
Betwixt's page

Organized Play Member. 65 posts (94 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

The spell Emotive Block adds an emotion component to all spellcasting/spell-like abilities, but it also happens to be a non-harmless spell with the emotion descriptor; does emotive block trigger its own clause and block spellcasting with an emotional component?

If this is the case the spell seems much better than Cognitive Block, and even better than Mental Block since it doesn't allow any save after the first.

Something I have always disliked about wizards, in spite of the fact I love wizards, is the fact that specialist wizards really don't feel like they are all that devoted to any school of magic.

So with this in mind, I have always wondered how wizards would fair if:
A) They had to specialise in a school of magic.
B) They could ONLY cast spells from their specialty school.

My gut feeling is that for some schools of magic the class would essentially still function "out of the box", conjuration and transmutation I feel would both function fine if they could take nothing from any other school. But others I feel may struggle, for instance abjuration and divination I feel would find themselves kind of wondering what to do.

With this in mind, do people feel a similar way? Would a way to balance this be to revamp school powers and potentially give more active ones to the struggling schools? I feel like it would be difficult to manage simply because I'd want to flat out give LESS powers to certain schools, but that would ruin the symmetry of progression.

Necromantic Servant

"As a standard action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to raise a single human skeleton or human zombie from the ground to serve you for 10 minutes per occultist level you possess or until it is destroyed, whichever comes first. This servant has a number of hit points equal to 1/2 your maximum hit point total (not adjusted for temporary hit points or other temporary increases). It also uses your base attack bonus and gains a bonus on damage rolls equal to 1/2 your occultist level. At 5th level, whenever the necromantic servant would be destroyed, if you are within medium range (100 feet + 10 feet per level) of the servant, you can expend 1 point of mental focus as an immediate action to cause the servant to return to full hit points. At 9th level, you can choose to give the servant the bloody or burning simple template (if it's a skeleton) or the fast simple template (if it's a zombie). At 13th level, when you take an immediate action to restore your servant, it splits into two servants. You can have a maximum number of servants in existence equal to 1/2 your occultist level. At 17th level, the servant gains a teamwork feat of your choice."

As bold in the above, the maximum number of servants you can have in existence is equal to 1/2 your Occultist level, which at level 1, is 0. Does this mean that essentially while you can acquire this power at level 1, it essentially does nothing until you hit level 2?

I'm looking for help coming up with the most delicious blooded character I can. Basically, what race/feat/traits would make a humanoid 's blood as tasty as possible for a vampire?

I was thinking that an elf or a half-elf would be probably quite tasty, or maybe a human with some traits/feats with fey ancestry. But I'm curious to hear what others think would make mortal blood as delectable as possible!?

Can you dispel the effects of 'constant' spell-like abilities?

If so what type of action would it be to resume the effects? Free or standard? Or would they stay suppressed similar to a magic item?

Hi everyone,

I have an abjurer who will be playing through Wrath of the Righteous and am looking for advice on how to best build/price a particularly mythic staff for him.

He will be taking the Legendary Item path ability 3 times to make it a major artifact, but it is also his arcane bond and so will be hopefully enchanted quite heavily.

I was thinking of eventually building up towards something like this, but am utterly stumped with how to accurately price it, and would rather have a bit of a more sound idea before I put it to my GM:

Staff of the Abjurant Lord

+10 competence bonus on spellcraft checks (10000) (Increased by 50% to 15000?)
functions as ring of counterspells (4000gp) (Increased by 50% to 6000?)
3/day as a free action when countering a spell may reflect it on the caster, as spell turning. (Price???)
+4 bonus on caster level checks (Price???) or possibly a bonus to caster level for abjuration spells alone?

Greater Dispel Magic: 400 x 6 x 11 = 26400/2 = 13200
Resist Energy: 300 x 2 x 11 = 6600
Shield: 200 x 1 x 11 = 2200

Any advice on pricing or even simply interesting ideas for novel, not necessarily powerful, abjuration themed effects would be very much appreciated!

Did it strike anyone else as odd that Ardathanatus was an elf and not a drow? He certainly suits worshipping a nascent demon lord and all, and certain other elves seem to have transformed into drow for less...

What exactly does it take for an elf to fall so far they are warped into a drow?