The Cinderlander

Blackbow's page

122 posts. Alias of Xaaon of Xen'Drik.

About Blackbow

Name: Jerrin "Blackbow" Medvyed
Home Country: Brevoy
Height 5'9"
Weight 185"
Build: Broad-shouldered
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Auburn
Age: 19

Agility: d8
-Boating d4-2
-Driving d4-2
-Fighting ** d6
-Lockpicking d4-2
-Piloting d4-2
-Riding * d4
-Shooting ** d6
-Stealth ** d6
-Swimming d4-2
-Throwing d4-2

Smarts: d6
-Healing * d4
-Investigation d4-2
-Notice * d4
-Repair d4-2
-Streetwise d4-2
-Survival ** d6
-Taunt d4-2
-Tracking ** d6
-Kn: * d4 (nature)

Spirit: d8 [increased by hindrances)
-Guts * d4
-Intimidation d4-2
-Persuasion d4-2
-Faith * d4

Strength: d6
-Climbing d4-2

Vigor: d6

Pace: 6
Charisma: 0
Parry: 5 (2+1/2 FT) (6 with Shield)
Toughness: 3 (1/2 Vi) (4 w/Armor) (+2 vs ranged)

Heroic (Major)
Loyal (minor) double starting cash
Quirk: [only eats meat once per week] (minor) +1 skill point

Beast Master


XP: 10
1st advance (Increase d4 Vigor to d6)

2nd advance: Beast Master

Equipment: 350gp
Reinforced Leather, -20g
Medium Shield -20g
Battle Axe -10g
Flail -8g
Repeating Light Crossbow -250g
40 bolts -4g
2 bolt cases -1g
Dagger -2g
wool breeches
a sturdy belt
a shirt & vest
ample wool cloak w/hood -1g
backpack -2g
winter blanket -5sp
bedroll -1sp
10 days rations - 5g 10#
26g 4s left

Advancement Plan:


2: Beast Master
3: Fighting d8
---Shooting d8
4: Arcane Background (Divine-Ranger)
-Entangle [plants/roots come alive]
-Obscure [Trappings:Dust and leaves flying about]
5: -

Secret Background

Blackbow is a tight-lipped hero, he doesn't talk about his past, as the bastard son of a Medvyed nobleman that had relations with his barmaid of a mother.

His mother was madly in love with the young rascal, at age 9, his father was killed by dark fey, the link to the throne was lost, with no way to prove his link to the throne except some love letters left by his father to his mother, he's taken this opportunity to explore and claim a nobleman's living.