Spell Sovereign

Belousov Zhabotinsky's page

38 posts. Alias of RainyDayNinja (RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16).

Organized Play Characters

Kaigon the Miscreant
Liberty's Edge Oxirane

Male Dwarf HP 89/89, 1 Con | AC 29/T 23/FF 26 | CMD 39 (45 vs. trip, 43 BR, 41 grap)| Saves +12/+12/+11 (+2 vs. psn, stun, paralyze, spells & SLA, ench.) | Init +4 | Perc +23 | SM +16 | Ki 6/10 | ElemF 6/10 | StunF 6/10 | Heroes' Feast, Bark, ResistAcid30 (152 posts)
Female Fighter
Dark Archive Friedel Crafts

Female Aasimar Mammoth Rider | AC 24 T 16 FF 20 | HP 76/76 | DR 5/Blud | F+12 R+8 W+10; +2 vs. [evil] | Init +2 | Perc -1 (DarkVis 60) | SM +5 | DefBone (0/50), MagVes (52 posts)
The Exchange Furan

Halfling Ninja 1/ Fighter (Lore Warden) 2 (2 posts)
Sanvil Trett
Grand Lodge Calomel

Human AC 25 T 12 FF 22 | HP 44/44 | F +10 R +11 W +9 | Init +3 | Perc +6 | SM +11 | Smite 1/1 | Panache 2/3 | LoH (1d6) 4/4 | Martial Flex (4/4) | Divine Favor (57 posts)
Corvin Tergsvor
Silver Crusade Butyl Ithyomsson

M Aasimar Cleric (Separatist) 13 | HP 97/97, 1 Dex dam | DR 5/Blud (15/50) | AC 25/T 13/FF 23 | CMD 23 | Saves +14/+10/+20 | Init +7 | Perc +11 | SM +15 | DefBone, LifeBubble, ResistElec30 (265 posts)
Sovereign Court Viscount Aziridine Antali

Wayang Lore Warden (6 posts)
Grand Lodge San Xiao Ji Jia Ben

AC 22 T 15 FF 18 | HP 80+11/80 | F +15 R +20 W +12 (+1 vs. psn, disease; Immune evil mind control) | Init +11 | Perc +25 (30 vs. traps) (Dark 60) | SM +8 | Bomb 5/19 | Wing 8/11 | Boot 5/10 | HeightAware, InvMind (6), Heroism, DexMut (171 posts)
Scarab Sages Fatima al-Izarin

Female Tiefling Swash 1/Kensai 8 | AC 26 T 15 FF 23 | HP 68/68 | F +12 R +14 W +10 | Init +15 | Perc +4 | Panache 3/3 | Arcane Pool 9/9 | Darkness 1/1 | Corset 10/10 | Shield, Mage Armor, Blessing of Fervor, Haste, Arcane Pool (123 posts)
Jakaw Razorbeak
Grand Lodge Dexter T. Rose

Tengu "LN" Inquisitor 5 | AC 21 T 15 FF 16 | HP 38/38 | F +6 R +7 W +8 (+5 vs. truth) | Init +10 | Perc +13 (low-light vision) | Sense Motive +11 | Blessed Infiltration 2/3 | Bane 5/5 | Discern Lies 5/5 | (127 posts)
Silver Crusade The Physician

Aasimar Bard 8 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | HP 67/67 | F +8 R +12 W +10; +4 vs. sonic, language | Init +13 | Perc +5 (DarkVis 60) | SM +21 | Perform 18/23 | InvMind (5/8), MageArmor, ResistEvil10, HeightAware (92 posts)

Grand Lodge Joseph Kellogg 123
(0 posts)
Silver Crusade Ticlo "Mr. Tickle" Brann

Half-Elf Bloodrager 4 | AC 20 T 11 FF 19 | HP 35/35 | F +6 R +3 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc +9 (low-light vision) | Sense Motive +0 | Rage 6/15 | Rage, Long Arm, Englarge (113 posts)
Prankster Illusionist
Sovereign Court Piper Azine

Gnome Wizard (Illusionist) 7 | AC 17 T 13 FF 15 | HP 63/51 | F +7 R +6 W +7 (+2 vs. Illusion) | Init +8 | Perc +2 (low-light) | Sense Motive +0 | Blinding Ray 8/8 | MageArmor (458 posts)

Grand Lodge Joseph Kellogg 123
(0 posts)
Jask Derindi
Scarab Sages Finn Olthaleen

Human Barb 1/ Wizard 1 | AC 18 T 10 FF 16 | HP 27/27 | F +6 R +2 W +4 | Init +4 | Perc +0 | SM +0 | Rage (11/12) | RAGE, Mage Armor, Shield (6/10) (140 posts)

Grand Lodge Finn Olthaleen real
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Cal0mel

Human Paladin 1 (0 posts)