About Big JigPROFILE Big Jig is the exiled King of Jigland, a tiny fairy kingdom along the banks of the river. ★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★ Bot Me!:
SAVES [dice=Fortitude (E)]1d20+8[/dice]
★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★ SKILLS Big Jig has a +1 to recall knowledge when holding his tome. [dice=Acrobatics] 1d20+9[/dice]
Crafting will sometimes be swapped out for an Adventure-appropriate Lore Skill. FIRST SECRETARY FLOOF
★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ◈ Command First Secretary Floof With Inspire Courage Discordant Note -Personal Antithesis- ◈ [dice=Exploit Vunerability (Esoteric Lore)]1d20+12[/dice] ◈ [dice=Discordant Note (Personal Antithesis, 20 ft. Range, Handwraps, I.C.)]1d20 +9+1+1 [/dice]
◈ [dice=Discordant Note 2nd Attack (Personal Antithesis, 20 ft. Range, Handwraps, I.C.)]1d20 +8+1+1-4 [/dice]
-Mortal Weakness- ◈ [dice=Exploit Vulnerability (Esoteric Lore)]1d20+12[/dice] ◈ [dice=Discordant Note (Mortal Weakness, 20 ft. Range, Handwraps, I.C.)]1d20 +9+1+1 [/dice]
◈ [dice=Discordant Note 2nd Attack (Mortal Weakness, 20 ft. Range, Handwraps, I.C.)]1d20 +9+1+1-4 [/dice]
Scorpion Whip -Personal Antithesis- ◈ [dice=Exploit Weakness (Esoteric Lore)]1d20+12[/dice] ◈ [dice=Scorpion Whip (Personal Antithesis, 5 ft. Reach, Disarm, Trip, Finesse, I.C.)]1d20 +9+1 [/dice]
◈ [dice=Scorpion Whip 2nd Attack (Personal Antithesis, 5 ft. Reach, Disarm, Trip, Finesse, I.C.)]1d20 +9+1-5 [/dice]
-Mortal Weakness- ◈ [dice=Exploit Weakness (Esoteric Lore)]1d20+12[/dice] ◈ [dice=Scorpion Whip (Mortal Weakness, 5 ft. Reach, Disarm, Trip, Finesse, I.C)]1d20 +9+1 [/dice]
◈ [dice=Scorpion Whip 2nd Attack (Mortal Weakness, 5 ft. Reach, Disarm, Trip, Finesse, I.C)]1d20 +9+1-5 [/dice]
★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★ Without Inspire Courage Discordant Note -Personal Antithesis- ◈ [dice=Exploit Weakness (Esoteric Lore)]1d20+12[/dice] ◈ [dice=Discordant Note (Personal Antithesis, 20 ft. Range, Handwraps)]1d20 +9+1[/dice]
◈ [dice=Discordant Note 2nd Attack (Personal Antithesis, 20 ft. Range, Handwraps)]1d20 +9 +1-4[/dice]
-Mortal Weakness- ◈ [dice=Exploit Weakness (Esoteric Lore)]1d20+12[/dice] ◈ [dice=Discordant Note (Mortal Weakness, 20 ft. Range, Handwraps)]1d20 +9 +1[/dice]
◈ [dice=Discordant Note 2nd Attack (Mortal Weakness, 20 ft. Range, Handwraps)]1d20 +9+1-4 [/dice]
Scorpion Whip -Personal Antithesis- ◈ [dice=Exploit Weakness (Esoteric Lore)]1d20+12[/dice] ◈ [dice=Scorpion Whip (Personal Antithesis, 5 ft. Reach, Disarm, Trip, Finesse)]1d20 +9 [/dice]
◈ [dice=Scorpion Whip 2nd Attack (Personal Antithesis, 5 ft. Reach, Disarm, Trip, Finesse, I.C.)]1d20 +9-5 [/dice]
-Mortal Weakness- ◈ [dice=Exploit Weakness (Esoteric Lore)]1d20+12[/dice] ◈ [dice=Scorpion Whip (Mortal Weakness, 5 ft. Reach, Disarm, Trip, Finesse)]1d20 +9 [/dice]
◈ [dice=Scorpion Whip 2nd Attack (Mortal Weakness, 5 ft. Reach, Disarm, Trip, Finesse, I.C)]1d20 +9-5 [/dice]
★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★ PFS Information:
PFS Number: 820-2010 Reputation, Experience & Equipment: See ITS PFS Chronicles & Boons Training: Scrolls ★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★ Nationality: River Kingdoms
★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★ Ancestry Sprite (Grig)
Perception: 8 (0 +4+ 4) [E]
AC 20=10+4 level +2 T +3 Dex +1 Armor ____________________ OFFENSE
Class DC: 20 [T] Speed: 20 Attacks: Check out 'Bot me!' spoiler at the top! Weapon Proficiencies
Magic Traditions GHOST SOUND CANTRIP 1:
AUDITORY CANTRIP ILLUSION Traditions arcane, occult Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal Range 30 feet Duration sustained You create an auditory illusion of simple sounds that has a maximum volume equal to four normal humans shouting. The sounds emanate from a square you designate within range. You can't create intelligible words or other intricate sounds (such as music). Heightened (3rd) The range increases to 60 feet. Heightened (5th) The range increases to 120 feet.
Telekinetic Projectile, Shield ____________________ SKILLS
Automatic: Trained in Arcana, Nature, Occultism, and Religion Trained in a number of additional skills equal to 3 plus your Intelligence modifier
See Skills in Bot Me for more information ____________________ ABILITY SCORES
Ancestry Grig Sprite: Charisma, Dexterity, Intelligence, -Strength
Ability Score Summary:
Str 10 -AF Dex 16 ABF Con 10 Int 14 AF Wis 10 Cha 18 ABCF STR 0, DEX +3, CON +0, INT +2, WIS +0, CHA +4 Background: ASPIRING RIVER MONARCH
____________________ FEATS:
Ancestry Feats and Abilities Grigs are artistic, musical, and passionate sprites with the hind body of a cricket. They often use their legs as stringed instruments, fiddling along with their songs in the same way most folk might clap their hands or snap their fingers. Cunning and courageous, grigs are always ready to protect those they love, and even strangers, from the forces of evil, but they tend to get themselves into trouble by biting off more than they can chew. Thus, adventuring with comrades suits a grig well, as friends can help them overcome otherwise unbeatable odds. Grigs love to collect art objects of all kinds, particularly those with bright colors and vibrant images, decorating their homes with wondrous mementos of their journeys and adventures. Grigs usually make their homes and villages in areas of incredible natural beauty, though they are just as often out exploring and seeking new wonders away from home. Special 1st: Small, lowlight
You can fling a portion of your magic at foes. You gain a ranged unarmed attack in the sling weapon group with a maximum range of 20 feet that deals 1d4 damage. (No ability modifier is added to the damage roll.) The damage type and name of the unarmed attack depends on your heritage, described below; most sprite heritages not presented in this book also use luminous spark. Like other unarmed attacks, you can improve this attack with handwraps of mighty blows.
The smallest of fey have ridden corgis as mounts since time immemorial, leading to a pattern on corgis' backs called a “faerie saddle.” You have formed a magical connection with a corgi that can serve as your mount. Your corgi familiar is Small rather than Tiny, and it's appropriate for use as your mount, unlike most familiars. It has the scent ability, which counts against your limit for familiar and master abilities as normal. Furthermore, it can never gain a familiar ability that grants it any Speeds other than a land Speed. If you're a pixie, you can't ride a corgi due to your Size, but you can take this feat to gain a corgi familiar. Skill Feats Background: COURTLY GRACES FEAT 1
Prerequisites trained in Society You were raised among the nobility or have learned proper etiquette and bearing, allowing you to present yourself as a noble and play games of influence and politics. You can use Society to Make an Impression on a noble, as well as with Impersonate to pretend to be a noble if you aren't one. If you want to impersonate a specific noble, you still need to use Deception to Impersonate normally, and to Lie when necessary. 1st (bonus): DUBIOUS KNOWLEDGE FEAT 1
Prerequisites trained in a skill with the Recall Knowledge action You're a treasure trove of information, but not all of it comes from reputable sources. When you fail a Recall Knowledge check using any skill, you learn a bit of true knowledge and a bit of erroneous knowledge, but you don't have any way to differentiate which is which. 2nd: VIRTUOSIC PERFORMER Feat 1
Prerequisites trained in Intimidation You can Demoralize with a mere glare. When you do, Demoralize loses the auditory trait and gains the visual trait, and you don't take a penalty if the creature doesn't understand your language. General Feats
Class Feats and Abilities ESOTERIC LORE:
Your experience with the unknown, as well as the tales you've exchanged with other thaumaturges, has taught you about strange phenomena of every kind. You become trained in Esoteric Lore, a special lore skill that can be used to Recall Knowledge regarding haunts, curses, and creatures of any type, but that can't be used to Recall Knowledge of other topics. Unlike a normal Lore skill, you use Charisma as your modifier on Esoteric Lore checks. You also gain the Dubious Knowledge skill feat. At 3rd level, you become an expert in Esoteric Lore; at 7th level, you become a master in Esoteric Lore; and at 15th level, you become legendary in Esoteric Lore. EXPLOIT VULNERABILITY:
You know that every creature, no matter how obscure, has a weakness. By identifying and empowering the right object, you can strike down even the most resilient of monsters. You gain the Exploit Vulnerability action. EXPLOIT VULNERABILITY [one-action]
Frequencyonce per round Requirements You are holding your implement. You scour your experiences and learning to identify something that might repel your foe. You retrieve an object from your esoterica with the appropriate supernatural qualities, then use your implement to stoke the remnants of its power into a blaze. Select a creature you can see and attempt an Esoteric Lore check against a standard DC for its level, as you retrieve the right object from your esoterica and use your implement to empower it. You gain the following effects until you Exploit Vulnerabilities again. Critical Success You remember the creature's weaknesses, and as you empower your esoterica, you have a flash of insight that grants even more knowledge about the creature. You learn all of the creature's resistances, weaknesses, and immunities, including the amounts of the resistances and weaknesses and any unusual weaknesses or vulnerabilities, such as what spells will pass through a golem's antimagic. You can exploit either the creature's mortal weakness or personal antithesis (see below). Your unarmed and weapon Strikes against the creature also become magical if they weren't already. Success You recall an important fact about the creature, learning its highest weakness (or one of its highest weaknesses, if it has multiple with the same value) but not its other weaknesses, resistances, or immunities. You can exploit either the creature's mortal weakness or personal antithesis. Your unarmed and weapon Strikes against the creature also become magical if they weren't already. Failure Failing to recall a salient weakness about the creature, you instead attempt to exploit a more personal vulnerability. You can exploit only the creature's personal antithesis. Your unarmed and weapon Strikes against the creature also become magical if they weren't already. Critical Failure You couldn't remember the right object to use and become distracted while you rummage through your esoterica. You become flat-footed until the beginning of your next turn. Mortal Weakness After identifying a creature's weakness, you use a thematically resonant bit of esoterica to attune your attacks to your discovery. Your unarmed and weapon Strikes activate the highest weakness you discovered with Exploit Vulnerability, even though the damage type your weapon deals doesn't change. This damage affects the target of your Exploit Vulnerability, as well as any other creatures of the exact same type, but not other creatures with the same weakness. For example, when fighting a pack of werewolves, you might use silver shavings or crushed moonstone to deal damage that applies their weakness to silver to your attacks against any of the werewolves, but you wouldn't apply this damage to any other monsters with a weakness to silver. Personal Antithesis You improvise a custom weakness on a creature by forcefully presenting and empowering a piece of esoterica that repels it on an individual level; for instance, against a tyrant, you might procure a broken chain that once held a captive. This causes the target creature, and only the target creature, to gain a weakness against your unarmed and weapon Strikes equal to 2 + half your level. IMPLEMENT'S EMPOWERMENT:
The power of your implement can also be turned to the more common task of combat, its power adding to and amplifying the effects of runes and other magical empowerments. When you Strike, you can trace mystic patterns with an implement you're holding to empower the Strike, causing it to deal 2 additional damage per weapon damage die. Channeling the power requires full use of your hands. You don't gain the benefit of implement's empowerment if you are holding anything in either hand other than a single one-handed weapon, other implements, or esoterica, and you must be holding at least one implement to gain the benefit. TOME (active):
Tome implements embody lost knowledge and otherworldly insights. While a weathered book is most common, tome implements can have as many different form factors as there are ways to store knowledge, from carved clay tablets to bundles of knotted cords. Tome implements are associated with the harrow suit of books and the astrological signs of the stargazer and the underworld dragon.
Initiate Benefit While you hold your tome, lines of text appear on the open pages, revealing useful information. While you hold your tome, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to all skill checks to Recall Knowledge. During your daily preparations, you can gain the trained proficiency rank in two skills of your choice until you prepare again. You retain the benefit as long as the tome is on your person, even if you aren't holding it. At 3rd level, you're an expert in one of the skills and trained in the other, and at 5th level, you're an expert in both skills. Since these proficiencies are temporary, you can't use them as a prerequisite for a skill increase or a permanent character option like a feat. Adept Benefit 7th In addition to the initiate benefits, your tome inscribes insights into creatures that you can use to strike them down. While holding your tome, at the start of your turn each round, attempt a check to Recall Knowledge about a creature of your choice that you're observing. If this check succeeds, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your next attack roll against that creature before the start of your next turn. When you gain temporary skill proficiencies during your daily preparations, one is at expert proficiency and the other at master proficiency. At 9th level, you have master proficiency in both. REGALIA (this will come in at 5th level):
Regalia implements represent rulership, leadership, and social connections. While they differ in shape depending on regional customs and markers used to signify authority, common regalia implements are scepters, jeweled orbs, and heraldic banners. Regalia implements are associated with the harrow suit of crowns and the astrological signs of the patriarch and the sovereign dragon.
Initiate Benefit While you hold your regalia, you gain an air of authority and bolster the courage of allies who believe in you. Your regalia aids you when you attempt to convince others. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Deception, Diplomacy, and Intimidation checks. Allies who can see you can use Follow the Expert to follow you even if you're only trained in a skill and not an expert, due to the competence you clearly exude. When they do, the circumstance bonus they gain from Following the Expert is +1. When you are holding your regalia, you gain an inspiring aura that stokes the courage of you and all allies in a 15-foot emanation who can see you, granting them a +1 status bonus to saving throws against fear. At the end of your turn, at the same time you would reduce your frightened value by 1, you reduce the frightened value of all allies within your inspiring aura by 1. Your aura has the emotion, mental, and visual traits. Feat 1st: DIVERSE LORE FEAT 1
Your wandering studies mean you've heard rumors or theories about almost every topic... though admittedly, your sources aren't always the most reliable. You can take a –2 penalty to your check to Recall Knowledge with Esoteric Lore to Recall Knowledge about any topic, not just the usual topics available for Esoteric Lore. Additionally, when you succeed at your check to Exploit a Vulnerability, compare the result of your Esoteric Lore check to the DC to Recall Knowledge for that creature; if that number would be a success or a critical success, you gain information as if you had succeeded at the Recall Knowledge check. Feat 2nd: BARD DEDICATION FEAT 2
Prerequisites Charisma 14
Prerequisites polymath muse You can rely on the grandeur of your performances rather than ordinary social skills. You can use Performance instead of Diplomacy to Make an Impression and instead of Intimidation to Demoralize. You can also use an acting Performance instead of Deception to Impersonate. You can use your proficiency rank in Performance to meet the requirements of skill feats that require a particular rank in Deception, Diplomacy, or Intimidation. ____________________ FIRST SECRETARY FLOOF (Corgi Familiar):
Corgi Familiar (level 3)
Senses: Low-light vision and scent (imprecise, 30 ft). It can communicate empathically with you as long as it's within 1 mile of you, sharing emotions. It doesn't understand or speak languages normally, but it can gain speech from a familiar ability. Movement: 40 feet Familiar Abilities:
Level 2: Bard Dedication: Polymath Muse, 2 Occult Cantrips, Skill Feat