Golem in Progress

Anvil the Android's page

47 posts. Organized Play character for jooker.

Full Name





Wizard(metal) 1










Common, Hallit, Orc, Dwarven, Draconic

Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 10
Charisma 6

About Anvil the Android

Google Doc (Always up to date) can be found here.


HP 8; Speed 30
Defenses AC 13 (touch 13, FF 10); CMD 13
Saves Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2
Attacks Touch +4, Dagger +5 (1d4); CMB +0
Feats Scribe Scroll*, Weapon Finesse
Traits/Flaws Burned*, Local Ties, Elemental Pupil, Criminal
Skills Craft(mechanical) +8, Disable Device +8, Knowledge(arcana) +8, Knowledge(dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge(engineering) +9, Perception +2, Sense Motive -4, Spellcraft +8
Racial Traits Exceptional Senses, Constructed, Emotionless, Nanite Surge
Class Abilities Metal Skin, Iron Rending

0: All Player’s Guide plus Jolt
1: Mage Armor, Infernal Healing, Shocking Grasp, Color Spray, Disguise Self, Reduce Person

0: Detect Magic, Jolt, Mage Hand, Mending*
1: Mage Armor, Shocking Grasp, Shocking Grasp*

Spell Component Pouch
Bonded Dagger
Belt Pouch
Scroll Case


Anvil was created as an android slave to the technic league. His master treated him just as any other machine. His job was simple, make and repair tools, and stay out of the way. His name comes from the life that he was given. “Anvil” was originally used as a degrading statement. His master would tell other members of the technic league to “go use anvil” or similar demeaning statements. They were intended to remind anvil of his place as a tool and a piece of equipment.

Eventually, anvil was given some freedom as he had shown that he was loyal and productive. One day, he was sent on a supply run to buy materials and check their quality before purchase. Just as he was returning to the workshop, it exploded. The fire blazed fast and hot. Within seconds he was covered in burns. He dropped the supplies and ran for shelter as fast as he could. When he returned to the shop, it was swarming with technic league members picking through the debris. Anvil took this opportunity to magically disguiser his form and escape.

He never found out if it was a scheme by other league members, or an accident, but he never really cared to look into it. Anvil came to find out that his master had a lengthy will that delegated his possessions to others on the case of his death, but Anvil was not among them. He took this as a sign that he was free.

When the workshop exploded, no one came looking for him. Everyone that knew he existed assumed that he had perished in the blaze. Those that had some idea that he might have escaped did not care. His master had done such an effective job of marginalizing him and his work to the point that he was not missed.

Anvil spent the next few months scraping together a living disguised as a beggar. Eventually he was offered a job as a “locksmith.” He was hired to open doors for a man and then leave. Little did the naive android know, he was unlocking private residences for thieves. The officials caught wind of his action and began looking for him. He took the money he had acquired and left the city. He traveled to the city of torch and went back to his job of panhandling disguised.

Shortly after he arrived in torch, a man named Khonnir Baine saw through his disguise and took him as a pupil. He saw Anvil’s aptitude with metal and taught him the basics of technology. They worked together for a few weeks, but then he vanished. Anvil has now decided to join a band of adventurers to find his mentor and friend.