Benjamin Oakley's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Create Mr. Pitt wrote:
Milo v3 wrote:
Ventnor wrote:

So, Auras work on the Green Lantern colors=emotions idea?

I can dig it.

Auras work on the Jainism and Hinduism linking of Auras with Colours. Green Lantern came out... a fair bit after those :p

DC's lawyers say the question is still out on this...

There will likely be a green lantern inspired archetype in a couple of months.

There is a captain america archetype for brawler already.

Athel wrote:
Arachnofiend wrote:
She's unarmored and using a spellbook while she casts, definitely not the kineticist.
She is the psychic, as confirmed in this blog. (Although psychics are spontaneous casters, so the spellbook is just a prop.

They are also in a library, so she could be going through the books. could be either one.