to hear you're thinking about changing the chart. As it is, I usually double the number.

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Fake Healer wrote:
Toolbag the Conqueror wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:

So to adjust my list of who not to game with...EVER!

2.Whoever ikki gamed with that allowed orcs to anal-rape a say tortured brutally would have sufficed.
3.Anyone who bring in a character sheet that says "Rouge" as the class.


i really hope that that "rouge", nice spelling by the way, comment was meant for me as I assume you meant rogue in which case if you are referring to my character's partaking a previously mentioned incident that was clearly outlined as to why it happened.

Dude, I have been smackin' people around on this board over the misspelling of "Rogue" for over 1600 posts. I put that on my list of people I do not want to game with....people who can't spell a core-class right. It has nothing to do with Dexterous little tricksters, and everything to do with people who think that make-up and a hue of red make a character class.

It has nothing to do with your actions with that character. You will notice that these boards are almost purged of the misspelling of Rogue besides the rather snarky ribbing that people give me for championing this cause. That is my doing with a dash of humor.


Dude, I saw this on a shirt on cafe press and thought of you:

Rouges are red
Violets are blue
Spell my class wrong
and I'll backstab you.

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I don't target PC's usually, unless they become disruptive to the other players, or they start doing really stupid stuff.
What I will do is put out situations that I know certain players will willingly walk face first into, due to Munchkin behavior or not learning from past mistakes. Most of the time, the player that I'm most prone to doing this to, will often identify the situation as a "Munchkin Trap" and then proceed to walk head first into it anyway.
As far as Avner goes, My group killed him five times before leaving him dead. He was a pain in the ass, and I knew from the begining that my players would hate him.
As far as intentionaly pushing your DMs buttons, I say do it at your own risk. Who ever said a Dm should be impartial was dilusional. It is a human playing that part, not some saint of neutrality. Piss them off on purpose and watch them ruin your day. The worst that you can do is throw a fit, leave the game and stop playing with that group. Which could very well be what they want you to do.

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What would you say was the best Fantasy RPG ever made for any computer game system (PC, Playstation, Xbox, Genisis, Nintendo)?

My personal favorite: Baldur’s Gate 1&2 for PC. The whole series was awesome.
For Playstation I’m torn between Champions of Norath, and Shikoden 1.
For Xbox, no question: The Bard’s Tale. Quite possibly the funniest game I’ve ever played! I rented it for a weekend and then bought it Monday morning.