About Sarvus Trask
Quote: “Remember my name. You will soon hear it spoken across the Expanse.”
WS 43
BS 34
Str (3)0
T (3)1
Ag (3)8
Int (4)2
Per (3)3
WP (4)6
Fel (5)1
Half Action: 3m Full Action: 6m
Charge: 9m Run: 18m
Awareness (Per)
Charm +10 (Fel)
Common Lore (Imperium) (Int)
Deceive (Fel)
Dodge (Ag)
Pilot (Space Craft) (Ag)
Scholastic Lore (Astromancy) (Int)
Scholastic Lore (Occult) (Int)
Search (Per)
Special Ability: Trask possesses the Commanding Presence special
ability. Once per Round, he can grant a +10% bonus to an ally for any
Test, as long as the ally can see and hear him.
Balanced: Trask’s power sword is expertly crafted and easy for a
trained combatant to wield. He receives a +10% bonus to his Weapon
Skill Tests made to Parry with this weapon.
Power Field: Trask’s power sword is wreathed in energy that increases
its Damage and Penetration (already included in the weapon’s stats).
Additionally, when this power sword is used to Parry an attack from
a weapon without a power fi eld, there is a 75% chance the attacking
weapon is destroyed.
Two-Weapon Wielder: Rogue Trader Sarvus Trask is ambidextrous
and trained to fi ght with both his power sword and pistol at the same
time. On his Turn, he can make one Standard Attack with either
weapon without penalty. Alternatively, as a Full Action, he can attack
with both weapons at the same time.
Micro-bead, void-breather, set of fi ne clothing, xeno-pelt cloak, 2
clips of stub ammo.
Name: Power sword
Class: Melee Damage: 1d10+8 Pen: 6
Special Rules: Balanced, Power Field
Name: Kulth Sixkiller Stub Revolver
Class: Pistol Damage: 1d10+4 Pen: 2
Range: 30m ROF: S/–/– Clip: 6 Reload: Full
Special Rules: None
Storm Trooper Carapace Armour
Armour Points: 6
Wounds 12
Fate Points 3
Description: Sarvus Trask is a bold, charismatic man of class and culture; he was born aboard the orbital station of Port Wander and rose
to prominence there as a scion of a young and fairly new Rogue Trader dynasty. Founded by Sarvus’ paternal grandfather, Jorvus Trask, the
lineage has suffered from hard times and setbacks. Sarvus is determined to bring his family’s warrant of trade back to greatness.