Bill Schwartz's page

7 posts (35 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 aliases.


Ahh still have to be 3rd level, and waste 2 feats. Maybe a level of sorcrer dip will not be too bad (as my highest start is cha.........

I just wanted to start with a rat campanion or familair for my bard animal speaker. <pout> <pout>

Brambleman wrote:

The feat Eldritch Heritage, taken for the Arcane Bloodline. Its prerequisite is Skill Focus in the associated skill for the bloodlin, in your case, any knowledge skill.

The feat is found in Ultimate Magic IIRC

edit: Ninjas

Your quest, should you choose it: How to find a way to gain an arane bond/familiar without actually being a wizard. I see no feats that provide this and only dipping 1 level into arcane bloodline for sorcerer gives arcane bond

Need a bard who can have a rat familair or animal companion......

Talk amongst yourselves

Ayone seen any minatures of a female wearing spectacles or eye glasses? Does not matter if it was an old school figure (ala Ral Partha for example) or even a D&D mini (colored plastc).

Need one for a female spell-user with the typical smarty librian appearance.

On a side note, anyway to have a book as an Edilon or as an arcane bond?

Thanks in advance

Wasn't there a feat somewhere in one of the Paizo books where if you took it your effect level for your animal companion was equal to your character level (but could not go over your HD). That way if you were a druid or ranger you did not lose the 3 levels or if you multi-classed.

I for the life of me cannot find it.

Well story wise. Maybe the Edolon (biped form) is the entity of a long slain warrior, king, or adventurer. Who on his plane has been buried with his gear so when you call him forth from the ether his essence still has some of equipment with him.

I was looking for a way to add summon nature ally onto my sorcerer spell list somehow.

Slimes, must have more oozes and slimes............